Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Day 5 sober from alcohol, drugs, vaping, ciggs

I stayed in bed all day which kind of disappoints me, but it’s the weekend and I’m not at the bar falling into bad habits like my usual nights. Tomorrow I will try to get outside, maybe go on a trail walk at the park


Don’t do this for the approval of others, you are right. You need to do the\is for you and you only. Thanks for all you shared. You got this
Kim d21


Thanks Jazzy! I feel GREAT!


Checking in on day 221


Keep working, keep pushing, keep going!!!


Each one of you are worth it!!!



@JazzyS thanks for sharing your birthday :balloon:.


3.41am check in here.

My wife had a party for her birthday in our house tonight, fancy dress, lots of people, and a ton of alcohol.

Proud to say I wasn’t at all tempted to stray or cave and have a few with my pals.


Sometimes I see these numbers and it feels surreal. One part of me feels like living the sober life is just the norm now without any major hiccups. Another side of me is mildly impressed because many times during my numerous relapses I didn’t think I would eventually reach this far.
4.44 is a beautiful number but to be honest, any sober number is worth acknowledging. Without the small numbers before, I wouldn’t be here today. And just for today I am grateful :pray:
To those who are struggling, please NEVER give up trying, you just never know when sobriety will all start falling into place… today could be that day x


65 days AF

I will stay sober.
I am grateful for mentorship :pray:


Good morning :sunny:

Checking in on a day 14 :four_leaf_clover:. Have a nice weekend everyone :heart:


Day 47:

Not a bad Saturday. Slept a little better last night, but still not getting enough sleep. Really starting to miss not feeling tired all day. Went to my daughter’s volleyball tournament, they lost today, but still managed to finish 4th in the state. Much higher than they were projected so it was a good way to end her high school volleyball days, only a few tears shed.

Came home and both my kids came over for an early dinner. BBQ’d some cheeseburgers and made some curly fries, not the healthiest but soooo good. They left and I relaxed watching some football. Did my day 4 of the November workout challenge, did a little reading and found my way to bed.

Had a momentary thought about drinking when my kids left, I used to look forward to when I was home alone on the weekends so I could have a drink while watching football. But that was just a momentary thought, old habits die hard, Quickly pushed it out of my head realizing how happy I am sober, happy I woke up this morning on time, able to support my daughter and enjoy her last game, able to have my kids over for dinner without running upstairs to sneak drinks of vodka, able to do some reading and get a workout in at night instead of passing out on the couch. Proud of my 47 days, not a lot, but it’s a good start.

Good night for now!


Checking in on day 595. It sounds very windy and rainy outside but I’ve no plans to be outside too much today. Some dog walking but that’s all. :sparkling_heart:


583 days AF
Still going!



My cousin’s 50th birthday party was nice and not as hip and arty farty as I feared. Lots of family and (very) old friends of hers. I didn’t stay that long but that was just because I was tired. It was nice to see lots of folks I know from before. And see them sober.

I need to be out soon because I’m getting vaccinated this morning. After that I’m not sure yet. Might go straight back home. The weather’s not particularly appealing. Then again, if I wait for better weather I might have to wait until April or May. I’ll see. One day at a time right. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from last night’s ferry across the IJ.

@peterc Welcome to Talking Sober Peter. This place has made the difference for me. Or my attendance here to be more precise. Take your time to read, to get to know the site and its members, support, get supported, gain knowledge, share, read, experience that you’re not alone. The opposite of addiction is connection. We’re in this together. Welcome again and all success friend.

@Becsta Beautiful numbers my sober sister! Always such a pleasure to see you around :heart: :people_hugging: :heart:


Hi guys! After a long time of isolation I try to get active here again. Currently I’m at a point where after being over some tough stuff (major depression and then an intensive grief – this one isn’t completely over yet) I’m feeling paralyzed mentally not knowing how to go on. My life seems empty and although I started to make some new connections I don’t feel I would be able to get attached to others any more. I was never good at it, but now it seems impossible to achieve, and without it everything seems boring and pointless. So I’m not at my best, but I have a very good therapist and I’m still sober and I haven’t stopped being grateful for that.


Oh, it’s great to see you checking in with us. :sunflower:


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:black_large_square: :three: :nine: :black_large_square:
:black_large_square: :fire: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:


Hey Tom, I’m sorry you’re having a tough time. You sound lonely but unable to handle too much socially. I’ve mentioned on here a few times that I tend to do the worst thing when I’m down… I turn in on myself and don’t connect with others. You don’t see it when you’re in the fog, but being around others is the antedote.

I’m grateful to have seen your post today, and that you’ve checked in sober. I hope things go well in therapy too, and there are better days ahead :heart:


It’s good to see you! You’re always thought about. Will be nice to have you here. Good to hear some good things amidst the darkness. Sorry that times are hard. Big hugs to you.


Checking in sober :+1:

Our youngest kids birthday today, he’s 5yrs old! We are going out for a meal at an Italian place we like, he loves their spag bol :blush: later he will have cake and a little party :partying_face::tada:

Have a great sober day one and all :heart:



Late night/early morning check in. Had a blast with coworkers tonight as we all saw 1am twice. I haven’t really spent any time with anyone outside work in a while so it was nice to get out of my empty house. Plus tomorrow is the first Sunday we’re closed since spring so no one has to work in the morning. I can finally sleep in for the first time in 3 weeks!

I offered to be DD for a few of them so it took a while getting home, but worth it to me knowing they all got home safe. Most of those who do drive are responsible and either only have 1-2 or are able to stop drinking for a while before leaving, which is something I cannot fathom. How does one just stop after they’ve started? Seems impossible to someone like me.

Had to eat a bit and wind down for a while but I’m finally ready for bed. No alarm in the morning! That’s exciting :smiling_face: Goodnight