Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

That sounds really tough. I am sorry to hear about your wife, i have missed a lot, is this gallbladder related? Kids do get ill with terrible timing! Is it a bug or reaction to stress? Hope you all get through this and home together soon. We are always here if you need to offload, it isn’t selfish to take care of yourself by sharing with people outside :people_hugging:


I am pleased your results are good but you must be feeling so unsettled. How very frustrating for you. Take very good care of yourself :people_hugging:


Hi all, checking in on Day 68. So tired this morning, lots on again this week, but my good mood has returned so happy with that. I do feel like I have clawed my way through the last week, lots of taking it ODAAT but I am establishing coping mechanisms for stress that don’t involve escaping it. Sitting with uncomfortable things is still awful, but I am processing it quicker.

A lot of others are struggling at the moment. Sending love and strength to all.


Day 10 checking in got to keep pushing odaat :pray:t2:


Day 428 AF

Life has an interesting way of slapping you in the face with some heavy feelings at times.

Ive been home for a few days now trying to reset my body clock back to NZ time and then getting back into work.

I had to spend a couple of days in deep sadness and guilt because I felt like I could have spent more time with my dad, we lost 18 years due to us being so stubborn. I finally rang him this evening only to habe him tell me he felt the same way. I was happy that he was able to relay how he felt as well.

Im really looking forward to getting back over there to spend some quality time with him again as soon as I can afford too.

Sitting with feelings and processing them has become easier over time but its still one of the hardest parts of being sober.


Day 150. Working 8_4.30 today. On call tomoro night which is a pain but then off for a long weekend. Off to Liverpool to see family


77 + 3 days AF
Love addicted overthinking kicking in.


601 days check in :sparkling_heart:
I’m tapering down off of a medication that really helped me out of a dark spot this year. It’s been a rough two days of symptoms from the decrease. Taking it easy, crocheting, gentle walks.
We had our first homeschool moderator meeting for my son today, we passed the first three month check which is a relief.
One day at a time friends :yarn:


Day 102*
Reflective and sad birthday weekend. I’m grieving. I was supporting a friend who had a really rough day yesterday and she mentioned how relieved she was to call her parents and get their advice & love. It made my heart really happy to know she had this but it’s hard not having that parental support myself.
I’m grateful to be another year older. I’m grateful for more opportunities to make better choices for my life.


Hey all, checking in on day 1255. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 67
Tired and ready for almost a week off.


I hear ya! Looking forward to a rare 4 days off in a row.


Happy sober Tuesday! 40’s and rainy here in Chicagoland. Got into work at 6 so I could do an online meeting. Looking forward to see what the day has instore and if im fortunate to be able to be of help to someone.

Have an awesome day!!!


Morning checkin day 5 since I missed yesterday’s checkin.

Started oral antibiotics for my eye infection since the drops didn’t help. I hate taking antibiotics- they mess my stomach up even though I take probiotics.

I had a good session with my therapist. We are working on challenging my negative thinking and negative core beliefs. I’m glad we click well and can laugh a bit through it all. He’s honestly the best therapist I’ve even been to. I feel very grateful.



Checking in on day 132. @KarenKW , glad you are doing well with therapist. I understand the negative thinking, it has plagued me for most of my life too. Once asked my therapist, what comes first,the thought or the emotion? She said the thoughts. :thinking:Of course it’s the thoughts! It took me years and years to actually get that. So, keep going, One Free Day at a Time! :heart:


195 no alcohol
13 no Marijuana
126 no vapes or ciggs

Lets have a good day


Day 170 AF.
I had an appointment with my GP this morning and she’s decided to increase the dose of my antidepressant. She also measured a couple of sebaceous cysts and reassured me that they looked harmless enough. My daughter has been talking about feeling anxious lately so I mentioned that to the doctor and have a double appointment early next month for the both of us.
I then went to the lunchtime yoga class (I prefer the morning class but the appointment clashed) and after that had a chat with my friend on the telephone. He’s many years into recovery and we always have good chats.
Then I headed out to the shops for groceries and saw a neighbour from when I stayed in the north of the city, drunk, working her way through a box of lager, watching the skateboarders. I stopped to chat with her as I haven’t seen her in years. I was really saddened to see the state she was in, and it put into perspective how I’m feeling about my life just now. I may be struggling a bit but I’m not drinking on the street in the early afternoon. She’s a lovely woman but she said to me that was her life now. So sad.
Wishing everyone an addiction free day.


Thanks Jazzy. The gut pain has thankfully subsided. Maybe just something I ate.


WOW – what imagery! This is a wonderful analogy – thanks for sharing Des. I read it last night and have been mulling it over – really helps put all of the first stages of recovery in perspective. :pray:
@butterflymoonwoman and @sabrina80 I have recently restarted magnesium and melatonin at night along with a hot foot soak where I add a few drops of lavender. Then I massage my feet with a lotion or essential oil (depending on the day). Also listen to a soothing meditation – all or a combination of these may be useful for you too? I hope you both get a good nights rest soon.
@icebear sending you great vibes – hope your appointment went well today and the meds start helping you very soon.
@jasty2 Aah – yes, we are customers. I am starting to really understand the system :laughing: Jokes on them – I didn’t go back (well Covid happened and then just life and I honestly forgot about the lesion). Only went today as it was necessary to get updates for my neurology appointment.
@trustybird Sending you healing vibes – hope you start to feel better soon. :pray: “why not me” yes – keep reminding yourself that you deserve a sick day just as much as anyone else. You are no good to others if you are unwell yourself. It’s the parachute analogy I guess – put yours on first so you can be able to help others.
@catmancam Thanks friend – yes, I think you are right and I will make an attempt to reach out to my friends. Will be nice to connect via phone for now at least. Grateful that you are listening to your body. You did get a lot done with little sleep. Hope you are having a much better Tuesday :hugs:
@anon74766472 OH that is a brilliant idea. Yeah – I will keep that in mind for sure. Yeah – I had my sunglasses but next time will take them up on the ones they hand out as they are full coverage.
@selflove_42 sorry that your kids are sick on top of everything else going on. Keep working on your recovery and gaining strength to be present for yourself and for your family. We are here for you so please unleash here – it is unhealthy to try and keep your frustrations / struggles in when you are trying to be around for your loved ones – something will give. Sending you strength.
@KellyKelly WOW - 599 is impressive — you are crushing it – looking forward to celebrating 600 with you tomorrow :hugs:


Good idea to start again with magnesium and melatonin :+1: I’ll try that. I did listen to a sleeping meditation yesterday, didn’t help much :grimacing: