Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

:sunny: Morning Check In :sunny:
Day 624
Good morning everyone! Its a crisp winter day here in Alberta. I am already out and about running errands. Heading to the grocery store for 2 weeks worth of groceries and halloween treats for tmrw. Then will head home for a workout. Would like to do something recovery related today… maybe some meditation. And of course will do some tidying up in the apartment. Thats about it for me today. Have a great addiction free day everyone :butterfly:


Good morning sober folk. Today is day 621 free from alcohol and day 1 of my husbands vacation. I didn’t sleep great last night because I kept waking up. It feels safer with him here. Co-dependent or not he was happy to hear that too.
Today is my day off from working the weekend and I don’t have huge plans. I think I’m going to make chicken and noodles inspired by the cooking thread, clean the house, do something crafty and hopefully manage a walk before my 12 hour shift tomorrow. Regardless of what I choose to do with my day drinking alcohol will NOT be one of those choices.


Checking in on day 127, getting to the end of my work week which is nice because I feel like my brain has been half asleep the past couple of days.
Have a great Monday everyone! Sending strength and good vibes :white_heart:


:white_large_square: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :black_large_square:
:white_large_square: :three: :two: :white_large_square:
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@Just_Laura I definitely notice more migraines and insomnia around full moons too, you are not alone :people_hugging:🩵 enjoy your 3 days off :blush:
@Maestro congrats on your year :tada::trophy::star2:
@Mischa84 congrats on 4 months :tada:
@Mno you’re not alone friend :people_hugging: maybe there are some social groups you could join in your area, hoping you find something, sending strength in the meantime 🩵
@DresdenLaPage I live in Cambridgeshire, UK too, small world :blush: congrats on double digits :tada:
@KarenKW stay connected, and keep trying :people_hugging:🩵

@lorelai @Kimpantera @happyfeet @Butterflymoonwoman thank you all :blush: 🩵

1176 days no alcohol.
641 days no cocaine.
156 days no vape.

Today I’ve had no energy again. Same symptoms.

I’ve just attended a webinar on dissociation with the charity I’m waiting for therapy with.

Tomorrow I have my first session with the psychologist around boundaries. Then I’ve booked a haircut at the barbers I used to go to before I moved.



0.68 no form of Marijuana
173 no alcohol
104 no vapes or ciggs

2hours 30min till im out from work. I hate this weather. Cloudy and rainy. Kinda going crazy in my own skin

Just 2hours and 30min left of this workday then 2 days off

Lets gooo


I have days like this too @Noshame . Hope you can relax on your days off.
Have you ever tried to go for a walk in the rain? I actually love going out when the weather is bad. I’d put my raincoat on and waterproof hiking shoes and then I walk in the park enjoying the fresh air and having peace of mind and the park for my own :wink:
Stay strong :people_hugging:


Hi all, checking in with 46 days. Have cracked the evening drinking I think. While I still get cravings, I don’t think about having wine as a default in the evening. Genuinely doesn’t occur to me now. Weird going into the shop I used to get wine in and skipping the whole section, like when I didn’t need the pet food aisle pre-cats.

Had a nice day, working, time with the children and went to the gym. Managed to hit my elbow on a cupboard as I was putting my hair up before the gym so couldn’t use all the weights as it still hurts so much :tired_face: What is it about the funny bone??

Hope everyone is having a good day. Congratulations to those with milestones :clap:


Thanks happyfeet

Im beat today but just 1 more hour

I feel like the last 2 hours go by the quickest

Im almost done



Back home



Where abouts!? I’m on st neots




@Kimpantera thanks :pray:t4:. Day 11. I slept only 3.hours today.
@JazzyS so good that you can pass time with your mom.

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Omg Mischa way to go :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Second Check in day 10)

“If you don’t need to go there, don’t go there.”

Do you really need to be in the pub?
Do you really need to be at the bar?
Do you really need that drink?
Do you really need that hit?
Do you really need to be thinking about that?
Do you really need to send that message?
Do you really need to make that angry phone call?
Do you really need to borrow that money?

If the answer is no, just don’t go there.

There’s no sense whatsoever in pouring petrol onto a fire and expecting it to go out.


Checking In
Day 624
Day has been decent actually. Got my grocery shopping done. Did a workout and cleaned up the apartment. I have a dreamcatcher to do this week so I did a little planning for that. Have to head to the Bead Store tomorrow morning and get specific supplies for it. My son and I also decorated our apartment door for Halloween with caution tape and stickers. Its not scary by any means but he had fun doing it! Hope everyone is managing okay today! Hugs :butterfly:


541 checking in.


Congrats on your soberversary Marty! Keep going strong - :muscle: :clap: :tada:



Today is day 40 for me.
At this point not drinking has become relatively easy. The toughest part is not starting ever again. Some days are really tough I admit but it was also so easy to just drink and forget about the day. That’s the bitter sweet part though! It’s a challenge every single day and I’m finally ready to take it head on. I don’t post that much but that because I try to not even think about alcohol at all. I post when I’m confident I’m gonna keep moving forward.
Congrats to everyone making progress. I did make it a point to start reading up on others journey and giving help once I hit 60-90 days but that’s still a few weeks away.
Hope everyone is having a great night,We all deserve it!!


@maxwell how are you doing today Maxine? As others have mentioned, you do belong here. We are all here striving for the same addiction free lifestyle – helping each other along the way. Hope to see you around some more :people_hugging:
@rastana congrats on getting out and enjoying yourself without drinking. Way to go with 53 days!
@mischa84 Awesomesauce with your 4 months of sobriety Mischa! Way to go girl – keep stacking on the days :tada: :clap: :tada:
@mno I wish you much luck with making real life connections. I totally understand the need to bond with people with touch and hugs and not just through a screen. Are you able to join any biking or hiking / walking clubs in your area? I know its harder to make friendships as we grow older but it is still possible. You are a wonderful guy filled with some great passions – hoping you find others in your area to share them with.
@efountains well done with your 419 days. That is a tough question but no reason to not engage with your friends. If they are real friends they will understand whatever answer you choose to give. I am a DD, on antibiotics, on a detox, I’m sober, doing a dry “month”… I am looking forward to celebrating your next milestone with you :hugs:

Congrats on your double digits Josh!! Love how in sobriety our inner dialogs open up and we are able to start seeing things more clearly.
@noshame I do hate when I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. For me I try to take a hot shower followed by a cold one then dry brushing on legs and arms going towards the heart and put on my comfy cloths. This helps me – not sure if it would also help you. Hope you have a relaxing few days ahead

Totally the best way to think (not think) about the aisle. BTW – I want to smack the person that came up with the name “funny bone” never in my life have I laughed :laughing: Glad you are doing so well on your 46 days of freedom!
@bomdhil 11 days is amazing friend – also love the psalm :heart:
@hbt 40 days Woot Woot :tada: :tada: Way to keep going strong :muscle: great to see you pushing past the tough parts of sobriety. Looking forward to celebrating your next milestone with you :hugs:

Happy Hallow’s Eve my sober friends
Not the best day in the books. I am here and grateful for comedy to keep me lighthearted. Excited that tomorrow is Halloween - came up with a simple costume that does not take much effort cause i cant not dress up for my favorite day. hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween eve / Halloween day!
Sending so much love to all you wonderful souls :heart: :heart: