Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Checking in on day 353 sober, close to my 1 year sober i cant even explain the gratitude but also mixed emotions i am feeling around this time. 1 day at a time, God bless everyone. Nothing that a drink will fix


Welcome, Pedro! This is a great community, glad you are here.:pray:


Just checking in on day 112.


Happy Thursday! Day 16. I love reading all 9f your posts so that you for sharing. Didnā€™t sleep well but i think thats what i get for having coffee last night at 7:30 ugg. From now on I stop at noon.

I have a pretty important meeting this afternoon and surprisingly im not all stressed out. Yes I am concerned but not in panic mode like I would have been 3 weeks ago. Really turning it over to God is awesome. I would say I did and then still be obsessed and worry. Even though that is my nature im working on that not consuming me. God sees the entire timeline I can only see a snapshot which is the now.

Enough of my rambling. Have an awesome sober dayy friends!!


Checking in with 1400 days
Fuck ya!!



iā€™m so damn excited Eric ā€“ way to go on your 1400 days my friend - you are absolutely crushing it :muscle:
Appreciate you reminding us to be nice as we are all here fighting a demon and only we all know and understand how rough this road can be. You are amazing Eric - keep being you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

1400 days and feeling great :hugs:



Thanks Jazzy :pray:t2::heart::hugs:


Nice numbers you have there :+1: :wink: :clap:


Quick check in :sunglasses:

Iā€™ve missed way too many check ins of you guys.
My body hurts from the workout yesterday, I wonā€™t be able to do any sports today. Iā€™m busy since 11am (itā€™s 4:30pm now) :crazy_face: Does this count as a workout?
Now cleaning the mess Iā€™ve caused, then inhaling food and then time to read :pray:

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :kissing_heart::muscle:


:sunny: Checking in :sunny:
Day 627
Today will be about getting back on track and taking care of some odds n ends. Theres multiple things around the home that need tending to so ill be taking care of those. I am also going to really push myself to lead a healthier lifestyle. Yesterday my lower back was hurting bcuz of all the extra weight ive put on. It really got to me. I was feeling very defeated bcuz i have been struggling with my binge eating for awhile now and sort of felt like just throwing in the towel and giving up. Thinking whats the point of me constantly trying to fix this issue when i keep failing. But this morning, i have a different outlook. Im going to take this one day at a time. Im going to be active and eat healthy everyday. And just get back to feeling better about things. I wanted so badly to just go back to bed as soon as I got my son on the bus. But i didnt. Im taking care of my To Do list now and then will exercise. Just want to send a hug to anyone whose struggling today and a huge congratulations to anyone celebrating a milestone :butterfly:


I also feel a little bad, because of speaking about Higher Power again. I learned that here are many different path seekers. For example Agnostics too. And I said before I will try to be more careful on how I speak. So I want to correct myself. I know I once tried to connect the dots on the different thread but was not understood and asked to leave. In respect - I deleted everything I had wrote.

After todays big confession, I see I was unable to confess it without mentioning Higher Power, but I want to correct myself in a way so others would understood my point - Never loose Hope, Never stop searchingā€¦ that is whole pointā€¦

Speaking about miracles, I donā€™t know for everyone itā€™s own, it can come in many different shapes or formsā€¦

If you donā€™t believe in miracles, just believe in yourself and othersā€¦ As speaking from non religious point of view - Being good, Being good to others - THAT is what REALLY matters - and indeed all those teachings is that what it is all aboutā€¦

Being good, Being good to others. Lowering our ego.

Worth to mentioning, indeed, the first religion the roots of the religions had these 3 simple words as a fundamental ground:

Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds.

That is what matters.

And You are doing it my friends, you are here, taking care of each other - that is what matters.

(Answer is in Unity - Not Separation)

I wish you ALL luck, Friends :blue_heart:


Been to hospital. Heā€™s had three stents fitted. Seems OK. Modern technology is incredible


HUGE congratulations on ur amazing 1400 days of freedom! Ur truly an inspiration to me Eric :slight_smile: i feel so blessed to be on this journey with u


@danam56 love the new year manifestationsā€¦ hope they become reality for you. I am so sorry aobut your back. Sucks that you have already done the surgery route and are still dealing with pain. Do doctorā€™s have any other options to help out?
@chuckie22 grateful for good understanding friends ā€“ glad you were able to have a good talk. OOH ā€“ excited to hear about your adventures :heart:
@timetochange grateful that your dad is getting good care and hopefully will be on the road to recovery very soon.
@mia2 I am sorry for the low energy. A low battery could most definitely be a cause of you always giving to others and not getting anything in return. It does suck when its your own family but I do think it can be turned around. Sometimes our loved ones donā€™t even realize that they are behaving this way. Sending you strength in finding a way to communicate your need with them and being able to set up healthy boundaries for yourself. Sending you energy to give you a boost :heart:
@bomdhil WOWZERS my friend ā€“ 2 weeks and you are making your life a masterpiece! Doing so amazingly well Thomas ā€“ keep showing up for yourself my friend. Yes ā€“ 1 year is creeping up and I am excited about it. Made it my first Halloween sober and now the holiday season and my birthday will be the true tests. I believe I can and will pass them!

This is key to remember! So excited for you ā€“ one year is just days away. Looking forward to celebrating your accomplishments with you. :tada:
@frank68 best of luck with your meeting today ā€“ hope it goes smoothly. I too need to stop caffeine earlier in the day or it keeps me awake. I miss the day I could drink a coffee to fall asleep :laughing:
@butterflymoonwoman I am sorry your back I hurting. I do hope you are able to find relief. Grateful for your new outlook and attacking life ODAAT with positivity :mucle:


Happy birthday soon Menno!!! I completely understand disliking birthdays but if you private message me your address it would bring me great joy to send you a card from Iowa USA. šŸ©¶šŸ©·


Day 624 alcohol free for me. Tough night, some tears but Iā€™m heading in the right direction today. 12 hours of work today have me looking forward to a weekend. The worst decision I could make today would be to go backward.


I guess youā€™re rightā€¦

Yayyy Iā€™m feeling boostedā€‹:laughing::heart:

Had the most interesting therapy session today, feeling lifted up. God I appreciate going to therapy and I have already started to live more honestly and clearly because of thisā€¦ very grateful.
Have a lot of work coming up but Im just focusing on each today. Have started taking Vitamin D to prep for the upcoming light shortness during the winter. Have been eating healthy, because I know this also has a big effect on overall wellbwing and mood.

@JazzyS I believe in you to rock the upcoming challenges of your birthday and the holiday season. Youā€™re amazing and you can do it! :metal:

I relate to this a lot. Thatā€™s great, right outlook. Rooting for you.

Big congratulations, you rock!:muscle::muscle::muscle:
Super proud.

Iā€™m also thinking about this. Will try to reach out to more people again. Rooting for you!


I appreciate your thoughtful feedback. I wanted to reassure you that collectively the moderators have been reflecting on and discussing Looking4Support and the support / reception that they received on TS, including our own interactions. As such, we are all cognizant of areas for improvement, collectively and individually. Our goal is for newcomers to feel welcome and respected, and that clearly was not the case.


Dad back in for more surgery tomoro. I may need to be here longer. Not sure.


Sending healing energy your way. Hope everything goes well with the surgery :pray::people_hugging: