Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

I hope too, thank you :heart: All relaxe here and try not to get upset about husband not thinking about cleaning the same way as me.

Have you hsd Covid?


Totally understand this. Try to relax and know that at least he is trying and you can get things in your order when you are healthy :people_hugging:

I have not had COVID.


This is my second time :face_exhaling:

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Im impressed by your perseverance

Sobriety is amazing. Just so worth it


DAY - 1153


Day 29)

Good evening :slight_smile: Today I just feel at complete peace. I don’t know if it’s going to last until tomorrow so I’m not going write ‘War and Peace’ like I usually do… I’m just going to enjoy it. Hope everyone is having a good day

Hugs not drugs


6 years 11 months 4 days sober. Things are going well for me, although I’m mildly frustrated with a consulting job. I think I can survive that. On to another 24 hours, all!


Day 308.

Today’s been an emotional roller coaster full of tears, anxiety and family drama. Being sleep deprived didn’t exactly help either.

I actually felt triggered to drink for the first time in months. Like… I was staring at the wine and thinking how easy it would be to make all these feelings stop. At one point, someone poured wine and one little drop fell on the table. I sat staring at that little drop for over a minute debating whether to pick it up with my finger and lick it. Yes, it sounds pathetic because it is.

I didn’t have the drop.


I agree man.


I am glad you resisted. Staring in the eye of the tiger. it’s difficult to sit with all these negative feelings but drinking would have only replaced them with guilt, regret and self-disgust. Instead you now have another valuable experience that you can do it without it.


Absolutely! It was really hard, but there’s nothing drinking can’t make worse. I feel stronger in my sobriety after today.


Late check in on day 384 AF.

Wasn’t feeling 100% this morning but got myself up and went to the gym before doing the Saturday shopping.

Went to watch my local football (soccer) team at their home stadium - they won 5-3 so it was an exciting match.

Came home afterward and cooked dinner for the family - now one of my boys is at work, one is gaming in his room and my wife is sleeping already.

I’m nursing a green tea while watching Law & Order in front of the living room fire.

All in all not a very exciting day, but I wanted to check in because I didn’t get the chance this morning.


Second check in today. I’m only 3 hours from hitting the 7 day mark and I honestly almost blew it about an hour ago. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: Luckily the pharmacy was running behind. Due to plans changing at the last minute I ended up having a small window of time available, but fortunately it didn’t work out. I didn’t even want to go through with it but if the script would have been ready to pick up, I would have been there to get them and take them to my “friend” and get some. It’s just amazing but I’m not shocked, it’s literally the most relentless thing this disease, addiction. I’m over it now and so thankful for things not working out that way. Now I just keep thinking about how gross I would feel if I did fuck up at this point. I don’t want to feel that way, I want to feel how I feel sober and clean. Getting it out on here right now is also really helping. Next I’m going to hop over to my prayer app and then get into some cheesy, wholesome Hallmark Christmas movies. :christmas_tree::santa::gift:


Evening check in with 65 days. Real struggle today, been a very difficult day. I won’t go into why but trying to process it all now. I managed to resist the cravings but life is piling it on atm. Not feeling very strong so staying close.


Hey love…I am so sorry for your day. Just feel what you are feeling and keep yourself away from access to alcohol. You can get past this and deep down you know that drinking will not solve anything.
Talk to us …we are here for you.:people_hugging:


Checking in
Day 643
Work is going well. Im currently working by myself while my client is on a home visit… so its quite boring here. Had to do a WHMIS test which was actually much harder than I expected it to be. But got it done. Feeling a little “broken” today and trying not to compare myself with others. Theres a group of moms that meet up who all share something in common and i am welcome to join in on these events, bcuz i too share this same thing in common. But boy do i ever feel alone and different from them all. I look a little “rougher” compared to them and i feel like me being an addict, really puts me apart from them in a sense. Thing is, is that this is probably all in my head lol they dont know my past issue with drugs and so they would probably never guess that I have gone thru what i have. I want to participate but dont feel comfortable I guess. Idk, I find myself isolating alot when it comes to social events. Not that that is generally a bad thing but its nice to make healthy connections. One day at a time :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Dana you are a beautiful vibrant young woman. You have been through hell and back and you are standing. Do not let addiction define you. As you suspect, your fears are in your head as they don’t know your past. They are drawn to your charisma and loving aura.
I know it’s scary to jump into new settings and it can be uncomfortable at the beginning socializing with new people. You won’t know if you click until you give it a try.
It is important to make healthy connections but do it at your pace…just don’t let your past hold you back from thriving in your present :people_hugging::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Checking in day 64 off the booze. 15 days off of xanax. I had previosly done around 16 months off booze but relapsed and went on a 2 week binder. During my 16 months i was taking xanex daily. I wasnt abusing them and i was very set on taking a milligram a day… i felt like i needed them as I worked in a bar/restaraunt as a server and would be very anxious without them. I have since quit that job and am working with a friend who is also an alcoholic with 8 months sobriety. Some days are better than others but for the most part i believe that being completely sober is the right path for me. I want what so many of the long time sober people have, and I dont think i would ever find that through taking pills to compensate for not drinking. Thats all I have for today. Odaat.


today has been rough but in a different way. about to post about it now

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599 days :sparkling_heart:

The silly season is approaching, and I am trying my best to be aware of the triggers for me in this season. My last boozy bender occurred for 4 months after ‘just having a drink or two at the Christmas parties’.

I was able to really enjoy last Christmas sober, and I’ve been quite strong in my sobriety this year. And funnily enough, the warm weather is out, I walked past an old place my husband and o would enjoy a pint of beer and I had my first strong craving again out of nowhere. So I’m vigilant, I’m aware this is a difficult season for me, and I will keep stacking up the sober days.
Life is profoundly better when I am sober!