Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

nice number Drew – love the crazy eight’s :heart:



I’m definitely fighting some kind of infection but it’s weird. Third morning in a row waking up stuffy and sore-ish throat, but it’s more like a ‘slept with your mouth open’ kinda sore. Then it’s gone by the afternoon. Same with the achiness. I layed on the couch all morning but I’m okay now.

Not much of a day. I got laundry done while my daughter went to art class so that’s a win. Work in the morning so getting to bed early. Hopefully it’s not hard to get moving then. Goodnight :heart:


Hey all,
Day 11, still at work, the temptation to get a drink on the way home is overwhelming. Oh how easy it would be. Will check in later in the day


It sounded like it. Glad I could help. :kissing_heart:


Day 12. Don’t have much to say other than I am feeling optimistic.


Day 146. Working 8_3.30 or 4 today.

Day 146 is really the same as day one I guess. Today I will not drink. I will deal with Saturday when it arrives


:white_large_square: :white_large_square: :fire: :fire:
:white_large_square: :five: :one: :black_large_square:
:white_large_square: :white_large_square: :fire: :black_large_square:


Checking in on my way to the office on day 383, alcohol free.

Anxiety through the roof today for some reason.



My weekend is here. Work was a bit too much about the rules and stuff yesterday, people testing positive for drug use, being sent home for not abiding to the rules, sometimes makes me wonder if I’m in the right place. Well, I’m a mod here too and I do like that.

I’m not great but not bad either. I need to do some social stuff. I will. Sober and clean. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love from my workplace.


77 days AF


Day 307.

Today I’ve got loads of work on. Tomorrow I’m going on my family memorial road trip. Sunday loads of work on. Monday… even more shit to do. Tuesday… same as all the previous days.

But Wednesday… I fly. I mean, I’m literally getting on a flight, not like drugs or anything stupid like that.

I need a nap.


You can do this. You will do this. Find you way. Hold on. And dont hold back. Xo.


687 days today. Going to work evening this friday.

Wish you all a wonderfull friday and weekend :revolving_hearts:


Day 62, and feeling pretty good. I’m making a plan for the US’s Thanksgiving holiday next Thursday, in case I am tempted to drink. I will be prepared. :smiling_face:


Day 63
I didn’t post yesterday’s check in … Whoops
All is well but I’m am tired. I recently turned 60 so I know some of it is aging …and some of it is not always listening to my body. Still working on that.


Feeling discomfort all the time, I just rush through the days, just want to get it over with despite knowing that the next day will be the same, cannot slow down, sit still, read a book, focus on a movie, or enjoy the moment anyhow. I’m really frustrated and anxious. At the same time my days are quite unproductive, I’m barely able to complete my tasks, and don’t really do anything else besides the bare minimum, I feel useless.
Today I try to work, cook and maybe do a guided meditation that I started to practice half year ago but gave up after a few sessions.


How are you doing now Jamie? Great work on 11 days. Were you able to find ways to distract yoursel - I find keeping busy helps me when I feel tempted.

Happy Friday - keep fighting the good fight :muscle:


Hey Tomek,
I can resonate with your share. We all have days when we feel like we aren’t productive. Sometimes going slowly and just not giving into our addiction is a win. Glad you sharing your feelings and planning to do activities that will support your recovery. Sending positive vibes your way! Your doing great!


Another day sober in the books is a huge accomplishment. Please be gentle with yourself :pray:. Your body and mind are healing and it is a rough process.
I know it doesn’t seem like it…The bare minimum is amazing. I couldn’t even accomplish that at the beginning of my journey. Just take it one step at a time.
Picking up on your guided meditation may help with your anxiety. I find deep breathing and light controlled stretching also helps.
Sending you love and comfort…you are doing great :people_hugging:


Day 66.
Hey all. I have been struggling. I feel stagnant. Emotions all over and feeling a lot of anxiety. I don’t trust my thinking right now so I will continue to share and connect to others for support.
Trying to find gratitude in each moment yet at times this is hard when I see the I’ll effects in my life right now as a result of my addiction. Off of work, can’t drive until next August due to a DUI. My relationships with my children are requiring a lot of work from me due the instability in my parenting as a result of my addiction. I recently asked their father to leave which I am some what regretting. Although our relationship is unhealthy and spent years indulging together, I am feeling vulnerable and afraid of being alone. Praying for willingness to continue and do the best I can for today! Will help a friend with some home cleaning, spend time with my daughter as she is off of school today. Also planning on going to a meeting tonight with a friend also in recovery who sponsors women.