Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

@CleanJean thank you 🩵 and I agree, that is definitely the hard part, the walk there and back already feels slightly less daunting :blush:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: I’m sorry you’re feeling a lack of connection to your friends :people_hugging: maybe it’s time to reach out, even if you don’t meet up yet. I hope some Mom time helped a little, and that your eye appointment went okay 🩵 seen your update, amazing that your sight has improved :raised_hands:t2:
@happyfeet thank you :blush:🩵
@icebear sending strength :people_hugging:🩵 I hope the new meds help :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Mno thank you :blush: 🩵
@Alycia congrats on 600 days :tada:
@TrustyBird I’m sorry for the way things are with your family :people_hugging: I can relate.
@Juli1 @residentevil congrats both on your honesty :clap:t2: :tada:
@SoberMama39 sending strength :people_hugging:🩵


@Barber508 congrats on 70 days :tada: sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@Chuckie22 sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@Tragicfarinelli welcome back :blush: there’s a lot of freedom in finally being completely done.
@SelfLove_42 I hope you are able to go on your holiday once your wife is better :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Butterflymoonwoman I can relate :people_hugging: I hope the meds adjustment helps :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Sabrina80 I’m sorry you struggle like this too :people_hugging: with you in solidarity 🩵 I hope your doctor can help :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Lotusflower I’m sorry it is overwhelming right now :people_hugging: well done for doing what you needed to do for you recovery :clap:t2:🩵

1197 days no alcohol.
662 days no cocaine.
177 days no vape.

80mins sleep Sunday night. Lots of micro-naps Monday, no energy to attempt the gym or do any walks. It’s okay though, I am used to having to listen to my body

I did get up to date with my laundry.

I finished reading a book.

I started my check-in last night but fell asleep, so I’ve just caught-up, it is now 03:55 AM Tuesday.

It was Trans Day Of Remembrance yesterday. Not much to say about it, grateful I am not one of the statistics. :transgender_flag::candle:



Im too lazy to look back, but have you watch What we do in the Shadows?

Also, you just reminded me to put the wash in the dryer… :+1:


I haven’t yet. Now I’m on Face Off, the series, not the Nic Cage movie. Oddly compelling. I’ll add WWDITS to my list.
Are you feeling better?


Loved face off, watched it when it originally aired few years back!

I am feeling better, thanks for asking. It’s weird, sore throat just stopped in the middle of the day yesterday. Today I went out to lunch with my freshly unemployed wife and that wiped me out, came home and laid down a while. So, feel good, just no energy.

Hope you feel well soon!



Slept pretty great. Went to the chiropractor, which I totally needed, and hoping my pain will be less tomorrow. Then shopping :angry: Everything is more expensive every time I go! It’s stupid! For the price of one toothpaste now, I used to get 3! And this wasn’t that long ago. Wtf is going on?!:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: It keeps getting harder and harder just to live.

Not much else but a nice prime rib dinner, that was free from work Sat, and watched Totoro with my daughter. Probably gonna be a relatively early night.


Hi Cam,

Thank you as always. It’s all a part of the process, I breathe ground and keep pushing forward. You are doing amazing work in your recovery. Love how you break tasks down into manageable goals. I’ve been doing the same. Helps tremendously.:purple_heart:


Thank you…


That’s why I book my appointments in November now, my eyes get dilated every time and I remember a cloudless day in July many years ago :scream: now it’s only rain and car lights :see_no_evil: also a bad combination.
Glad that your eyes are okay.


Thank-you. Somehow this has been the hardest of my 51 days. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Bummer on being sick! Get well soon, and rest is a he best medicine. I can relate to the family stuff, too, and I’m sure they just want to see you. Sounds like it will be pretty relaxed, hopefully anyway!


Glad you’re on the mend!


Thanks buddy! :blush:


Thanks. My husband had it for two weeks and I avoided it all. I started feeling it yesterday, today I gave into it and we’ll see what tomorrow brings. It might be another sick day.



Coffee, SAD lamp, journalling, checking in. My morning routine before work. I’m OK. I’m sober and clean. On work days I sometimes get these ‘is this all there is’ feelings , as it’s such a busy job, especially in the early shifts, and all I do is work eat sleep repeat. Another reason to want to work a day less a week. But that won’t earn me enough.

Anyway, work itself is rewarding and (socially) intense. It goes quite a long way in fulfilling my life. But not all of course. I’l make work of looking for at least one day a week of change. Let me think about it. I have some ideas. I’m sober and clean. I can move forward. I’m not trapped in life like I used to feel when I was boozing and drugging. Never again.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. I will do my best too. Love.

@TrustyBird Take care of yourself Emilie. Nobody will do it for you. :people_hugging: :heart:


Thanks Menno. Right back at you with that spot on advice. 🩶🩷


Just about to start day 2 & i have been up since 5am … im super ready to get up & go. Going car shopping today with my father in law so this will give me motivation! Keep it up everyone :clap:


Late evening check in.

It’s been a day. Wife still sick in the hospital, i miss her, her presence in this home is so desperately missed. On top of that, and everything else I’ve journaled, my kids are sick. One just puked all over me, not once but twice! I’m giving him a hydration drinks now. I’m surrounding him in towels in the bed. It’s just one of this days. TS is my sounding board, well one of them now a days. I was getting ready to go into more talk about my insecurities, but that’s enough of that. Let’s not be so self consumed… my family needs me strong with everything going on.

Good night all .


Day 63:

Didn’t sleep much, mind was going, but still managed to get up in time to make it to the gym. Pretty intense workout which was just what I needed. Work flew by today which was good. Had a night at home by myself, got my November workout challenge done and just finished the night with MNF.

Was able to get some thinking done today and figured out I’ve been overthinking things. I can’t control anything but my own actions. As long as I remember that, am honest with those around me, then life will work itself out and the issues I can’t control can’t cause me stress.

Feeling better tonight.


Day 599 sober.