Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Ok is the word

Have a peacful day


Thank you so much


No problem at all
And your very welcome

We got to be there for eachother and thank you for being here


Wow what a milestone

Amazing work


@icebear Hey Drew ā€“ sorry, for the rough patch. We are here if you want to talk it out. It is a huge win to gain another sober day. 891 days and counting is impressive. Keep going strong!
@trustybird how are you doing today Emilie? I can only imagine the hardships of growing apart from family. Sometimes we have to create our own ā€œfamilyā€ for our own sanity / safety. It may not be honest but could you claim Covid even if you are negative so that you can not put yourself through an anxiety filled holiday? Hope you do feel better soon. Big hugs to you my friend. :people_hugging:
@hidden Wishing you luck with your tough decisions. Grateful that drinking is not a solution. Sending you strength Chris.

WOW ā€“ you are amazing Jules. I am grateful to see you doing so well on your journey. SO very proud of you my friend. Keep shining :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Great job on referring to your list. When we are honest about why we want that drink or how we canā€™t just have one then we really take charge of our addiction. We are so much better off without the constant bounds of our DOC. You are doing great with 149 days ā€“ keep going strong :muscle:
@deelzebub Iā€™m sorry you are not feeling well today. I do hope the meeting with your support worker goes well and helps lift your mood. For your gut pain ā€“ do you have a hot water bottle? Sometimes that helps me no matter what the cause of the pain is. Please do get the gut pain checked out if it does not subside soon.
@residentevil Great job on getting back on the sober track Lizzie ā€“ congrats on your 4 days! I am so sorry for your loss. Sometimes we can see the train coming and are unable to get off the tracks in time. Its great that you are using this to build up your support system and tools for when you may face a similar situation in the future. We are all here for you as well.
@sobermama39 I am so sorry that the voice is so damn loud and persistent. It does throw a lot of tantrums at the beginning in hopes to get you back. You are doing great in not feeding it and finding and focusing on the day at hand. Day 9 in your sights ā€“ so exciting! Keep moving forward! PS- I do love the cheesy Hallmark movies (great light distractions :heart: )
@happyfeet Hell of a job with your 114 days Anne! I am sorry that you are not connecting in the same way with your friend. Rant away ā€“ sometimes we need to let it out somewhere. I have been dreading the day that I re-connect with some friends as I feel like alcohol was our binder. It may not have been all that kept us together but I feel like I tolerated a lot of stuff that wasnā€™t great friendship stuff cause I was drunk and really didnā€™t give a shit at the time. I do hope that you are able to enjoy your vacation and your surroundings.
@Barber508 Wonderful job on 70 days! I am sorry for the struggle. This is a time for you and your sobriety. I know itā€™s hard to hush out all the negativity and find your own peace. Keep trying - you are here for you! The people, places and things can piss off IMO. We got your back here. Keep working on yourself and protecting your sobriety - it will get easier and better.

A lovely Monday morning check in ā€“
I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on - i feel like i am moving through the motions but not really present. I am not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing necessarily. Just a little FOMO of my life when i was healthier in some ways (friends and connections) but really sick with my addictions. I know I will never go back to my addictive life but i am missing my friends and the connections. I honestly have not had the energy to reach out to anyone in so long.
I am off to pick up my mom and hopefully enjoy some one on one time before my Eye doctors appointment.
Hoping you all have a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:



Truck broke. Boss said to get some free time. So I didā€¦

Doing some home chores these days and having some relaxing time :beach_umbrella:


Day #51
Not feeling it.


:sunny: Checking In :sunny:
Day 645
It was a ROUGH morning. I woke up and got my son fed and ready for the school bus. We has to rush getting out the door bcuz the bus was early. Then i get a call from my family Dr. She cancelled on me again (this is like the 5th time shes cancelled on me at diff times). I had an appt with her today and i get a call this morning saying she cant make it. I was rude. Im not even going to beat around the bush about it. I was rude to the secretary and i do feel very bad about it, bcuz thats old behavior. I hung up the phone abruptly too which wasnt right of me. After the phone call, i went for a walk to run an early errand. I needed the fresh air and the movement. Tried deep breathing while on my walk which helped. At the store i went to, i bought a couple things for my husband for xmas and then managed to save up enough points to get myself $40 worth ifof anything i wanted in the store. So that was a nice treat for myself. Idk today is really off. I feel like Im being a b!tch and that needs to stop asap. Gonna put the laundry away and then workout. Thats my plan for the day. Hope everyone has a great day! :butterfly:


We are here if you need to talk it out. I do hope your day improves Charlie :heart:
Great work on 51 days of sobriety!


