Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

@Mno @ShyBert @Pattycake

Thanks for responding; I took a walk up to town for a coffee. My dear mother phoned me on the way and joined me about 20 minutes later and we had a good chat. I showed her the book I’ve been writing by hand and an hour later, she’d bought me a laptop to type it up on… She really believes that it’s going to help someone one day which is lovely :slight_smile: I don’t share her optimism but it’s nice to know someone has it :slight_smile:


Congratulations on your 30 days Frank.
Enjoy the Portillos.


Good morning everyone. Starting day 2 and looking forward to seeing my beautiful girls, also just talked to my counselor, it’s funny I was just getting ready to call him as he called me. But I was completely honest with him again and said everything, even the last time I got on here and said I was done I still felt reservations. But I really don’t today or now at all. I don’t have reservations, I’m fucking done I want my life and I want to live right and healthy. When I get home on the 25th I’m going to be hitting the gym. I need to get back into a good routine and love myself again. You all are awesome much love


Hi @JazzyS

Had an absolutely horrendous sleep and am now on the highway home.

Just hit a big snowfall, hit a patch of slush beside an 18 wheeler and almost careened right into the front of him, scare the living shiitake mushroom out of me.

Pulled in to the next stop to collect myself and going to go at an easier pace.

I see blue skies ahead though so this should hopefully ease up.


Hello friends. I’m sure I still have some here.
@Mindofsobermike you are doing the right thing. I and others here got your back dude. So glad you’re on the right path.

I’m in recovery mode, dental work wise. Should have known it would be rough. Two root canals on Tuesday (I can’t believe it’s Thursday already!) I feel like I lost a day. I was fine until I wasn’t. Still, so grateful to be doing this sober. It’s a big deal. And I caught these numbers today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ugh, I feel your pain :tooth: If I had to choose between giving birth unmedicated or having a double root canal, and I’ve done both, I’d pick the first one every time. Sleep was the only thing that got me through the latter. Rest up and you’ll feel better soon :heart:


Checking in day 165 AF.
I’ve been keeping myself busy with lots of yoga, I’ve had some appointments with my support worker and I’ve been making tote bags for Christmas presents. I even baked a cake today.
Wishing everyone an addiction free day.


Hey girl. Be strong! Fuck FB and Fuck yer mother! If she isn’t going to be supportive, caring and kind … block her ass. You owe her nothing during this time, she owes you everything but obviously is unwilling to give it … so do t expect it. Until she can play nice put her in a time out. You and your me tak health is all that matters right now.
You can get through this, dont let the darkness win! We are alllll here for you and we want you in the light. :grin:
I see how strong you really are … pull up those big girl panties ( I hike mine high as I can every day) and forge ahead, no need to look backwards … you aren’t there anymore.
Much love and support to you chickie :purple_heart:


Yeah Rosa! That is quite the catch. Keep being awesome. :clap:t3:🩷


Checking in

1 year and 4 months sober today. Im reflecting on the amazing transformation I have had since I got sober. My extire perspective on life has gradually changed. I am much happier now, where as I had no hope when I was using. Yay for Sobriety!


@danam56 Great to hear from you and glad you are doing well. Sorry about the crazy week – hope you get some relaxing down time :hugs:
@mindofsobermike I haven’t had to deal with dealers so my only knowledge is from TV (sorry) – I am sure it can be scary and unnerving. You can keep saying you are good or don’t want any but then that might have them keep contact which I think is detrimental to your mental health and your sobriety. Hopefully you can discuss this at your meetings / or with you counselor to come up with a better safe plan. I wouldn’t think they would think you are a snitch or be aggressive about it if you said you were done or just didn’t say anything and broke all contact. Big hugs to you my friend :hugs:Oh I love your update – grateful for you sponsor and grateful for your attitude! Keep going strong my friend – you are doing so well :people_hugging:
@hidden WOW – that is kinda exciting to be visiting 3 states in one day. I’m excited about your Bryce Canyon National Park trip -hope we get to see lots of photos :heart:
@jennyh Girl that sounds like a lovely way to celebrate your milestone. I do know that funny talk your mind can do and “cured” thoughts are the worst especially when you are already dealing with anxiety. I am super proud of you for acknowledging them and protecting your sobriety. :clap: :clap: :muscle: Another day of being awesome!
@zzz way to go friend – 50 day milestone is impressive – keep going strong :muscle:
@timetochange grateful for the traffic jam LOL – Grateful today is quieter. You need some “me” time after the past week or so of emotional activity.
@dresdenlapage I’m sorry for the unsettling feelings you were having today Josh. How are you doing now? I find that I need to quieten my mind with meditation and deep breathing when I start feeling out of sorts. Any activity like a brisk walk or cardio also helps. Sending you good vibes. Oh I love that you were able to get out and so grateful for your mom and her support. I agree with her and know you will help others in recovery – keep going strong Josh.
@barber508 I’m sorry for the shit week. We do have some ups and downs in life – take a moment to breathe it out. I find that I am better at handling fights / shit days / mishaps now that I am sober and have some decent time under my belt. I still have to deal with a lot of stuff but overall have come a long way. Grateful that you have maintained your sobriety through all this. Keep showing up for yourself – it will get easier :hugs:
@frank68 WOOT WOOT – way to go Frank – congrats on you 30 day milestone :tada: :clap: :tada: Keep going strong my friend – it does get easier and more rewarding as time goes on
@tragicfarinelli Hell Yeah its day 4 :muscle: Man I am sorry for the FB memes your mom sent. Do stay away from that site – it’s toxic in every way. We do not need the negativity in our lives. I do hope you are able to block out those messages in your mind and enjoy this beautiful day.


