Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Hi Jasmine! I am doing a lot better today, thank you so much for asking! :heart: :hugs:


Thankyou :slight_smile:

It’s weird, this page feels to me like a diary entry sometimes.

Totally get that and nothing weird about it. Thank you for sharing you journey with us :hugs:


I feel the same, and I use the thoughts as motivation and reminders to go to bed having done things I’ll be proud of tomorrow.

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Day 135 AF
It was a good. Work not too hectic and errands ran.
Good night everyone



Wretched weather today, but a wonderful day indoors. Lots of cooking and cleaning and staying cozy. It’s bedtime now so I’m ready for tomorrow. Happy Halloween!!! :jack_o_lantern:


Nighttime check in. Today was supremely lazy for me. Lots of reading, lots of naps. I almost finished Drink by Ann Dowsett Johnston. It was my choice to spend the day like this and I have zero regrets. Tomorrow is a 12 hour work day which I have made sure I will be rested for. Still sober over here. See ya’ll in the morning.


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Day 42:

Checking in sober and tired. Starting to feel like I’m never going to sleep well. When I was drinking, since it was every day, I would drink enough until I passed out every night. Starting to realize that I am literally going to have to teach my body how to sleep sober. The last time I got sober my doctor prescribed sleeping pills. Either the dosage wasn’t enough and I’d wake up after 3-4 hours or I’d take enough to sleep 8 hours and I felt drugged all morning. Need to figure this out.

Other than that it was a typical Monday. Work was pretty calm and flew by. Relaxing night at home alone which was great because the next couple of days will be busier than normal. No thoughts of drinking, happy to be sober, just need some SLEEP!

Hope everyone enjoys their Halloween tomorrow, stay safe and sober!


I am 60 days sober from alcohol.

Not having a pink cloud or party feeling.
Had realy been struggling last 2 weeks. Had to decide every evening and did the right decision. Moving is hard, slowly it’s getting more organised, few more things to solve.

I discover feelings of unworthyness and repeatingly light dissociation. Going out on fresh air, even for 5 minutes, helps. Hanging around with the cat helps. He opened up and even asked me with his paw to caress his belly. :heart_eyes: Charming boss!

Refuge recovery made the difference this time. Community is giving support. Doing the work isn’t fancy… I still am like a snail.

Stumbling… Despite of all the advices I was not able to set clear boundaries to that guy.
Relationships is not my best expertise. I learn.

Thanks to every one of you here on TS! :heart:

Better stay sober :muscle:t2:


Congratulations on 60 days! Definitely not easy, has to feel great.


I hope you tell that guy a solid straightforward no. You’ve said he’s no good for you and no takes practice. Put yourself first here. Happy sober day to you. 🩷


60 days is a great accomplishment, amiga. I can relate to the challenges that moving brings, it can be overwhelming and overshadow everything else in life for a while. Hang in there and keep plugging away at getting yourself settled in. And keep those boundaries strong! You are doing great.



Thanks for all the support, help, thoughts and suggestions friends. Thanks for all the love. I’m not alone and I know it. We’re in this together. On we go. One day at a time. Although it’s nice too to be dreaming of a big TS meeting in town in the future, like in the spring or something… Meeting TS friends is the best Mischa, it’s true.

Let’s have as good a day as we all can friends. Sober and clean. Thanks again to @Mischa84, @Rob11, @happyfeet, @Misokatsu, @Starlight14, @Soberbilly, @JazzyS, @Butterflymoonwoman and @CATMANCAM. Hope I didn’t miss someone. If I did I’m sorry. Thanks to all here anyway. And much much love.


Day 129, up early, working 7-3 today. Then relaxing. Pacing work better these days. Autumnal here and promising a lot of rain later in the week. Today I am sober and thankful


Hello peeps I love you and we’re doing this❤
Don’t be your bully,
be your best friend in the whole world.


Congrats on 60 days sober Julia. I think being slow and deliberate about it, is the right way to go. Be like the snail sis. I’m right behind you. :kissing_heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1234. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in from the office on day 366, or day 01 of year 02.

I think @DresdenLaPage mentioned above, my daily check in feels like a diary entry. I really enjoy posting on this thread each morning, or whenever I can.

On the rare day where life gets in the way and I don’t check in I feel like I’ve missed out - part of it is reading everyone else’s updates too.

I’m thankful to have this forum, with a determined team of like minded individuals and friends all helping each other to acheive our goals. Keep up the good work everyone.


Day 1,000 AF

Recovery from an addiction is not a linear path for most of us. It can be an up and down roller coaster ride of struggling especially in the early days.

One thing that helped me was to remind myself that no matter how hard a moment, a day, or a week was, that it would not always be that way for me & to give myself more time to heal & recover. I told myself to move my focus ahead to the future instead of staying in the difficult “now” moment.

Yes, I know the “Power of Now” but I found that if you know where you are going, and it is a place where you want to be, that the where you are now becomes of far less consequence. I encourage you to focus ahead when struggling to propel yourself forward.

Build your concrete foundation … one triumphant struggle at a time. And just keep going.