Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

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Day 145. Working from home today. Had a three hour face to face meeting yesterday which was OK but really not that valuable work wise… Listened to the pogues on my drive back and then had thoughts of a pint of guiness and wild abandonment… Which were rudely interrupted by a traffic jam of biblical proportions.

Quieter day today


Me too! My husband and I went shopping a few months ago and we had a blast. We were like 2 kids flopping on each one, playing with the remotes, making the beds go up and down, being all silly. Who would have thought shopping sober could be so much fun.
I’m sure the salesperson couldn’t wait for us to leave. All that playing around paid off for him because we did end up buying an adjustable bed so there’s that. But the cost of some were way out of our league.


Mike, we’re not bad people, we’re sick people. Treat your addiction like you would an illness. It’s life or death my friend and those beautiful girls need their dad.

Glad to see you’re not giving up and you made it back here, not everyone does. Put your sobriety first and everything else will fall into place. You already know all this but it’s worth repeating. You’ve had some good sobriety time under your belt so I know you’re capable, now put in the work. Here for you buddy.


Checking In Day 27)

I’m feeling insecure, neurotic and emotional today and can’t get out of my head. I really do not want to drink but I really want to get out of my own head.


There’s a 1000 things to do to get out of our heads that don’t involve indulging in our DOC’s. A google search will help with ideas. And you already found the first one which is talking to your peers. You can do this!


I found that it helps to go for a really long walk, while listening to music or a good audiobook. I had similar feelings yesterday but went for a long ass walk and felt better for it. Also doing some guided meditation or just some mindfulness helps me with intrusive negative thoughts


Day 66 …shitty week came close to getting bail revoked a couple of days ago…fked up n hooked up with addict x gf …idk how im still sober


Day 306.

I’m here, alive and very much sober. Still struggling with my little funk. But I’m sober.


:rofl: :joy:

And the adjustable beds with the vibrate function!!! Heaven!


Yeah 2 years, its insane! :smile:

I feel the same way, everytime you popp up in the treads it makes me smile, and happy to see you. You are my getting our shit togheter partner :grinning:


Day 71, lifes been stressful, but still not falling into the drink. Just checking in.:hugs::woman_in_lotus_position::sun_with_face:


Hey all, checking in on day 1250. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 104
Daily Recovery vs Relapse Point tracker: Day 3

Just checking in.


Day 30. It has not been easy to get to this point (especially the first couple weeks). My problems have not magically disappeared. Cravings (although much less) still pop up. My short comings and character defects sometimes still win (temporarily). Those things being said, I am in awesome place. Im not foggy, not shaking, have spent a heck of a lot less money, super productive, and helpful to those who need it.

Thanks to all of you for your support. Have an awesome sober day.


Checking in on day 127. I want everyone here to know, those with long term sobriety,those just starting out, and everyone in between, how grateful I am to all of you! I’m so thankful that we share our ups and downs and lend support to each other in this safe place. This forum is a blessing.


Thats one of my go to’s for negative thinking. Long Walks and 15 minute swims do wonders for negative thinking.


Are you an avid book reader? Anything good? My wife and I are book nerds. I think she’s put down 60 books this year, i’m around 30 something i think. She’s more Thriller/Psychological thriller/Historical book. I’m Sci-fi nerd/Time travel anything/people with abilities/space opera/mystery kind of reader.

  1. I give up, it’s 4 at 9.30pm.

Lots of uncertainty in my mind. Got the ACOA DF big red book. Going to start working through the steps in my own way first.

Today I found out that in FB messenger my mom has been sending me passive aggressive memes during the last two years of our estrangement.

Shit like, ‘if my absence doesn’t bother you……’. I’m tired of fucking alcoholic drama from people who should know better. Fucking childish, it’s so pathetic.

Trying so hard to feel positive. Won’t go near FB again.


“So even if the hot loneliness is there, and for 1.6 seconds we sit with that restlessness when yesterday we couldn’t sit for even one, that’s the journey of the warrior. (68)”
― Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times

You got this, hang in there!