Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Day 1046,

Did my voluntary work today. For the rest now quite emotional again. My head keeps playing back and forwards. Tomorrow the results of some tests, might have something to do with it. Next to the adhd medication that’s seems to work one day better then the other. Wanna write more, but will be pretty soon a ramble. Another thread brought me back to thoughts on me ex, pfff



I am sorry to hear about your tough morning. I do hope that you are able to make it to the AA meeting and that the meeting is able to help. Make sure to stay hydrated and if possible, keep away from triggers. Throw out what you have at home if you can so that you are less tempted to drink.

one moment at a time my friend - i personally did a lot of sleeping at the beginning to help me get past the cravings. sending you strength :muscle:

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Thank you James - appreciate you. I am determined to make the best of today and fight through it all cause i can’t let my favorite day pass without some celebration. I am hoping to have enough energy to do some make up and get dressed up to hand out candy tonight.

OH MY - you will definitely need to collect that dad tax tonight – that is a lot of kids all hyped up and running crazy to look after. Best of luck. Will you be dressing up?
just the thought of Halloween and seeing all the costumes has given me a rush of adrenaline. I do hope i get some scares tonight :wink:

Thanks for the video - i have book marked to watch later.

Happy Halloween dear friend - have a wonderful time today :ghost:


:laughing: add a few things like grey hair and / or a cane to make it pop :wink: have a great time!

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Day 129. I was reading how much Colin farrell was drinking, consuming before he became sober and it made me realise I had always underplayed my drinking as I compared it to people who consumed much more than me. If I was only consuming 5_7 bottles of wine a week is irrelevant as I wasn’t managing. I can’t manage alcohol. I need a life without it.


Can’t say really that ‘‘THIS’’ is the thing… I don’t want to look like an idiot who constantly tries to find a new way to resolve his drinking problem. I know it might seem like this and I was like this for years… But hey? How can you find the answer without trying and failing and searching??
I know this is not about the Doors or about this technique or that technique…
NO /// actually I guess I am just changing from within, so bad habits automatically falls away.
THIS … right here, all the doors and stuff, it just came into idea with a flow. I don’t know I noticed that being creative helps me to stay focused, take time and be in check - it’s just my tool that shows the most results for me. Without it I begin to get bored with check-ins and start to skip and then eventually fade away…
Also it helps me to resolve my inner blockages that’s holding me back, I am sort of forced / well technically not forced in any shape or form, but I just looking forward, digging, spending time on myself, healing.

You know first things first - we just need to stay sober - but then eventually there is a Brain New Life Ahead to handle… Need some sort of tools, discipline to put everything together, in order. Well I guess this is it.

I am creative person, nothing I can do, I just do it my way…


@Looking4Support Thank You, Brother :fist:


Day 622 alcohol free for me and the last full day alone in my house. Today is 12 hours of work so I’ll start with coffee and end with you guys. Thanks for being here for me.


Day 51 n still sober…closing in on 90 in 90
Did 2 meetings yesterday n Sunday


have a wonderful day at work Emilie-- what a lovely way to start and end your day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Nicely done – missed your 50 day celebration :tada: You are crushing it - keep going strong :muscle:


Thank you…

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I simply love this!
I will bookmark it :heart:


Thanks bro :love_you_gesture:t2::kissing_heart:


Thank you so much


Happy Halloween! Day 14 so 2 weeks woot. Its cold and snowing here in the Chicago area. I hope that the weather doesnt leave me with 200 little bags of candy (thats what kept me busy Saturday). There is trick or treating today here at the shopping center where my school is. Wearing my kum do (a Korean sword martial art) uniform complete with katana. Have an awesome day my friends. May check back in later


Thank youu!! I really appreciate it :slightly_smiling_face: :heart:

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looking sharp - ah man - cold and snowy??? i am in Michigan and grateful not to see any of that white stuff tonight.

Congrats on your 2 weeks :tada: Woot Woot indeed! I do hope you get a bunch of kids - love the individual Halloween colored bags :heart:


Thx! Unfortunately the snow is probably headed your way next.

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i know you are right :laughing: – i am bracing myself for it.

60 days AF

Evening checkin

Having kind of a cold…
At home sober.
Hot shower, chicken soup.

The study started after technical problems yesterday. Seems like a little challenge but the platform is realy good. 1 Level and 6 tests in 1 month. Script is 134 pages for the first month. Written content is available as video too. Bonus contents and access like linkedin learning and daily live sessions.