5 years, 1 month, and 15 days sober. :blush: saw a commercial for one of the all inclusive Sandals trip or whatever last night and thought, i should have gone to one of those when I was still drinking. Such a weird random ass thought. I would have thought I was enjoying everything because I was drinking and truky taking advantage of the all inclusive part but in reality wouldn’t have been fully enjoying anything at all because Id either be drunk so everything would be hazy or hungover and not feel well enough to have a good time.


Checking in at about 6 hours away from hitting day 5. I’ll say day 3 was hard(usually when I relapse) and day 4 was easier mentally but physically i just could not yesterday. Today feeling better and a little more energy. Just having a little moment of weakness right now. I have managed to get through the mornings by staying away from my phone for a certain window of time, so I’m assuming since that little voice didn’t get what it wanted in the window it usually gets it the last two mornings, that’s why it’s creeping out this afternoon. So I’m just going to read around on here maybe take a nap and when I wake up hope the tantrum is over LOL. Have a thoughtful Thursday everyone!!


@anon68572606 Ah man that sounds like a hell of a night / start to the day. I am grateful that you were able to make a stop and collect yourself and above all that everyone is safe. Do take it easy on the road my friend – I know you have 3 days of travelling. Please be safe. Take time to grieve :people_hugging: I wish I could offer more – just know that we are here for you.
@rosacando That is a rough week for sure – I do hope you start to feel better soon. Of course you have friends here :hugs: Love seeing your posts and feel your support. I am sorry you are going through a rough time. Lean on us as we are here for you. 777 is an awesome number!! Congrats on your sober journey! :hugs:
@squishiebunnie Way to go on your 1 year 4 months of sobriety – grateful that you are experiencing the rewards of sober living! Keep strong :muscle:
@Brookiemonster618 WOW - that is some impressive sober time! So true about the all inclusive bit. Just saw a comic talking about it the other day and how the package without alcohol was as expensive as the one with - so crazy. Grateful that now we can actually enjoy all our events and days and actually remember them.
@sobermama39 you are doing great - the tantrums come and go and as you saw they change up times when they know their needs are not met… keep ignoring them and doing what you are doing. It does get easier. :heart:

Checking in on Thursday morning – Man I hate it when the internet is down. Feel so lost. I have been trying to post my check in for over 2 hours. I also don’t know what my mind was thinking but I thought I had another week till Thanksgiving. I now have to scramble – get my shit together and get 19 pies made by tomorrow. UGH! Wish me luck. I am grateful that I offered to do this one last time for the grocery store as they have not found a different baker and only offered two flavors and capped it at 15 but hey they needed a few more. I know I got this :wink: Just a bit of a shock LOL Well – off to get my fire under my butt lit – have a wonderful addiction free day – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I know. She really doesn’t deserve any response as memes are not exactly the level of emotional maturity I would expect to repair a rift….im working it hun.

Thanks for the kind words. X


Just waving to you friend :raised_hands:t2:


Huge congratulations Frank on 30 days! Sounds like uv put alot of hard work into getting here :slight_smile:


:sunny: Checking In :sunny:
Day 641
Busy day today. Got quite abit done already and its only noon. Got my son on the bus to school and then grabbed a coffee before tackling the storage closet. I managed to get it done. Wasnt as bad as i expected it to be. Got rid of alot of unwanted items and will donate some items/clothes as well. Brought out the christmas stuff for later too. Went to the grocery store for a few odds n ends. Was nice to get out into the chilly air and go for a walk. Weird tho how my addict brain works. I have 2 liquor stores close to me (one of them is a 3 min walk away) and i always walk by it everyday to get home. Today for some odd reason, my mind was like, wouldnt it be nice to have drink? And my mind started fantasizing about it. And alcohol was never my issue but i know that i can never drink bcuz drinking would release my addiction all over again. I guarentee id be back using in no time or switching addictions. So noooooo not even going there. But strange how my mind just wants to wander and think of things that arent good for me. Now that im home, im going to have a nice salad for lunch. And then do some self care :relieved: Hope everyone is doing well!


Thanks for the kind words…

1 Like

@Brian1965uk belated congrats on your year :tada::trophy::star2:
@Trixie1 belated congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Wolf182 belated congrats on your year :tada::trophy::star2:
@mx_elle belated congrats on 40 days :tada:
@Etre belated congrats on day 1 :tada:
@Amy30 sending strength :people_hugging:🩵 belated congrats on 10 months :tada:
@Butterflymoonwoman solidairity :people_hugging:🩵
@Charlie_C congrats on 3 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2:
@Bomdhil feel better soon 🩵
@Mindofsobermike I’m so glad you found your way back here :people_hugging:🩵 I would advise you to change your number ASAP because those texts will keep coming. Even if you block them, they will just use other numbers.