Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Good to see you around @Scorpn :hugs:
Congratulations on your 396 days.
Hope you can have a test at weekend.


@sadmemequeen Oh I do hope that the nurse practitioner works out. Hoping you are having a better day today Megan. :hugs:
@liz22 Congrats on your 9+ days. Way to go on finding an healthy alternative for your cravings.
@juli1 Way to go Jules 70 days and kicking ass like a boomshakalaka badass! :muscle:
@happyfeet thank you Anne. I was nervous but at the same time felt at ease if that makes sense. Was a great experience and I am happy that I finally did it. Looking forward to many more. Way to go with 11 months no smoking – that is awesome. It is a hard habit to kick so be proud of your achievement.
@hidden so glad that you finally got some good sound sleep and had a wonderful catch up session with a friend. Happy Friday!
@jennyh how is your day going Jenny? Hope the pain has subsided and you were able to refill your prescription.
@scorpn Miss you too Renee. Hope you do find some time to take care of you in your hectic schedule. :people_hugging:
@barber508 WOOT WOOT! Way to go with your 60 days! Keep going strong and stacking up those days :muscle:
@trixie1 Sorry to hear about your arm. Great job on staying on the sober track – we are here if you want to talk out your sadness with us. Sending you comforting hugs :hugs:
@bomdhil Way to keep showing up for yourself Thomas! :clap: :heart:

Checking in on Friday morning – HAPPY FRIDAY my sober friends.
Didn’t sleep well at all last night but hey that’s ok - have my caffeine and i am ready to go. Did go and spend some time with my mom this morning and now catching up here, will get some paperwork caught up before i head out to my MRI. Grateful that my brother is taking me and my mom has a whole day of detox planned for afterwards. Ever so grateful for her. Just wanted to stop in and say hi - no urges today. Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you…


Thank you so much


Thank you …


Congratulations on being butt free for 11 months Anne. Good stuff :hugs:


I have just heard and I am so very sorry for you and your family. I am sending much love and hugs your way. :heart::people_hugging::heart:


Oh Julia I am so sorry to hear of your loss! Sending you lots of love and support! :broken_heart:


Thank you, I managed to get my prescription so a lot better now. Enjoyed my afternoon nap.

I hope your MRI goes well, not the nicest experience. Enjoy your day with your Mum too, sounds lovely :blush:


Checking in on day 159 AF.
I’ve had noticeably more energy today. Where I would frequently go back to bed after the kids leave for school, I got straight in the shower finishing off with a cold blast to wake me up. I ran several errands, and even washed the windows and mirror in my living room.
I went to the lunchtime yoga class and when I got home from that I had a video appointment with my daughter’s teacher. She’s been getting distracted by her friends in class so they may move their seats around, which my daughter is dreading. Other than that she’s doing fairly well in class.
We’re now just waiting on some food being delivered as it’s our treat for a Friday night.
Recently my mood has been at its worst on the weekend so I’m going to try my hardest to get out of bed early tomorrow and see if I can head down to the farmers market.
Wishing everyone an addiction free day.


TGIF thank God im Frank haha. Day 24. Irritability is a little struggle for me today. Not really sure why. On the positive side I taught a gym class for some 3rd graders at the local school and that went well. Walked there and back so I am over my 10000 for the day.

Have a good one everybody!


Ive just been doing the November workout challenge in the evenings, so not a big workout at all, lol. But definitely something i will keep in mind. When i go to the gym, starting Monday again, it’s at 5am. So im hoping doing that again will help with sleep! Fingers crossed!


591 days today :orange_heart:
It’s Saturday and I’m going to go move my body, craft a bit, and I have a picnic planned with some friends tomorrow.
I haven’t been very active in the gym at all over the last few months, going to try and gently ease myself back into it.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and find something that makes you feel good today :man_dancing:


Evening check in with 57 days. Mega grumpy and sensitive. Sometimes an early night is all you can do. Need to numb my brain a bit though to wind down. I just downloaded a game for my phone, hoping that does the trick. Spent too many hours already reading. I need Wednesday to be here already, at least then I will know if I get this job or not.

Hope everyone else is have a good start to the weekend.


day 418 af

Turned 40 and spent the day with my wife, my Dad and his partner yesterday. Went to a pub had a meal not one of us was drinking was awesome. Just to get some time together after 23 years and about 18 of those non contact . Best birthday ever, today its up and off to explore more of Brisbane with wifey.


Happy 40th birthday
What a wonderful way to celebrate :partying_face:
Grateful you are enjoying your day


Evening check-in on day 376 AF.

Had a quiet day in the office, then went out to dinner with colleagues.

Had a couple of 0% beers with dinner ( had the Lasagne with garlic bread and fries on the side :star_struck: ) then made sure the gang made it to their 1st pub safely before I made a swift exit/escape and drove home to the family.

Hope you’re all having a great sober Friday and start to your weekend.


Happy 40th birthday :partying_face: Sounds like a great way to celebrate. Enjoy the rest of your birthday weekend


Thank you @JazzyS and @Dazercat
My family met at my son’s tonight for dinner and my sister in law asked me to join her for a smoke outside :joy: Said I don’t smoke anymore but I’d like to join you for a chat. It didn’t bother me at all, not the slightest urge. She was a bit jealous,:wink: but I was happy. Hope she’s ready to stop at some point.

So glad you feel the energy lifting up @Deelzebub
Have nice sober weekend Delia.


Just another normal working parent day here.
Reading on here for a few mins while my little girl gets a nap started.
Peace to your household, from mine.