Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

I concur! :slight_smile:


@JamJam welcome :blush: congrats on your days so far :tada:
@Cp25 congrats on your milestones :tada:
@Timetochange sending strength while you decompress :people_hugging:🩵
@JazzyS I’m so glad your first meeting went well :grinning: and that you were made to feel welcome and loved 🩵
@Grace73 welcome :blush:
@Juli1 congrats on 70 days :tada:
@JennyH hope you got your prescription sorted :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Scorpn good to read from you 🩵
@DresdenLaPage congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@Barber508 congrats on 60 days :tada:


@Trixie1 sending strength and healing vibes 🩵✨️
@happyfeet congrats on 11 months smoke-free :tada:
@2JTravNZ happy 40 th birthday :birthday::balloon::gift::partying_face: great photo of you and your dad reunited 🩵
@Amy30 congrats on 300 days :tada:

1187 days no alcohol.
652 days no cocaine.
167 days no vape.

Checking-in for yesterday and today…

The course went much better than I was expecting yesterday, I still didn’t really learn anything, most of the content of the courses feels like common sense to me, but it’s still something to do, with other people.

I am feeling quite unwell. I have a chesty cough during the day as well now, not just in the evenings, my body has aches and pains all over, and my throat is sore mainly when I wake up. I’ve got some throat lozenges, chesty cough medicine, and some cold & flu pills, all non-drowsy, so I’m taking those when my symptoms are at their worst. I think I will do a Covid test before I see my family on Sunday for my SIL’s birthday. Just in case. I don’t think it is Covid though, I think I’d feel much worse than I do if it was, I also still have my sense of smell and taste.

I’ve been waiting in for deliveries today. My SILs birthday gift (which did not arrive :grimacing:) and some Xmas gifts I ordered. I fell asleep mega early and woke up at 10:30pm, it’s now 1am on Saturday morning and I’m hoping to get back to sleep.

Wishing you all wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Hey ya’ll

Just checking in. Great day with my little man as his daycare was closed so I took the day with him. Just ran around and did a bunch of things I knew he’d love - going downtown, to the ATV store and we actually weny to a restraurant just him and I and it was super sweet.

My family make me so very happy. Daughtet asked me to cut all her hair off, so I did just that and she looks freaking adorable. We have worked in a little homework routine, and after all the pissing and moaning about it (mine too!) We’re got a little groove going. I just DO NOT remember all this damn honework at her age, and frankly dont agree with it. School is for school, read and some projects at home and sure if they having trouble but daily hwk at 7? Oh times they are a changing lol.

Feel very happy to be sober and not having thoughts. I feel just so grateful to have returned to this no desire state, and want to continue to do the work to stay here. Resentments are one I am praying on, and learning about balancing the fight with acceptance.

Happy weekend ya’ll xo.


Checking in on day 227




today is day 12 and im doing good. therapy is helping and i started watching greys anatomy, (again). that show is so stressfull to watch but i love it so much. im about to quit my current job to go become a preschool teacher which is something i have always wanted to do. i love kids and i love teaching them how to do things like writing their name and singing songs with them. but until then i get to babysit my neices who i love so much! im staying strong for them. im proud of myself making it past a week and now its almost 2. i think i might go shopping with my friends tomorrow to celebrate 12 days.


Day 755 AF

Good evening, gang.

I met up with my co-worker this morning and went to the shooting range. Then we drove up to our company staff luncheon. It was at a Korean BBQ spot. I got to spend some time with my colleagues. I work remotely and only get to see them 4 or 5 times a year. It was pretty chill catching up with everyone and getting a little break from home. There were people drinking, but it didn’t bother me. I know I would’ve embarrassed myself if I was drinking. It was fun overall. Don’t gotta about a damn thing! No regrets! No hangovers!..Feels good. I picked up some pizza for the fam on the way back. Playing videos games right now and then calling it a night.

Have a goodnite everyone! Take care.



