Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Hahaha I had to go back and add a gif to my post because yours was so awesome looking :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Lol…i love it :heart:
Let’s get this party started for Dana :partying_face::partying_face:


Hahaha absolutely!!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Hey all, checking in on day 1267. I hope everybody has a good one!


:people_hugging: :heart: :hugs: :kissing_heart:




Day 19. Good morning, boy I can’t lie. Yesterday was pretty rough once I got home. My mom was just in a grouchy mood, she’s not feeling good so like I totally understand. But the kids were just being kids and she was getting them ready for there recital and I was helping where I could. She was just so snappy with them, she’s always a pretty snappy and irritable person as I am too sometimes. But idk she was just being extra snappy with the girls and yelling over little things and yelling at them over having feelings and not liking things and it was really bothering me autumn went it to brush her teeth and she yelled at her and made her start crying for trying to be responsible, I didn’t start a fight or even say anything I just tried to support autumn and let her know she was ok. Idk it was just a hard time yesterday, but we got through and had a good recital and time. My girls mother doesn’t want the girls to stay the night bc she said it’s causing issues with my youngest and I think it’s bullshit bc I’m only here a day or two, idk Im just going to say my gratitudes. Much love


Stability and structure are super important for kids. I know it’s hard to see but the girls mom might be right for now. If the courts get involved with custody and mom enforces the order it would be super stutured. See your girls as often as you can but continue to work on your sobriety. Put it first no matter what, because without it they’re gonna end up without a dad.


Checking in on day 144. Have a beautiful day, everyone.


I know what you mean man. I’m not arguing with her or even saying anything about it. Just venting here lol


I’m feeling a bit better this morning. It finally stopped raining so I got out for a nice walk.


Day 325. Feeling motivated to get things done for the week. Being sober any time, particularly around the holidays really makes me more mindful of the way alcohol is marketed to the general public. I’ve heard multiple ads, “come get all of your essentials”… then following up with a list including wine, beer, spirits or all of the above. I also don’t think there are many Christmas movies that don’t include alcoholic drinks as a component of celebrating the holiday. Makes me more motivated to provide my family with a childhood of alcohol-free memories. So they grow up seeing it is completely not essential. They unfortunately have also seen how damaging it can be in the past. Only way to move is forward.

Have a great day, everyone.


200w (2)

Happy birthday :balloon::birthday::balloon: @Butterflymoonwoman
Wishing you all the best. You are amazing :star_struck:


Day 79
Out with two siblings last night. One is in treatment for a cancer recurrence. One day at a time


Day 182 AF.
I’ve been out for a walk today up Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh. My mood is nothing special today but I’m content enough.
This is the view from the top of the hill.



Basically been detained in Los Angeles (not legally)

The airline crew that allowed me to get through checking in to come to LA didn’t scan my passport checking in or something. The Border Patrol Services allowed me through with a warning but didn’t state that I wouldn’t be allowed to even get through flight check in to fly back.

So now my family had to fly back home with out me and I’m all alone in an airport.

Doesn’t seem like much but holy f… I’m devastated.

I can’t be alone right now…


day 642 no self harm

yesterday was good I went to bingo with my grandpa mom and sister. it was fun. by the end of the day I was really overstimulated and having a bad time but that happens most Saturdays.

I just woke up but I wanted to vent about this issue. i live in a small house. i sleep until noon because I’m chronically ill and exhausted and I just like sleep. i don’t expect everyone to be silent or make a ton of effort to be. but they act like I’m not even sleeping. I’ve had really simple requests like please do not get ready together (my mom and sister) in the bathroom closest to my room because it shares a wall with my bed… all I ask is please get ready or talk in our other bathroom which is on the other side of the house and they can’t even do that. i end up waking up angry every single day because of this. I’d be in huge trouble if I ever woke my mom up, but the thing is I never would. when my mom and sister are sleeping I make an effort to be quiet because that’s the polite thing to do. i hate that my family is never willing to make the same effort I do for them. this happens in lots of other ways and it makes me feels so unloved. yet I continue to go out of my way for them


How peaceful and beautiful!!! I’m glad you’re feeling better Karen!!!


@JennyH thank you :blush: 🩵 congrats on 80 days :tada:
@zzz congrats on 70 days :tada:
@KarenKW you’re definitely not alone with these thoughts and feelings. :people_hugging:🩵
@Juli1 sending strength :people_hugging:🩵 congrats on your week :tada:

1210 days no alcohol.
675 days no cocaine.
190 days no vape.

I didn’t get to sleep until 2am this morning, then my cats woke me up for their breakfast at 3:45am and I couldn’t get back to sleep again. I do though, feel energised considering.

I have read a lot of the book I recently started today. It is really interesting. So far it’s about how all of the philosophers in history attempted to define happiness and how to attain it. It’s called Happy, and it’s by Derren Brown.

I walked to the shopping centre to get some of Wolfie’s wet food, luckily they had some as the pet store have sold out. I also got my dad a few of his favourite Xmas treats to go with his gifts. It snowed overnight so it was very slippery and I slipped and slided many times but managed to stay upright, I’m hoping the rain will melt it so I can go for a proper lake walk tomorrow.

I’ve been doing my new physio exercises every night, and using hot water bottles on my lower back, they are soothing.

I also hoovered today, pleased about that.

I hope you’ve all had wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



So sorry to hear that @anon68572606 .
What you’re going to do about it? That sounds awful :disappointed:
Hope there’s a solution to get you out of this terrible situation.
Stay strong.