Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Wow soooo amazing!!

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Day 1 achieved! Small but mighty and hope to share my larger wins as time goes on. This is a wonderful group.


Day 125 , the longest stretch Iā€™ve ever had. Been tempted briefly lately, but I know the cause and will not let it get to me. Happy Tuesday to allšŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Awww you remembered! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I feel so loved! Thank you! I am taking a mini trip this weekend to meet a couple of my siblings (for the first time!) And Iā€™m excited for it. Would have never happened when I was in active addiction


Itā€™s the most important day. Congrats :love_you_gesture:


DAY - 1149


Day 143. Not feeling it today. Looking forward to work ending. Will either go the gym or cancel my membership as Iā€™m paying and not going


In the TLC Sober 90 course Iā€™m taking we are working on acceptance. Iā€™m learning to accept that I can only control my part in life, how I respond. I moved into my brand new home a little over 2 weeks ago and have been having problems with a leak. I can get all bent out of shape, which leads to mental knots, future tripping/catastrophic thinking, and then drinking, or I can accept thereā€™s a problem and all I can do is tell the builder and plumber and work constructively to get it fixed, which feels much more empowered and supportive of my sobriety. ODAAT I am learning to live differently and am grateful for the growth the challenges Iā€™m encountering are providing. Definitely have some rollercoaster moments but Iā€™m riding it.


:sunny: Checking In :sunny:
Day 639
Wow soooo many milestones reached today! Love reading about them :slight_smile:
@Wolf182 Huge congratulations Spencer on ur 1 year!! Thats incredible :star_struck:
@brian1965uk Huge congratulations Brian on your 1 year of freedom!! So proud of you!!
@scorpn I am soooo darn proud of u lady!!! 400 whole days :astonished: Youve overcome sooo much to get here and ur really an inspiration to me. Hugs my friend :hugs:
@trixie1 congratulations on ur 60 days!!
Hope i didnt miss anyone and their milestone.

Today i am feeling alright. Was a bit worried/panicked last night bcuz my son aspirated some of his formula. He usually gets an evening feed while asleep but he woke up in a panic bcuz of this. I tended to him and he is thankfully okay. But i have already emailed the dietician and asked about adjusting his feed times so that he doesnt have to have a feed while asleep. Its too risky. And i dont want him to get sick or have us end up in the hospital becuz of this. But thankfully this morning he seems okay! We are just having breakfast now and then we have a seating appt for him and his wheelchair. He seems to be growing fast and so his chair is looking as if its getting too small. Then home to clean and relax. Hope everyone has a fabulous day! :butterfly:


Checking in for day 113.


74 days AF

Checking in :heart:
I am okay.
I feel.
I am.


Day 1060,
Thought I had an appointment with my therapist, it was in my agenda. But did put it on the wrong date, found it odd already because I also had my voluntary work. Didnā€™t bother to call to check it, needed to learn a lesson I geus. Now I have a double booking on Friday. See how to deal with that. Voluntary work went fine, good to have some purpose, maybe not my purpose but on the other hand it maybe just that because the only thing I need to bring there is me. Tonight an appointment with my sponsor on which Iā€™m neutral. All day rain, :cloud_with_rain: here, so after coming home I put the heating higher. Just like it warm now.

Have a good one :pray::heart::pray:


Day 304.

Today I ignored my responsibilities and spent the day binging Six Feel Under. Oddly enough, watching a show about funeral directors is helping me come to terms with my uncleā€™s passing.

Iā€™m also a bit downā€¦ Probably milestone fatigue.


Congrats girl :tada:

Iā€™m watching Six Feet Under right now :grinning: Hope your mood improves :heart: Stay strong!


Latest Journey: 103 Days
Daily Tracking Recovery Work: Day 1
Iā€™ve been ā€œWhite Knuckling itā€ lately. I got to 100 days and had a setback. I started behaving in a ā€˜curedā€™ way (cured meaning just surf the net like iā€™m a normal person). I was starting to click on click bait, doing inappropriate searches, while not full relapses, i was headed for a relapse before it actually happened.

So today iā€™m working on Daily Tracking Recovery. I called my sister about my relapse, balled my eyes out. It was extremely important, i felt like a pipe ready to burst, i needed that phone call and iā€™m grateful that i did it. But now itā€™s time to get to work. I started an accountability log. I will share my thoughts and my process. Anyone is open to chime in with Tips and helpers or just something positive. Appreciate you all.

Just checking in.

