Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Day 633. Its my day off and its cold and blustery out. I’m going to spend my day cooking good food and cleaning up my place. Happy sober days all.

@Frank68 you look EXACTLY the same in that pic as you do in your profile pic. I think its that charming smile. Thank you.

@mx_elle I’m home all day. If you need to process anything just reach out.


@ryanrecovery91 welcome :blush: congrats on 12 days :tada:
@TheWolf belated congrats on 6+ months :tada:
@SelfLove_42 congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@mx_elle :people_hugging:🩵
@Melissa39 welcome :blush: congrats on your sober time :tada:

1188 days no alcohol.
653 days no cocaine.
168 days no vape.

This morning I attended the monthly support group for trans, non-binary, and gender-questioning survivors of sexual violence. There were 3 of us attending, so a small group, but a good session.

Then I was really hoping to get out for a walk but I had to wait in for deliveries and they didnt arrive until the Sun was already down. My SIL’s gift arrived though so that’s a relief as her birthday is tomorrow.

Tomorrow I’m hoping to see my brother, SIL, and niece, so that will be nice.

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Checking in AF… Have a great day yall :heart:


Day 1057,

Going to bed early, feelings going up and done. But nice to feel the power within now and then. Tomorrow celebrating my sons birthday with my parents and my brother and his partner. Will be a challenge but try to keep it positive.



Evening check in on day 377 AF.

After being out and visiting my gym buddies this morning, I spent the rest of the day relaxing on the couch watching football.

This evening for some reason I started to feel really anxious so I took myself out for a drive along the coast to try and relax.

Heading home now to take my evening meds and get some logs on the fire. Maybe binge watch some Law & Order.

Enjoy a sober end to Saturday everyone.


Covid feels like it’s over!!

I’ve been walking the dog, drinking coffee and eating cake, plus filling a skip with garden stuff, oh and eating Armenian food delivered to the door.

I’m knackered. And sober.

Feels like the run in to Xmas is going to be bright!!

Running again soon and living the dream :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in
Day 636
Didnt check in yesterday so thought I should today. I dont really have anything exciting to say tho. My life consists of the same things pratically day n and day out lol This weekend is my usual work weekend. I had enough vacation pay for me to be able to leave 2 hours early today as I have a few things to do at home. Spent some time today planning my christmas treat tins for my sons medical/school team and what Id like to put in them. Will probably make a batch of 4 different holiday treats. Idk yet.

Im doing okay overall. But slightly frustrated with myself and my health. This is an ongoing issue. I feel like ive tried everything. I have no issue exercising but i undo all my hard work with my poor eating habits. Im sooo frustrated with my toxic eating behaviours. Like beyond frustrated. Im determined though to not give up. I WILL end up finding something that works for me.

Feeling tired today but once I get home and complete what i need to, I will do some self care. Much love to everyone :butterfly:


@catmancam I am sorry that you are not feeling well. I do hope that you are able to get some rest and feel well enough to celebrate your SIL’s birthday tomorrow. I do hope it is not Covid. Grateful that the gift arrived today and that you were able to have a good meeting session.
@ryanrecovery91 Great work on 12+ days. Wishing you well with your career change. Hope you enjoyed your celebration day today.
@thewolf congrats on your 6 months! Keep going strong :muscle:
@jennyh Thanks Jenny. Glad you are feeling less grumpy today. MRI went well. I was a long 40 minutes in he machine. Grateful that I was able to get the low down on how it will go for my head MRI next month. Did have a lovely time with my mom yesterday and enjoying some sis time today.

Totally understand the struggles with the sobriety journey. We are here if you need to talk out any of your frustrations. I have faith that as we break our chains with addiction and work on ourselves in the process that we can start to enjoy all of life’s joys. I know it is hard to make and keep connections when we are dealing with intense grief. Here if you need us. :hugs:
@trixie1 I too find that when I am doing well and feeling better that I then want a drink and try to convince myself that it will be ok. Grateful that I have learned to ignore this nonsense. I too was at a point this week where I had to add another tool into my toolbox. I joined an AA Fellowship meeting and found it to be an amazing experience. I know that not all groups would mesh with me and am fortunate to have had a great 1st try experience. Wishing you luck in finding a group in your area that would work for you. We gotta keep fighting for our sobriety.
@melissa39 Welcome to the community Melissa! Congrats on your upcoming 11 months of sobriety. Lovely to see you doing so well on your sobriety path. ODAAT :muscle:
@frank68 Great pic Frank. Happy Veteran’s Day – thank you for your service. :pray:
@rob11 We are here for you friend – hope you are able to enjoy your so’s birthday celebration tomorrow. You can lean on us if you need a positivity boost :people_hugging:
@Butterflymoonwoman Ah Dana I can totally get having the same days in and out. I was struggling with this myself and am trying to come up with something different to add to my week to give it a pep. Sending you love and strength my friend. Grateful to see your fighting spirit and your determination. Hope you do get some self care time in :hugs:

