Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

@JennyH congrats on the new job :clap:t2: :tada:
@Just_Laura congrats on 9 months :tada:
@zzz congrats on 50 days :tada:
@Frank68 congrats on 30 days :tada:
@RosaCanDo sorry about the root canals, they are no joke :grimacing: but congrats on all the 7s :tada:
@Squishiebunnie welcome :blush: congrats on 1 year and 4 months :tada:
@JazzyS good luck making all those pies! :grimacing:

1193 days no alcohol.
658 days no cocaine.
173 days no vape.

Didn’t get to sleep until 3am Monday night. I was worried I wouldn’t wake in time to get to my appointment on Tuesday, but I did, via alarms. I didn’t have to go into town so I was able to go back to sleep after my meds for an hour.

When I awoke to a regular text message on Tuesday, I thought it was going to be the Psychologist cancelling our appointment again, it was from her, but she said she needed to work from home that day, so we did have our session, but it was over the phone. It went okay, some hard stuff to talk about in relation to childhood sexual abuse, and my experiences of sexual violence as an adult. Then we talked about how certain things are difficult for me, and how badly I want to start going back to the gym and swimming…she set me some goals. Yesterday I was to walk to the gym, just to the car park, then home, which I did. Then on Friday, so tomorrow, she wants me to walk to the gym, and go in for a coffee, in the café in the reception area, and then home. Then to see if I can actually go in the gym to exercise the next time. Our next session is 5th December, so we will review then. As it stands, I’ve been finding it impossible to leave my flat to go for any of my usual walks. I’ve reverted back into Agoraphobia mode.

Yesterday I attended an in-person course called ‘The Power of Routine’, I was really looking forward to this one. Hoping it would kick-start some motivation in me to get back on track with my walking and other daily activities that have slipped since my last therapy ended, but I didn’t learn anything new. It was good to get out though.

Today I felt very low all morning. I attended an online course called ‘LGBTQ+ Matters’ in which a recording of my lived experience was played (not my voice). I received an email from one of the tutors shortly after the session ended saying they had received positive feedback from the lived experience specifically, so atleast my contribuation was valuable. At 14:30 today, I realised why I had been feeling so diabolical mentally, I hadn’t taken my morning nor lunchtime meds, so I took them then and have just been meditating while I started to feel more like my usual self.



Thank you, friend! I really needed that today.


Hello old friends. I’m happy to be checking in for the first time in a long time. Grateful to be sober. I hope you all have a wonderful day.


557, checking in.


Welcome back!


28 Days Sober :blush::tada:


Day 1

I have a problem with obsessively consuming social media content that makes me feel bad about myself. I think it’s about control. I don’t feel control over my life so I do this. But its bad for me and it impacts my personal relationships. So I use this sobriety tracker to try to reduce my obsessive social media patterns. It’s been a struggle lately, I only make it 1 or 2 days. I think I should start posting to let go of some of the anxious energy that pushes me to it in the first place.


More nettle stings in the garden and Xmas comes to Dunham tonight…another sober day



Checkin in, holding up alright, putting the work in and feeling better when I can


Damn! Beautiful


Day 5 and I feel dreadful. Can’t sleep can’t concentrate and feel so emotional. Hopefully things get better :pray:t2: at least I didn’t give in and drink


Day 193 good night :sleeping:


Just doing a night time check in. Had a good morning and good evening with my girls. Mom made meatloaf and I made my famous mashed potatoes. Girls ate good, and it’s been pretty good. Watched Harry Potter for dinner. Also when I got home today I messaged another tattoo shop in Plattsburgh to see if they would take a look at my work and see about possibly taking me on. Out of everything tattooing is something I still always think about. With college I’ll be honest from the start I didn’t really feel like it’s what I wanted, my counselors kind of pushed it on me and I thought maybe they were right I’d be good at it. But deep down when my counselor said i could get money if I went to college so that right away seemed like a good way to survive a little longer, at the time I had no bad intentions in my mind with the money. I thought I could get my girls presents for Christmas and pay rent and survive better for a little, of course that went s little different. Regardless I have faith everything will be ok. Much love and good night everyone


It’s just been such an up and down day. I’m alright, there’s definitely people who have it far worse.


@catmancam thanks friend – did get them done thank goodness. I am glad you were able to do your psychologist appointment. Great work on taking it slowly and getting you back into your routines :hugs:
@mikeseekinghope Great to see you back and checking in.
@girl.going.offline Welcome back to the community and a great job on day 1! Wishing you well on this journey and hope to see you around :hugs:
@rosefree great work Rachel – congrats on day 5! Ii am sorry for the struggle – the beginning days are a bit rough to overcome. Great job on not giving in – it does get easier. I find keeping myself busy helps me when the urges get strong.
@mindofsobermike Great to see you checking in . Glad you are having such a great time with your girls. Wishing you luck with getting back into tattooing.

Our struggles are valid and yeah, some may be worse off but we are allowed to feel our feelings. I do hope your days gets better with more ups. We are here for you if you need to talk.

Checking in Thursday evening …
Grateful to have gotten my work done today… not sure where i pulled the strength from but am grateful to be relaxing while dinner bakes. Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - remember you are not alone! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in. Sober & sick. Got covid and my throat is so raw! It hurts so bad, feels like i swallowed rusty razor blades. I’m soooo trired but home alone with my 4 year old so I can’t exactly sleep. This sucks. :face_with_thermometer:


Awe man - I’m sorry you are sick with Covid. I do hope you don’t get nasty symptoms and feel better soon. Sending you healing vibes.


Day 59:

Woke up early and made it to the gym this morning. Good workout, but getting up at 4:30 has finally caught up with me. I’m exhausted and worn down.

Work was a struggle, but i made it through the day. I was supposed to go to my friend’s for dinner and to watch the football game. Not happening! I’m so tired and had another one of my dizzy spells when i got home so I’m throwing in the towel on tonight.

Already in bed and so tired. Need some good sleep tonight to recharge for tomorrow.

Busy day tomorrow. Gym, work and then going to the Utah Jazz vs Phoenix Suns game tomorrow night with my daughter, friend and her son. Should be a fun night, but i can’t be this tired.

Sending strength to all those struggling and huge congrats to everyone getting one more day.


hey friend, sorry that you are dealing with the urges. are you able to go for a walk or do something to keep your hands / mind busy?

we are here for you if you need to just talk / vent it out. Keep fighting - the urges will not last. You are stronger than the addiction :muscle: :pray:


Hello friends. Checking in on day 888. Crazy eights. I hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are :blue_heart: