Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Congratulations! :+1::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::+1:

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Great! Hope u all have a wonderful time!


Congratulations Erica on one year! This is wonderful! You an inspiration. Keep at it!:purple_heart::tada:


Day 68

Sunday. Another day of clarity yet stillness. I am aware what needs to be done yet not acting on my to do’s. I feel numb at times and also at peace.

Feeling my feelings, understanding they will pass.

Really focusing on the words of the serenity prayer. Praying for the courage to change what I can and except what I cannot. :purple_heart::pray:t5:


Sober day 3.



@Rosefree it does get better as we learn to deal with life without using, sending strength 🩵
@HoofHearted oh nooo, I hope your symptoms have eased by now, feel better soon 🩵
@Tomek @Lotusflower sending strength to you both, with you in solidarity :people_hugging:🩵
@KarenKW welcome back :blush: I hope your eyes heal soon 🩵
@Dmcg1987 @cloudy welcome back both :blush:
@Mira_D congrats on 4 months :tada:
@happyfeet enjoy your holiday :blush:
@Noshame congrats on 4 months no vape or cigs :tada:


@Wakikki oh nooo! Feel better soon 🩵
@JennyH sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@Hidden congrats on 60+ days :tada:
@Bomdhil congrats on 30 days :tada:
@ShyBert congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@SoberMama39 congrats on your week :tada:
@DresdenLaPage congrats on 30 days :tada:
@CleanJean congrats on your year :tada::trophy::star2:

1196 days no alcohol.
661 days no cocaine.
176 days no vape.

Had a last minute reunion with some of my cousins at my Auntie’s house yesterday afternoon/evening. Hadn’t seen 2 of them for 4.5 years. It was nice, but when I got home I felt really unsettled and triggered. I won’t go into why because I dont want to bring those feelings to the surface again. I meditated lots on the subject, and eventually fell asleep. I have felt okay today.

Today I managed to complete my next mission, which was to walk to the gym, go inside, and have a coffee in the café in the reception area. I did it. My next mission, which I am setting for myself, is to go into the gym, and attempt a workout, not sure when I will attempt it, will see how I feel tomorrow. I also managed to do my lake walk before it got dark this afternoon, I was pleased about that as I hadn’t done it for a while.

I hope you’ve all had wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



I love how you’re setting realistic baby step goals toward working out at the gym! I have a friend who started by driving to the gym and sitting in the car for a while and then leaving. Eventually she got in there and did the workouts but it takes time to get to that point sometimes. The hardest part is getting there! One day at a time!


@onthewagon31 WOW – great work Nate – congrats on your sober timers! Keep doing what you are doing. :muscle:
@alycia way to go with your 600 days of sobriety! This is a sneaky tricky season. Great job on staying vigilant and remember your tools. We also are here to help support you.
@sadmemequeen Oh hun, I am so sorry :cry:. Are you able to talk to someone (therapist, counsellor) about your PTSD? They may also be able to get you back on a good relationship with your eating. Have you been able to find a replacement doctor? Sending you comfort and love. :people_hugging:
@Hidden A great job on 61 days of sobriety! Glad to see you finding your rhythm with your workouts. Keep on the sober path :muscle:
@anon68572606 Grateful you have made it home safely. We are here for you during your storms. You are not alone in this. :people_hugging:
@shybert 2 weeks is amazing work! Keep it going. I do love waking up hangover free and the early mornings :heart:
@dresdenlapage Great job on your 30 day milestone :tada: :tada: :clap:
@mindofsobermike 5 days completed – woot woot Mike! So thrilled for you. I do hope that you are able to check out that meeting tomorrow. Keep going strong my friend :heart: :muscle:
@MiniBehan01 Welcome back Charlie!
@catmancam Grateful that you were able to meditate and rest and now are feeling better. Great work on completing your next mission. One step at a time my friend – you are doing an amazing job. :hugs:

Checking in on Sunday evening
333 days free of alcohol and weed
748 days free of cigarettes
Hoping everyone is doing well and having an addiction free day /evening. Sending you all much love :heart: :heart:


i see a nurse practitioner on Wednesday. if she’s nice I will keep seeing her. i don’t have therapy until after the week of thanksgiving but I plan to bring up the possibility of PTSD, we’re also very slowly working on my eating


oh thats lovely progress Megan. we are here for you my friend, please remember to reach out to us if you need extra support or just someone to talk to. :hugs:


Sorry to hear you were triggered last night but glad you managed to get over it.
Sounds you were having a successful weekend after all.


Thanks for the words, my friend.

I am feeling a lot better today.

  1. Really been in a rough patch lately. Had some “what’s the point” thoughts earlier. It never goes away. It gets more manageable, but it never goes away. My head is hitting the pillow sober tonight, so I will take that as a win. Good night, and good luck, friends.

Day 65
Didn’t drink at my sister’s :+1:
Ready for the week ahead :slightly_smiling_face:


@CATMANCAM @JazzyS Thank you!!



Woke up over an hour before my alarm. No reason for it that I can think of. Then Luna started jumping on and off the bed and walking over me for no reason that I could think of. Well. It did give me time to write my journal. It’s a habit I like. It get’s my head going in a good way. And I’ll gladly get up a bit earlier for it.

So of to work it is. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from Amsterdam.

When I think this, for me it’s the opposite. There is no point in drinking. None. That thought always helps me. And hitting the pillows sober sure is a win. A massive one. Each and every day. Bear hug friend.
@CATMANCAM Progress friend :people_hugging:
@CleanJean Huge congrats Erica! A full year of sobriety is HUGE!!!
@Ravikamor @Milele @Conor689908 Love to see you lot! Enjoy!



I’m still achy today, but maybe that’s just how I am in the winter and never felt it before. In any case, the thought of having a drink to numb me up arose briefly. But then the thought of actually drinking it turned my stomach sour immediately. It reminded me of the end of A Clockwork Orange where Alex gets sick every time he witnesses violence.

It’s like my brain has been conditioned over years of drinking to the negative effects that occur every time I drink and it’s reversed how I feel about alcohol. Idk if this is even making sense but I’m just genuinely curious how my brain suddenly flipped a switch like it was nothing after so many failed attempts. It baffles me. I’m beyond grateful it happened :pray: so maybe I shouldn’t question it :upside_down_face:

Hope you all have a great Monday!





@JazzyS thank you!!!

600 day check in :sparkling_heart::man_dancing::sparkling_heart:
It feels damn good to choose myself for 600 days. In celebration I’m going to share one of my favourite sober quotes-
‘In a culture addicted to escaping, being sober can feel strange. Refusing to numb the pain of being human takes courage, and self-love, a noble determination. At first it may feel like a personal triumph, but in time, it becomes a selfless act, a guiding light.’