Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Welcome to the community. Ae you working any type of program? Or are you just trying not to use. What type of things are you doing to change up your lifestyle. It’s hard to just quit without help.


Checking in Day 23)

Back in my local coffee spot today. Actually the reason I come in here is because one of my old drinking buddies is the manager - We go to AA together :slight_smile: It’s directly opposite a pub I used to work and drink in and we both reflected on just how strange it is that not very long ago, we would’ve been literally on the other side of the street throwing back pints and now we’re in a coffee shop sipping in Hazelnut lattes!

I had the worst fucking craving last night. It was like screaming going on in my head that I couldn’t stop - like someone was trying to kill me with inner noise. I spoke to my sponsor and he gave me some great simple advice.

I came to a serious epiphany really - I can’t stand loose ends, unfinished business and not having all the answers to everything all the time immediately. Fuck, who even does? Looking back, there’s a shit ton of scenarios I can think of where this happened and I turned to drinking. Especially after the last 2 years. It’s fucking impossible for me to box stuff off and shelve it without it being done and dusted.

This week, I’m going to try and write down all the shit I have that I considered unfinished and see if I can start to let it go.

Coffee breaks resume tomorrow.
Hugs not drugs


Day 58
I’m certainly using cannabis as an alcohol replacement and am having difficulty cutting back. Sigh. Replacing one with another…my goal is to have a year of no alcohol then work on cannabis. Not asking for advice cause I know being so called California sober can be controversial in some forums.
Going to check out my first meeting with a supportive friend as we near the US Thanksgiving holiday.
Happy to be alcohol free!


Day 158,

Celebrating my sons birthday with parents and brother and his partner went fine I geus. Some feelings, amongst them jealousy. My brother and his man wear new clothes regularly. I’m getting through my clothes at the moment, haven’t really shopped for two-three years now. Although I write it down here, I notice the self pity is not that big. As long if I keep putting my one foot before the other and take it ODAAT , things should be fine. Just had diner and played some monopoly before. Felt I needed to step aside a bit after diner and said I was going for a quick nap. So here I’m checking in. They will leave soon and I’ll be bringing my son back to his mother.



Day 715

What A F@cking Day!

Fed up! P!ssed Off! Done!


:black_large_square: :fire: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:
:black_large_square: :four: :six: :black_large_square:
:black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:


Glad to hear from you @SoberMama39. Create a list of things you can do when you are tempted to relapse. Go thru all of them in those trying times and then ask yourself if you still want to relapse. The hardest part is getting thru those early cravings. They are strong and incessant. Build a plan for when those cravings test your will power because you and i know they will.

Keep fighting! You deserve a happy sober life


Care to share @BrOKenWolf ?


Checking in
Day 637
Had a really awful sleep last night. Woke up numerous times for various reasons and just couldnt get a solid stretch of sleep in. Had to wake up early for work. Am here now and already more than half way thru my shift. Really wanting to go home right now tho. Im beat :sleeping:
Theres A LOT to do this coming week that Im trying to prepare for. My son has 3 medical appts (1 of them being an MRI where Im always anxious about the results) and then i have grocery shopping to do, cleaning out the storage closet, and then of course I want to take care of my health this week with exercise and eating properly. So i gotta stay focused. Hope everyone is having a good Sunday!


I have some tools in the toolbox but I could definitely do more and use more of the ones I have. I’ve gotten back into fitness and I’m into meditation. I’m always open to suggestions of course. Thanks for welcoming me👍


Good idea in the list of things to do and yes it’s so crazy how intense the craving is for something I clearly know makes me feel like shit mentally, physically, emotionally, and even financially. I’m hoping getting more immersed in this community will be another thing to keep me on track. Thanks for the suggestion. :smiley:


355 :muscle::muscle::muscle: been is hospital for the 3 weeks again :sob: back home chilling on the new cod looking forward to Xmas :santa:

Happy sober Sunday everyone


Checking in with 0 days today. I had a few drinks last night and I’m so disgusted with myself. I’ve been trying to get sober for the last ten years!!! Why even bother trying? It’s obvious I’m never going to stop drinking. I had just reached a 30 day milestone. And here I am back to day 1. :weary: SMH


Hey man good to hear from you. Glad you’re back home


That’s a lot going on, not surprised you slept badly. I really hope the appointments and MRI goes well. Will your son need a general anaesthetic for it? Hope you find some time for yourself in amongst it all. Take care :people_hugging:


Glad to hear from you, I was thinking about you just yesterday. I hope you are recovering after the hospital visit.


72 days af

I had some big fat cravings since lunch until late evening. Back home now without taking a break on a cold dark dirty gasstation to buy expensive bad wine.

Trigger was my sister in law just acting like a damn bitch. Even if someone died. But why should things change?

Much love :heart:


He does go under anesthetic for his MRIs as he would have too much trouble laying still for them. He used to get them every 3 months. And bcuz his brain tumor has remained stable for some time now, they have moved it to every 6 months. I always get a little anxious and nervous for the results. All i want to hear is that it is stable and not growing. I have these nightmares about having him go thru chemotherapy again :frowning: but i am trying to stay present and in the moment. It really does no good for him or me to be upset and feeling down about his condition. I have to cherish him while hes here (which is hopefully for a very long time :grinning:) and enjoy the moments.


Im sorry to hear about ur relapse. I get thats it frustrating but dont lose hope. Uv reached 30 days and that proves to u that u can do it! What happened leading up to last night?? Can u figure out what went wrong that led u to drink? They say relapses happen before the actual act of drinking/using. If ur able to learn from what happened, then its not a complete waste :slight_smile: i was a chronic relpaser for what felt like ages. And sometimes i felt like i lost hope in ever being able to beat this. But with every relapse, i learned what i could do differently next time to prevent it from happening again. You will get sober friend :slight_smile: Just pick urself up and keep at it


Sorry to hear you had a bad day @BrOKenWolf.
I hope you find a valve to let everything out.
We’re here for you!