Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Great :clap::clap:it is my day 25 too today


Little late, congratulations on your hundred days SL42


thanks a lot :seedling:


72 days AF



Welcome Chris! Glad to read youā€¦
Keep on checking in. Day by day. Excited about your journey!


Awesome run, Julia! :+1:t2: Great job!



Quick check in. Boring day all around. Off to bed :sleeping:


Day 398

I am worried about the volcano in Iceland. I hope it doesnā€™t cause damage to the town or peopleā€™s homes. I am glad that they have already decided to evacuate. Guess all we can do now is wait :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:



Had a shortish night. But feeling OK. Work was good last night. Mostly friendly patients that are trying hard to help themselves and each other. Hoping for a repeat of that today.

As there were too many showers around yesterday, I didnā€™t bike to work. Will try again today, the weather looks better, itā€™s supposed to be the one dry day this week. Hereā€™s hoping.

Otherwise not much to say today. Wishing you a day as good as you can make it of course. Sober and clean. Love.


*Day 1880 :walking_woman:
Nice number combination, on my way to the nineties :sunglasses:

My mood is better then 2 days ago. Started a moodtracker to see and find out if I have more influence on it.
Have a good sunday all :raising_hand_woman:


Day 21 :four_leaf_clover:

Have a nice day everyone :raised_hands:


Morning all, checking in on Day 59 (mini celebration here as that is my longest sober streak :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:)

Still going strong too, although had some cravings and questioning thoughts yesterday. My husband mentioned his Mum buying alcohol in for Christmas and him explaining I donā€™t drink. Then of course the ā€œbut for Christmas?ā€ conversation happened and it made me start questioning it. I did shut it down but those thoughts are definitely lingering. I also poured my Dad a glass of Guiness last night as he was really fatigued with his stroke symptoms. I could have said no but then I would have had to explain why, and watched as he pushed himself to do it himself. These things arenā€™t triggering me to drink right now, but worry there is a drip drip affect as we approach Christmas. I need to be vigilant!

Overall I am loving sobriety, it feels like a real gift. I donā€™t want to spoil that my trying to negotiate the odd drink for special occasions, that is just exhausting and never ends well!

Have a really good sober Sunday everybody. Thank you for all being here. I donā€™t think I could have made my longest streak without you all :blush::heart:


Congrats on your longest sober streak Jenny! As to continuing it, take it one day at a time and decide each and every day you wonā€™t drink. And take a black and white, do or die approach. Never again. No and zero and none and no way. :people_hugging:



C h a p t e r . I I

. i n s i d e



Day 141. Out of sorts. My dad is OK but his walking seems shotā€¦ Made me think about my own work life balance, present and future plans and I canā€™t help thinking what matters most is time with people I love rather than working forever. I think my confidence at work isnā€™t as solid as it use to be.


Congratulations on your 59 soon to be 60 days @JennyH
Iā€™m sorry the questing has already started for you. Yeah holiday season looks like a Damocles sword over our heads, but it doesnā€™t have to be!
We want to celebrate with our loved ones and we want to be clear and present. We donā€™t miss out on anything without alcohol but instead we gain so much from being sober! Like @Mno it is only one decision each day. It yes or no. Thereā€™s no such thing like a glass of wine for Christmas or a drink for New Yearā€™s Eve. No thatā€™s not gonna happen! It is staying sober and enjoy your new won freedom of this poison or start to drink again with all the terrible consequences you fought so hard to leave behind you! Questing this and your inner discussion about it takes so much energy, it took for me though. For me it is actually easier now that I accept it!
I canā€™t have only one ! Check :white_check_mark:
I never want to go back to weā€™re I started! :white_check_mark:
So I decided not to suffer anymore.
And with time I realisedā€¦( It took me ages to finally realise but with my last attempt I definitely did and I can feel it deep down in my heart and soul) ā€¦
Itā€™s not only that I donā€™t need to drink, I simple donā€™t want to drink because Iā€™ve learned that Iā€™m much better with people around me when I donā€™t drink! Iā€™m happier and more confident and relaxed in company. And Iā€™m enjoying gatherings with friends and family much more now.
Sorry for the long post Jenny. I just want you to know. Thereā€™s not one good reason to drink!
Take it one day at a time and simple say no to the first drink and you never have to worry again about the next one.
Have a love Sunday my dear.


Hey all, checking in on day 1246. I hope everybody has a good one!


Thank you so much for replying, you are absolutely right. It is so tempting to listen to the people that moderate successfully at times. The thing is, I donā€™t even want to drink particularly, I just donā€™t want to be the odd one out! So silly really. I am challenging every thought of missing out I have. I will be even stronger by Christmas, and over 100 days. I am not throwing that away!


I am about 14 hours in my first 24. I had to reset my counter yet again. This is my 30th reset since since restarting my sobriety journey over the last few months or so. I can not get passed a few daysā€¦once not that long ago I made it to a legitimate 10 days but then of course a reset because I slipped up. When I slip up I basically just go back in full throttle. Negative things Iā€™ve noticed about my general well being while using include, vomiting and other digestive disturbances, my mood is terrible, sleep all over the place, not eating right( too much or not enough), night sweating and other body temperature issues. I must stop!!! At this point my tolerance to just about EVERYTHING is so high that buying pills is a total waste of money. Iā€™m done. I HAVE TO BE DONE!!! AS IF MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!! Mainly because it does. I donā€™t want to live in this fucking prison of addiction any longer. I blame my life and all of itā€™s circumstances, or God or the universe but in all reality I know the real problem is my addiction and the constant weakness of giving into it. Play the tape. I have to remember to play the tape. I have to continue to look at the list of terrible effects it all has on me to help me play the tape. Iā€™m going to just look at it as 24 hours at a timeā€¦I donā€™t necessarily need minute by minute because then I obsess over that and then relapse.:woman_facepalming:t2: Iā€™m usually quiet on here, but consistently read and there are so many inspirational people here and your stories give me hope and motivation. Have a super sober day everyone!


Checking in on day 161 AF. Iā€™m feeling at a bit of a loose end today. But Iā€™m sober and thatā€™s all that counts.