Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Day 57
I think it’s easy to forget (ignore?)the reasons why you decided to quit drinking and work your way up to drinking again.
I told myself that if I start feeling that way then it’s time to perhaps join a group like AA or smart recovery. I’ve not been to either yet but I’d like to know which established groups work for people on this forum. Any thoughts about that?


Hey, Ryan! Glad to see you’re going into preschool. I worked in the early education field for nearly forty years, loved it. :heart:


Checking in day 22)

Holy motherfucker, I’m tired today… All this Costa coffee and reading is starting to keep me awake at night, thankfully I haven’t got racing thoughts or drinking dreams because then I’d be up shit creek without a paddle.

So I got up at 7.30am, said the word “Fuck” a couple times then dragged myself out of my pit. It’s cold here at the moment and I don’t like England in the cold very much, if I’m honest, it’s rather shite. Decided to spend £7k by turning my heating on for 10 mins and listened to a bit of music for a bit.

I only got about 5 hours sleep (far cry from the good night sleep I had the night before) and I feel like I’ve repeatedly kicked in the face repeatedly. If I have a nap, it’s terminal and I won’t sleep tonight so I’m just going to get through my daily list and keep myself to myself today.

Being a Saturday, which for me was an excuse for an all day bender, I’m actually really feeling it today - Not that I’m going to, I went to a meeting this morning and did some step work but fuck me, is it tempting today… I don’t think I’d actually mind if someone did properly drop kick me right in the face because it’d put me to sleep pretty bloody quick.

Ugh. hugs not drugs.


Wow, 883 days. One day I hope to get there. Funny thing about that dream. Last night zindreamt that I was at a social event and everyone was getting hammered. But I was drinking tea!:laughing::two_hearts:


So, better check in here myself. Day 122. I realized yesterday I was off by a day🤭


Day 100😁

Just checking in.


Woot 100! Congrats awesome!




Thanks Anne. I did make it to the farmers market so I’m pleased about that.


Day 54:

Sitting in my living room this morning finishing up some work from yesterday while enjoying my morning coffee and some good music. Love Saturday mornings like this, everything outside is kissed with frost and calm. Inside is cozy warm filled with music and the smell of fresh brewed coffee. Snapshot morning for sure.

Missed checking in yesterday so I am checking in early this morning. Typical work day yesterday, busy. Had a really good night last night. Friend came over, good dinner followed up with a good movie on the couch.

Going to enjoy this morning and then see what the day brings.

Happy sober Saturday everyone!


I’m sorry you are hurting. Follow your path, painful as it may be, it will lead you to a better place.


Big hugs to you Mel. I am sorry that you are experiencing such grief today. I’m here if you need a shoulder :people_hugging:
Grateful that you are letting yourself feel all the feelings.

Absolutely beautiful and so right on.

Sending you love and comfort and big hugs. I do hope the grief starts lifting soon :heart::people_hugging:


Checking in Day 42 :+1:

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, well the acreage. Closest neighbour is miles away, I like it like that. I’m not very people-y.
My husband has a friend driving from New Brunswick to Alberta and will be spending the night with us before carrying tomorrow to gus job. It will be nice to see him but we all used to drink together years ago. I asked my husband if he let the friend know that this is a 'dry house" and he said No. I am nervous for our visit. I hope our friend understands.
On a good note the siding is almost finished. Monday should be the last day …YAY! I’m hoping we figure out where we want to move to soon! I am looking forward to a new adventure :grin: Plus I can t wait to get the heck outta here!
Taking the puppy for a walk later today after it warms up. Suppose to be +9 here today … I’ll take it! Normally we are at -10 by this time of year here, lol!
Take Care Ya’ll … Stay Sober :purple_heart:


I’m Melissa & I’m an Alcoholic. Been in & out of AA program for the past fews years… I did not want to do the work of the 12 steps. As of today I now have sponsor. I am starting the 1st step. I have to only worry about today. Not my past not my future. I will have 11 months soon.


We can pass through grief.
Stay soft, stay fluent.
You will be okay as you ARE damn okay and you know it. Bisou :kiss:


Day 20 :four_leaf_clover:
Have a nice weekend everyone :heart:


Thank you :blush:


Happy 40th birthday :birthday: enjoy the joy you are recieving from the joy give :heart:


Day 25. Happy Saturday. Overall in a good place. My mind is remembering my old routines about drinking and I know thats normal but not a good thing. I usually would go home and drink after I got done teaching on Saturdays and then all day Sundays because thats my day off. Not going to drink because I am aware of the triggers.

Happy Veteran’s Day to my fellow vets and active duty friends.


Welcome @Melissa39 and congrats on your upcoming milestone. Personally this forum, aa, working the 12 steps is how i got and stay sober.

Glad you found us