Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Checking in on day 149 AF.
I started the day with a chair yoga class which was excellent and then had breakfast. I set myself the task of clearing and tidying my studio in my home which is a job I’d been putting off for a long time. There’s still two boxes that I need to look through and organise but the bulk of it is done. I pulled out a canvas I wasn’t very happy with and painted for a while. It feels so good to be creative with paint again.

I’m just making dinner now while my youngest is out for Halloween guising as it’s known here in Scotland.
Wishing everyone an addiction free day.


Day 395 af
Day 16 social media detox

Yesterday I had some interesting thoughts about social media. I was craving badly, I felt restless and my mood wasn’t that good. Out of the blue I had an interesting conversation with myself. I told myself to feel through that.
“You’re restless, okay. You feel the need to be up to date, okay. But you can’t do that because you know you’ll lose control. Feel through it.”
Today I’m on my period so that explains some of what was going on inside my head yesterday.
I’m proud that I have this voice of good sense.
Played the tape through, again. And it helped :smiling_face:

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :ghost:


First off, major congrats on 1,000 days! Now, I really appreciate this sentiment. When one can get past the focus on getting through each day, a look to the future can be so useful. It is for me, anyway. Hopes, dreams, and even short term plans are so helpful for me to get through rough spots. If I can get through this xyz, then this is what I’ll be getting/doing. And so on. Thanks for sharing this message.


Awww that’s so lovely. Hope all the little ghosts :ghost: and witches :mage: and superheros :superhero:will come and pick up the candy bags.
And btw this uniform really suits you. Looks great on you.
Happy Halloween @Frank68 :jack_o_lantern:


Thank you so much!

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Hope you feel better soon @Juli1 and congratulations :tada: on 60 days. That’s awesome!
This study thing sounds interesting. What do you study if you don’t mind me asking?
Have nice sober and relaxing evening :pray:


Congratulations on 149 days @Deelzebub.
Just wanted to tell you that I really love your art. Unfortunately I’m not creative at all but I admire people creating beautiful things.
Looking forward to see more :clap::pray:


It’s not about how fast we move, it’s about THAT we move :heart:


Thanks so much Anne! :star_struck:

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I really like your style. Previous pictures too. Textures and something that you can pshysically touch and feel the expression - I always liked that. It’s like emotion being captured.
For me - this one feels relaxing. Like holding something in- then there is some tension and moderate expression leading into that fully calm state of mind. I would call it


You know those small to medium sized mental breakdowns - when you just scream for few minutes and then there is discharge and silence…

Sorry for my interpretation… Maybe I needed that :sweat_smile:

It would be interesting to hear what was on your mind when you created that :slight_smile:


I’m glad it works for you too! Whatever it takes is what it takes for any of us. Perspective is key. Belief & vision of a better future someday is uplifting. We got this!


By the way that is very inspiring to me! Many years I created scale models. I really loved the process painting and weathering them. Maybe even more than assembling them indeed. So later decided to try on painting with acrylic paints on canvas. One guy from AA meeting, a great painter, even gifted me first canvas to start on. I only did about 3 paintings. Seeing your jobs, since it is really the style I love myself, that is actually inspiring me to do a come back to paining again. I will not rush, I know it is not a practice where you need to force things.

I also did a QR Code paining, whitch I called the ‘‘Portal’’
The QR code was indeed created and painted by me, so you could scan it and it would open further continuation of the idea. Ofcourse I had pretty hard time to create that Qr code details so the first ‘‘Portal’’ actually did not worked :sweat_smile:


“digital process management” :woman_technologist:t2::grinning:



U can do this. Check ins are a good way of refocussing


I’m so happy you’re feeling inspired!


:white_large_square: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :black_large_square:
:broken_heart: :three: :four: :black_large_square:
:white_large_square: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :black_large_square:

So the fourth stone is about my wife. We are not living together anymore. Marriage at Church is still not canceled. It is the second stone about her and not the last one I believe…
There is a lot of weight in me about her… It was love from first sight, but later we found that we are like black and white colors - totally different personalities. I had too much dark in me at that time…

I know that we met with purpose, I was just after that accident on Halloween 2011 when almost died. I really asked why I am alive? Why do I survived? And then I met Her… She worked at Church and really helped me. My life changed dramatically, but not enough I guess… Or just as much as there was needed at a time… I thought that this piece was already solved in me, but I see it is keep coming back…


We always joked that she kind of looks like Tomb Raider and the song is Korn - Did my time featuring Lara Croft… :broken_heart:

How many times I watched that video while drunk… Now it’s time to watch it sober and to put pieces together :heart: (metaphorically I mean)

Phisically I am letting her go :blue_heart:


Day 2. No Halloween plans, but I rarely do anything. Haven’t dressed up in years. I have candy in case any kids come by. It’s doubtful.

Glad I have therapy tomorrow.

It’s just all too much. But back to OFDAAT.


Be proud of your 2 day Karen! Hope your therapy is working. Wishing you well.
Glad you’re here with us.
OFDAAT :pray::people_hugging:


Not calling us females would be a fantastic start.