Checking in on Saturday evening
325 free of alcohol and weed
740 days free of cigarettes
I am doing fairly well today. Moving about slowly and working through the pain and symptoms. My sis decided to come for a visit and has been over since oon. I am grateful that she understands my limitations these days and we enjoyed some lovely chats and now able to rest. She has been after me to watch some Anime for some time and today is the day she got me to watch some episodes. Watching Demon Slayer on Netflix - interesting enough.
Hope everyone has a wonderful addiction free day / evening. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in. It’s been a few weeks, hard weeks but I’m still here. 4.44 years. Brought my dogs ashes home today, she was my best pal & one I couldn’t afford to lose. My beautiful, brilliant wife and daughter have been the best as usual and we are now looking forward to planning her 2nd birthday.

I hope you are all doing okay tonight :people_hugging:


I’m sorry @mx_elle grief is a very consuming feeling. Sometimes all we can do is cry. Best we can do is facing all our feelings sober. It’s tough but we can do it. Take care . We’re with you.

Hi @Chuckie22 hope you’ll have a nice night with your friend and he understands the situation with your ‘dry house’ . Be proud of your 42 days and don’t let it be put at risk.

Welcome @Melissa39 it’s great to have you here. This forum is an amazing place to stay accountable and work on our sobriety. Wishing you all the best for the work with sponsor.

Congratulations on 20 days @Sunny11 :balloon:
Have a nice weekend too.

Congratulations on 25 days sober @Frank68 and Happy Veterans Day and thanks for sharing your picture. It’s a sweet smile indeed.


It’s good to see you check in and better to see you check in sober. Very sorry for the loss of your friend. Glad you got some good folk around you. Wishing you strength :people_hugging:


100 days… Niiice!!! :+1:


If we are honest and thorough from the start we will be amazed before we are half way through.
This I can promise.
Congrats on your sober days :+1:

The book says painstaking but for me it was a joy not a pain.


day 619 of no self harm

back from my grandpa’s. had a good time with him but it was just me my grandpa and sister. my mom said today that there must be something wrong with me because all my doctors leave. idk something about that really hurt. Saturdays are soul crushing. I go home and feel so hated and disgusting.


Honored to be a part of this group of folks! About to close day 5 of sobriety for me today! Hope you’re all having a great night :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to the community Chris and a great job on your 5 days of sobriety! This is a great supportive community to be a part of. Hope to see you around. Keep going strong :muscle:


Second day 54 check-in:

What a good sober day! Up early with my music, love listening to music. After getting some work around my house done i met a friend for a nice hike with her cute little dog Chloe. Always great conversations with her and it was a gorgeous fall day. The cool air and sunshine felt amazing.

She invited me back to her house to help her learn how to use her new Traeger. She wanted to go big with a brisket right away, i talked her off the ledge and she settled for some rib eyes! Surprise of the afternoon was her dad, son and his girlfriend were all there so I ended up cooking for everyone, luckily everything turned out pretty well.

Came home to get my daughter off to her high school dance. She looked beautiful and i was extremely happy to be sober experiencing the moment with her.

Watched a beautiful sunset to shut the day down. Now relaxing on the couch feeling good about a great sober Saturday.


Hiya Chris :wave:
Welcome to the group. This is an amazing community with tons of resources for you.
Join in and let’s get through this together :grin:


Saturday night check-in. Just put my daughter to bed, and waiting for her to drift off beside me.
Life is extremely demanding these days, but I’m grateful to be here, and racking up days and nights of sobriety along with you.


Had a good day today. Did a little bit of consulting work and went for a walk. I struggled to get my car charged at a mall (this is still hard for me!). I never know when to back in or pull in front-ways and which charger will be the one that shows up on my app. It’s hard even after a month! But I got it done. My two cats are still getting meds for their diarrhea and I’m hoping this will be the time it goes away for good.