Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

So sorry things are so hard right now. That is a lot to deal with all at once. Wishing you a clear scan and a better day today. :heartpulse:


Sending you lots of strength :heart:


Checking in day 2/3

Resolved, healing, forgiving myself. All I have is this now, no other thoughts are being allowed in. There’s nothing I need to do apart from complimentary things for my recovery.

Woke, working hard with the thanksgiving business, trying to not panic or overwhelm.
Ate salad, spinach cannelloni and flatbread
Attended an AA meeting last night then ACOA DF afterwards.
4 hours sleep, it has to be enough, it is enough today.
Stir fry, loads of veg for tea time meal
Swimming tonight
Straight to bed after shower


Checking in on day 133 , and wishing everyone well😘


Day 171 AF.
It’s been a tough day so far emotionally. My daughter woke with joint pain, a temperature and an all over rash so she’s not in school. It took me until about 1pm to get through to a doctor (I put the request in at 8am when the surgery opened.) Now we have a face to face appointment scheduled for 4.15, but the rash is now fading a bit.
I’ve also got paperwork/financial worries on my mind at the moment, and a couple of times today i‘ve wondered about numbing it all out with a glass of wine or, let’s face it, a bottle or two. I know I won’t act on it but it feels very tough today to just feel my feelings.


Whoooooo :fire::muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:


So far so good, thank you Rosa and @Tragicfarinelli :pray::heavy_heart_exclamation:


Huge congrats on one year! @Bones_80


Congratulations!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball: You did everything sober last 365 days! :facepunch:


Day 8. Good morning fam, I am definitely still getting sicker. But I’m about to start our Thanksgiving dinner. I hope everything goes good. And I hope you all have wonderful days and have a great thanksgiving yourself


@butterflymoonwoman Whoa – it really shocks me every time of how crazy expensive medicine is. Hopefully the antibiotics will work with no side effects. Have you gotten the MRI results back?
@goku2019 I glad you are able to enjoy a lovely staycation. I feel you on having those thoughts during this time of year. Think that society and media have made this time of year as a time to be merry and mingle and our old selves think we need to do that by enjoying a drink. Great on you for staying strong and letting those thoughts just pass on by… we will get through this season together! :muscle:
@maestro Hope your day turned around for you. WOW – so cool to be doing a powerlifting competition this weekend -you are going to kick ass! Keep us posted :muscle:
@soberwalker so much love and comfort for you friend – I am sorry to hear of your rough day. Grateful that you were able to find support and use your tools to keep you from giving in to the cravings. Sending you healing vibes and hoping for great results from your test. :people_hugging:
@barber508 look at you – completing your 90 meeting challenge in 72 days! Keep putting in the effort – the pay off is amazing!
@sobermama39 Hell yeah double digits and thriving! Love this attitude and together we are going to leave the old toxic mentality behind.
@luckyredz welcome back Rich – great work on 7 month milestone! Keep going strong!!
@deelzebub So sorry for the awful way your day started. Sending comfort to your daughter. I do hope she is not in pain on top of all the uncomfortableness she must be feeling. Sending you peace and calm in dealing with this. We are here for you my friend – talk to us / scream if you need to (you already know that no comfort will come from picking up the bottle). Much strength to you Delia.
@bones_80 Way to go Ian!!! Congrats on your 1 year milestone :clap: :tada: Hope you are doing well :hugs:
@mindofsobermike Hey friend - sorry that you are getting sicker. Grateful that you are at home with family atm. Are you able to see a doctor? I do hope you find relief from your symptoms soon and are able to enjoy Thanksgiving with the family :heart: :hugs:

Checking in on Wednesday morning
I feel a bit more like myself mentally today. That is a good feeling. I am determined to surround myself with positive energy!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Ouhhf this is nice!!!
I have one craving after the other rolling over me all day! Not sure which way I will choose. But this helps a bit.



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Thank you…


Day 31 :four_leaf_clover:

Have a great day everyone :purple_heart:


Glad the appointment went quite comfortable for you @JazzyS but sorry about the mixed emotions about the surgery. I hope you’ll find a solution you and your doctor are fine with.
Big hugs :people_hugging: and congratulations on 11 month sober and clean :kissing_heart::pray:


Thanks Anne! Just breathing through it and reminding myself that it is my body and i can take a stand on what i do and don’t want done. LOL.
Being sober has given me a bit more self confidence and made it easier for me to stick up for myself.
Happy Hump day my friend :hugs:


I’m so sorry to hear about what you’re going through @SoberWalker and I can so relate to it. My mum was diagnosed with Corpus cancer at the age of 59 and died 4 month after she was diagnosed. I just turned 40 when she passed away but since I’ve turned 50 three years ago I feel that anxiety creeping up inside me year by year a bit more.
But we should not allow this feeling to define us. We should keep hope alive and live in the presence not being scared about what the future might bring. I hope the results of your scan will be due soon and bring you relief, like my tests did being taken earlier this year.
Good job on talking with your partner about your cravings though. That’s the hard work I guess to open up about it. So that’s a great accomplishment.
You’re doing brave!
Thank you for sharing your journey!
Have a peaceful sober and clean day everyone! :pray:


Morning check in.

Got my Son with me at work today, wife is hopefully getting out of the hospital. First time my boy has ever come to work with me, just makes me happy. He was shocked to see my cube is literally surrounded by pictures of my crew.

Have a great day everyone.


Feels really odd to not have a chaotic morning. The foster kids have officially found family thus leaving me with at least 4 less places to drive each day, but usually more, 4 less lunches to make, 4 less breakfasts to make, and a smaller bunch to coordinate in the mornings for bathroom needs. Odd… Really odd.

Back to work today officially as the mechanics are done with my car. Feels good to be back, it helps keep my mind and body busy.

I have a meeting to attend today and I’m going to schedule that in my calendar right now to notify me when it’s time so work doesn’t make me forget.

It’s supposed to be sunny here all week which is a nice change from the past several years of grey wet weather.

To top it off even though I did have a bit of an interrupted sleep I think I actually slept for the majority of the night for once.

I have my first go at coaching my boy and his teammates in our volleyball game today. Excited for that. Here’s hoping it goes coordinatingly (I know… Not a real word) well being that this is their first crack at this sport at this level.

Wishing you all well.