@KevinesKay used to use this technique i found on PFR podcast. Iā€™m going to start doing this to put an actual Score on the Quality of my recovery. Iā€™m going to Track Recovery Activities vs relapse activities. +1 for my recovery tools -1 for relapse stuff. AT it up at the end of the week and see where i really am. Just tracking Days doesnā€™t tell the full story, heck iā€™ve been tracking Days off and on for Decades.


@just_laura I know as the weather breaks I do get have those nasty mornings where your body is feeling sick but luckily it does not last. Glad you are feeling better - I do hope you are not catching a cold. I have been dealing with some skin issues and Coconut oil really helps. It has anti bacterial properties and a soothing effect but it is oil so be careful when you apply and not touch fabrics. I do hope your eczema clears up soon.
@danam56 how are you doing? Been a while since weā€™ve heard from you ā€“ hope all is well with you :hugs:
@brian1965uk Outstanding work ā€“ 1 Year milestone is fantastic work Brian. Grateful that you would share your milestone with us. :clap: :clap: :tada:
@determinedworkingmom Hell of a job with your 786 days of sobriety! I am sorry to hear of the troublesome year you have been having. Impressed with you protecting your sobriety and showing us that life can be hard at times but that is not a reason to give up or give in. Much love and comfort to you ā€“ hopefully 2023 will end better than it has been going. :pray:
@trixie1 A huge congrats on your 60 days!!! Yippee to living an alcohol free life :heart:
@wolf182 1 year soberversary!!! Way to go :tada: :clap: :tada:
@mx_elle 40 days and counting ā€“ keep kicking addictions ass :muscle:
@Scorpn 400 days!!! Wow girl ā€“ you are crushing it! :muscle:
@etre Welcome to your day 1 Ellyse ā€“ grateful to have you here with us and looking forward to sharing in your journey :hugs:
@hoss Great to see you checking Martha! Congrats on finally getting into your new home :hugs: We are here with you so lean on us during your sober journey.

Much love to all celebrating a milestone today - you guys ROCK! Keep up the amazing work :clap: :clap: :tada: Iā€™ll grab my dancing shoes so we can get this party started :wink:



@pattycake 125 days is awesome Patricia! Grateful that you are not letting the temptations get to you. Know that we are right here with you if you need a shoulder to lean on.
@butterflymoonwoman Man that is a scary night Dana. Grateful that your son is ok this morning and I do hope that they are able to change the feed times so that you all can rest easier at night. Much love to you on this fabulous Tuesday ā€“ hope all goes well with his appointment today. :heart:
@selflove_42 much love to you my friend. I am sorry that you found yourself in a ā€œcured stateā€. I really have been feeling that way with my drinking and it sucks. The mind is very tricky. I am grateful that you put an end to it and are buckling down with your recovery tools. Much love to your sister ā€“ grateful that you were able to have someone to speak with. You are doing awesome and you and I for one am proud of your success. Keep pushing forward :muscle:

Checking in on Tuesday morningā€¦
I do think it may be the time of year with festivities, the change in weather and the holiday season that is causing so many of us to feel extra tempted these days. Grateful to see it for what it is and not give in. I have been reading more of the new comer threads and the threads for withdrawals to remind myself how far Iā€™ve come and how hard the beginning months were.
Went to the dentist and yeah it was everything i could dream of ā€” my mouth hurts. They were amazed how well i was doing with having been absent for 8 years :laughing: Have to go back to finish my x rays as the panoramic machine was broken and they were not able to get to my bite impressions for my mouth guard. At least the hard part is over today.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 636. Today I will start reading The Big Book. With Thanksgiving coming up I could use new sober lit so I will go to the source.

Itā€™s a happy day when I can see a year @Wolf182 and a day @Etre span celebrated. Well done! This is how we do it. :clap:t3:šŸ©·


I really appreciate your kind words. Taking a second to make someone feel better is one of your superpowers i really appreciate it. I went to a small ā€˜passthruā€™ at my job and was opening up to my sister. While it was a relief to cry, it was just a feeling of being tired. Secrets make you suffer in silence. Iā€™m trying to open up without ruining everything in my personal life. Itā€™s just hard. Iā€™m trying to do a better job now of having an actual ā€˜measurableā€™ of my day, just making myself more accountable for the little things i do every day. I lhave to live with myself, and i refuse to shame myself more (already done enough of that, even this morning). So, itā€™s just my journey.


Day 143 second check in. Watching a haunting on Venice on TVā€¦ Worked from home 8_5, going physically to work tomiro for someoneā€™s leaving lunch. Back up to Liverpool a week on Friday but this time it will be more a celebration