Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Well said and congrats on a thousand days!


Happy Halloween, all. Checking in on day 111šŸŽƒ


"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.ā€˜ā€™ -F.N.

Just after reading this powerful quote - having Your Wonderful Milestone Check-in just makes me wonder - WOW :speak_no_evil: :heartpulse: Congrats!


Great number!


Amazing! Congratulations! Fantastic advice too, thanks for sharing.



Feeling a bit low today. No energy to do what makes me feel fulfilled, and in full rumination mode over past resentments (current resentments if I am still thinking about them, I guess). I had an awful drinking dream last night, a real long one, going from struggling with deciding to drink, the stupid antics, the guilt and confusion after. This afternoon I finished some leftover Halloween chocolate from my classes which triggered a full binge eating session. But a bad sober day is better than a drunk one. And kids are healthy and doing fine.
Tomorrow will be better. :purple_heart:


60 days!!! Hells Yeah Jules - you amazing rockstar - keep fighting the good fight

I am loving this journey for you and seeing you make so many healthy changes in your life.

I am sorry that this ass is still occupying space in your mind and heart. he is no good trash and i am hoping with through your recovery you will be able to send him to the curb in all senses.

Much love to you my dear friend - so happy to be celebrating your milestone with you :people_hugging:



Ticking along.


@zzz love the double 3ā€™s my friend. can you share the meaning the black squares have for you?
@nordique 1234 is an awesome number! Way to keep stacking up these numbers and being an inspiration :muscle:

What an impressive way to look at it ā€“ Well done on all your accomplishments. Keep moving forward :muscle:
@pickles WOW 1000 days ā€“ way to go on your milestone. This is absolutely amazing. Grateful to see you checking in with such inspiring words.

So true Flo. I am sorry that you are struggling with energy. I do hope you are able to find time for selfcare and hopefully that will help. 1176 and going strong :heart:
Happy Halloween my sober companions ā€“ quick check in on Tuesday morningā€¦.
I did not sleep much but am already super caffeinated today ā€“ I am determined to enjoy this lovely Halloween day no matter what. Wishing everyone a safe and sober Halloween! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:



Day 46
The COVID cough lingers and Iā€™ve been eating way too much sugarā€¦but all is well :blush:


Happy Halloween everyone!
:jack_o_lantern: :ghost:


Day 969! Definitely a treat.


Here I am Day 17 still feel really good. I have God by my side, I talk to him all the time, especially at those moments when I feel like my resolve may be weakening.
Kim d17


Day 290.

Iā€™m tired, fed up and depressed as fuck. Last night I was up until 4 am reading a book. No. I was up until 4 am reading pure guilty pleasure smut. Itā€™s embarrassing. Managed a few hourā€™s of sleep and spent most of today moping around feeling sorry for myself.

Iā€™m also getting teary eyed for no apparent reason. And Iā€™m in danger of losing a client. The other publication I work with cut down their pay rates by a quarter and the new people dropped my hours by half. Not ideal considering Iā€™m heading into London next month.

I need to figure out a way to make more money as all my avenues seem to be drying at the moment.

Reading smutty literature (if you can call it that :rofl:) wonā€™t pay the bills.


Lets call them stones. Black and white stones. I took example from Allen Carr black and white poker chips example of his cognitive therapy priciple. I also had read a lot of literature about this method and have a little practicle experience of it.

Basically it is my mind map.

Speaking in terms of psichology - it is about cognitive therapy. Each black stone represent certain events in my life. Traumas, pain, fears, sickness and so on. Most of them all long time ago forgotten and resolved, non triggering. Then you take a white stone and align it with the black one - reprograming your cognitive response. Sort of turning off the trigger. Most of theese are long time ago forgotten and already have positive response and resolution asigned to it. For some of them - I still donā€™t have an answerā€¦ I take one stone each day and you can basically click on it - and it takes a link to a video. It is mostly some songs that has deep meaning for me or some documentary or a video that I have plans to put in.

It is quite interesting practice, takes a lot of time and need patience and focus. I watched a video about how our brain works on certain tasks. Conclusion is - we need to take time for resolving serious questions. When we concentrate on a task - parts of the brain are activated that actually it lowers our capabilities of imagination and sort of ā€œdigging deepā€ā€¦ The best is to put a question, give a time to recognize the question and then give it a time for brains to sort of ā€œregisterā€ itā€¦ Writing down, picturing it, making a visible note is recommended. It will diggest on its own. This method was used by a lot of famous philosophers and scientist.

Have a good one @Everyone! :heartpulse:

After all, life does not stands still and everything eventually solves on its own. Concentrating ofcourse can give a better progress :white_check_mark:


WOW - thank you for the explanation. It makes sense and i am grateful that this pracitce is helping you in your recovery.

Will have to start clicking into the squares :smiling_face:


Having a tough morning. Yes i drank last night and i have a cold and i feel like shit and i want off this merry go round. Im going to an AA meeting this afternoon. I need help.


Checking in here daily is a great first step of getting off the merry go round.
I hope you also find support at the meeting today.


1 (full day +) no Marijuana
175 no alcohol
106 no vapes or ciggs

Happy Halloween 2023
Chilly outside but finally sunny
Perfect fall day

Im sad i ate those cbd gummies 2 days ago as my goal is abstinence from all forms of pot. I was also exhausted the day after. I will keep trying.

I never can get over how strange the addicted mind is. I want then i dont. I guess the i want is the time to really fight.

Still not smoking and vaping. Ill be happy about that when it gets very cold.

Im not craving alcohol at all
My last beer got me sick right away

Take care
More later


Day 2189.

Happy spooky season from Batman, Gecko and the Cute Witch.