I love your post! I really love it!!! Thank u for sharing this with me.
You totally put a different spin on this situation. I do have alot to offer and i guess i was putting myself down. Just because i am an addict doesnt mean that i dont have valuable things to offer. Im cutting myself short.
I also really love how u spoke about boundaries within myself. It never actually occured to me that i could do that lol i always think of boundaries as something i set for others to respect. But boundaries within myself is really an amazing concept to me. I love it and im going to do that. Theres alot of negative thinking that sometimes occurs whoch needs to stop bcuz it hinders my growth.
Thank u sooo much for ur insight. It really made me think of things differently. And not just about this situation but with other situations as well :slight_smile:


Day 0. Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™m running on today but itā€™s been epically horrible. Canā€™t eat, canā€™t move, got the terrible shakes and sweats and nausea. Horrendous. Iā€™m done with alcohol now, in the bin, no more. Literally Iā€™ve made this certain in my mind, me and it are DONE. The first day of the rest of my life has started already.

Iā€™m so over myself.


Great choice.

Today is the first day of the rest of the healthy innocent integral version of you!


Day 9 checking in just got to keep moving forward :pray:t2: had a good day at work will be going to a meeting either 2morro or Wednesday then back again Friday still been praying everyday


Good grief, this root canal recovery is a pain! It will be a week tomorrow and I still hurt a lot, still can barely eat, and my husband is getting two wisdom teeth removed as we speakā€¦we are quite a pair. I already told my family I highly doubt we will be going down for Thanksgiving this week after all. Shame, but better to heal up properly. And better to be taking care of our tooth issues - this will pass. Next up for me is a couple of crowns and fillings on the 27th. I hope thatā€™s less of an ordeal! But then I should be all set until I decide to get an implant for a molar that was pulled a decade ago. :sweat_smile: Just hanging in there for now. Take care of your teeth, friends!


My root canal is also kinda failed and Iā€™m awaiting specialist treatment now as I am pretty certain some nerve is still live inside. Itā€™s so miserable, Rosa. Sorry you are hurting.


Oh god, thatā€™s a nightmare! Hope you get it fixed soon!!! Ouch.


Sending you strength my friendā€¦a huge step today for youā€¦ mentally, physically and emotionally! We are here with you - remember to lean on us and your support system

I do hope you are able to get some rest and fluids today. Hope you start to feel better soon. Great job on throwing everything out. Baby stepsā€¦ remember to be kind to yourself.:people_hugging::people_hugging::heart:


So, just a bit irritated.

Life happens and itā€™s all good. Trying to rebook a vacation that was supposed to happen in 1.5 weeks that you originally booked 11 months ago is hard. Cancellation fees, transfer fees. Life happens. I dont have a great attitude at the moment. Iā€™m frustrated with myself, just the predicament. I was so looking forward to sitting on the beach next week. Iā€™ve been counting down for 11 months. The travel voucher expires in febuary. Itā€™s been 18 months iā€™ve been trying to go on this dang trip. 2 cancellations now, they dont even have a freaking room where we want to go anymore, they have to make a special consideration, ask for a room. What if i book another flight and the answer is no? What the heck am i supposed to do then? I shouldnā€™t have called my wife (who is healing in the hospital ). I sounded irritated about the whole thing, of all people to call, why did i make that call to her??? I will need to apologize immediately for my stupid behavior. Iā€™m just frustrated. We quickly debated whether to move it to the deadline, my thought was, WHAT IF LIFE HAPPENS AGAIN AND WE NEED TO MOVE IT A 4TH TIME? Her response: What could happen in Febuary? My response: WHATā€™S HAPPENED TO 2 OTHER TIMES???
Dont call people when your frustated. Journal. Text on TS, just dont pick up the phone. Why should now 2 people be frustrated iā€™m irritated. I should have empathized with her. Great start to the week.

Have a great day everyone.


Good afternoon. Day 6 and itā€™s been another sleepy afternoon. I need to go figure out a job ASAP, idk why I havenā€™t worked in so long it seems really hard or anxious to find one. But I do need to do something to survive. Part of me just feels really lazy, this is the whole part where Iā€™ll do anything to get high I need to do anything to be sober and survive and sometimes it just seems so hard. Me and the girls are gonna cook some cupcakes and then tonight I will go to a meeting at 7 much love


Thank you!!!