71 days AFF

Thanks to my sweet friends @SassyRocks @Scorpn

Had a real good day with mum yesterday. We did her grocery shopping, arranged some things, made lunch and dinner and then I took her to the couch. Today my brother and niece will be around and on Sunday we will all be there again
Sunday afternoon we will drive to the space for the free funeral and pick a nice tree for dad together :heart:

Yesterday I took 3 plates on the table for dinner, absolutely convinced to be right.
That guy… :kissing_heart::sunglasses::cry::black_heart:

I am at my own home today and I feel I need to drive to a shopping center. Freezing all the time, so I want to watch out for a real cozy thick cardigan. Rest of the day just relaxing, maybe a little walk.

Still away from swimming, as there are rests of the cough… But I stay calm. Doing everything in a meditative practice. One by one. I am grateful to be practicing for years.

We are stronger then we think!
Much love guys :kissing_heart:



Late night check in. Had a lazy school day off with my daughter. It was nice since we don’t normally have that kind of time together. Mon-Fri feels like we have to follow the same schedule every day. Weekends she’s at her dad while I work work work. We very rarely can just chill.

Work was actually really good, and relatively easy. Saw some friends after for a while and now I’m winding down for bed. I feel like I’m gonna sleep great :crossed_fingers: Goodnight :yawning_face:


Good morning everyone. Here I am checking in on day 188. I have passed a milestone. Have a great weekend :grinning:


28 days sober on a holiday in wales. My wife has had 2 bottles of wine ive had 4 af largers. Feel good about it. Days lazing or exploring weather permitted and eveningss looking at the stars from the hot tub. Noce.
Peace out



I spy with my little eye, just a little bit of blue sky, urging me to do something outside this morning. I do have to work a late shift too though. Let’s consider the possibilities while I have my coffee and breakfast.

I slept OK. Had a good meeting with my therapist yesterday, although it lacked a little bit of purpose maybe. Which is a good sign I guess. Says I’m doing well. I do think I fended off the danger of plunging into a full blown depression. By action, or many little actions, of which the most important one has been seeking contact, in meeting up with folks. It’s work for me but it is so worth it. One day at a time and all that.

On we go. Sober and clean. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love from my balcony. x

@TheWolf A full half year! Huge milestone! Big congrats!
@residentevil Good to see you Lizzie.Congrats on 28 days. Keep going.


Hi all, checking in from my car waiting for my daughter’s football match. Beautiful winter sun here in Barnet.

I am not grumpy this morning although had terrible sleep obviously working through whatever has been bothering me.

I am super proud though as I realised as I was dropping off, my crappy mood and general anxiety yesterday hadn’t triggered a craving! I think I have cracked the drinking to numb myself. Then I realised that it was at this many days roughly that I relapsed, thinking I could have the odd celebration drink (presumably because I thought I was over the other type of drinking). Well that didn’t work out as it was just a gateway. So hopefully, as long as I don’t have that first one, it will just get easier from here.

2 days from 60 days and my longest sobriety streak (pregnancy and childhood aside).

Have a lovely day all :blush:


Hey all, checking in on day 1245. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in on day 377 and a freezing cold morning in the West of Scotland.

I’m at the gym for my usual Saturday morning class, but not taking part due to a couple of little injuries. Sitting with a large coffee watching and giving some support to the team I train with.


Day 140. Cleaning windows then have family around for lunch then it’s a relaxing evening… May watch strictly and then a hauntin in Venice.


Yes …life is good right now


DAY 1146


Just woke up from a vivid drinking dream. I was at some dive bar with an old drinking buddy. Happy to wake up sober to day 883. Love to all.


Thank you guys for the nice welcome back, I really appreciate that!
These days I feel a bit more balanced overall, however my mood changes a lot on a daily basis, having quite many episodes of rage, pain, detachment, frustration and restlessness. These quick shifts are new, but still better than my earlier condition. At this point it feels impossible to get attached to anything or anyone although I really crave closeness and emotional intimacy. It feels like an unsolvable problem. I’m scared of getting closer to others, I procrastinate communication and when it finally happens I slip back to a deeper sorrow for the next few days even though I had a good time bonding. This effect makes me feel more scared of the next meeting. I hope time will help to solve it. I know I’m getting better and I’m at a lot better place than I used to be a few months before. But I’m impatient and would like to get rid of this whole process and get back what left from my life. At some point getting better is a choice and I’m afraid I just can’t make that step ahead. That would mean facing my reality and letting go of the past, and I guess I’m just not ready yet.