Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Thank you !!! :pray:


You should let your counselor know this as it is part of their duty to make sure there is enough time for you to come down from this high state of emotions to regulate yourself before leaving their office.

Letting them know this will allow them to adjust how they’re treating you.

Remember you’re their boss. They are there to work for you and your needs.


Hey everyone. I don’t typically check in on this thread, and I probably won’t in the future either, but I figured I’d drop a line. Life has been very busy for me. I’m not exactly sober (as in not sober). I go a month or two between relapses, maybe three if I’m doing well. It’s difficult. Sometimes I can go from feeling 100% sober to relapse in the course of an hour. Then I’m left thinking what in the world just happened.

I’m trying to use my lifelines that I’ve established in the past. One of those will be trying to post on here more regularly. I’ve always enjoyed doing the research to find topics for the Mind Blowing Random Thoughts thread (you can look it up on your own, not going through the effort to link it). I’ll try to keep that up, since I’ve heard from people that it’s been helpful to new users. At least on weekdays, when I’m at work. Weekends are too busy.

Anyway, I haven’t forgotten about all of you. You’re an amazing community and I really appreciate many of you (too many to list, present and moved on).


Hey guys checking in on day 99. So you know what that means? It means tomorrow this fuckin counter wil never be at double digits again. I really can’t say enough about the IOP program I went to, and the people there that helped me. Totally changed my outlook on alcohol, and sobriety, and living sober and avoiding relapse. It’s still just about today though and dealing with tomorrow when it gets here. Have a great day guys


Day 3, just checking in and saying hi :wave:


Day 7!!! 1 week!!!

Today has been hard. My twin sister is breaking off her engagement to her fiance and it breaks my heart to watch her heart break. I love her so much, I hate seeing her this way. She’s hurting and I feel like I can’t help and I hate that.

Update: she’s home. Not really responsive to any of us. It’s hard to watch her this way. I feel the need to take care of her. Guys I’m falling apart. I’ve cried a bunch since she got home. She’s really acting weird and I’m afraid for her.


Loads of days sober check in… Went to work the other day and ended the night in hospital having a brain scan which was a bit unexpected. I seem to have so many things a matter with me health wise at the moment but imagine if I was still drinking and taking drugs. 1, would my body take it. 2, would the staff at the hospital be so happy to help someone who is clearly killing himself anyway. 3, would I even ask for help bc having another drink usually cures everything anyway.
Blessed to be focused.
One day at a time.


Aww man that’s rough. I hope you feel better soon


Congrats on a month SAF :+1:


Checking in on day 922. Dr bumped up the sertraline dose let’s see how that goes. Darkness of winter comes and goes. It’s best to take each moment sober.


@residentevil Congrats on your bypassing your one month milestone Lizzie. I can imagine the trauma counseling can be triggering. You should be proud of yourself for not hiding with a drink. I am sorry that you are struggling. We are here if you need to some support. You are not alone.
@forrestkump Nicely done John – 6 months is amazing. :tada: Our bodies heal at different paces – be gentle with yourself. Glad you are feeling the healthy benefits. Hopefully the anxiety and stress will calm down soon for you.
@butterflymoonwoman I do hope you had a wonderful time tonight at the concert. :hugs:
@soberwalker Oh I’m sorry Claudia. Can be frustrating to get anxious about a conversation for it to be delayed.
@rob11 Oh I’m so happy to hear about your step out of isolation – meeting new people and enjoying activities. Glad to see you enjoying life :heart:
@dungeonmaster Good to see you checking in. This thread along with the Gratitude thread have helped me stay connected to my journey (especially during the hard moments). You are not alone friend – we got your back here.
@jasty2 WOW – I love that attitude and am grateful for the IOP program too – really seems to be working for you. Happy to be celebrating your triple digits tomorrow :partying_face:
@jules000 Way to go with your 1 week milestone! Ah love I’m sure your sister is hurting. A break up even when we initiate it is painful. Being there for your sister is the best way for you to be there for her. I am sure she knows how much you care and want to help. Big hugs to both of you :hugs:
@dolse71 So sorry Paul. I do hope that everything is ok. Sending you healing vibes. Grateful that you are sober and focused. Here for you :hugs:

Checking in on Wednesday evening
364 days free of alcohol and weed
779 days free of cigarettes
Had a productive morning helping out at work. Was able to rest for most of the afternoon to get my energy levels back up. Did find time to do a manicure and dye my hair. Will be a busy day tomorrow and then have my treatment tomorrow late afternoon which i am actually looking forward to. Not much else to report. Wishing everone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:



The dry air of winter and indoor heating has been making my nose and throat sore. It feels like I’ve had this stuffy, runny nose for weeks now. So many people are complaining of the same thing. My chiropractor said some doctors are starting to believe it to be respiratory damage from all the smoke from the Canadian wild fires during the summer. I’ve been thinking that the whole time. I feel like I never fully recovered. Idk. Pretty typical day. I’m just beat. I’m going to bed early :sleeping:


@Hidden belated congrats on 90+ days :tada:
@IamSophie belated congrats on 6+ months :tada:
@zzz belated congrats on 90+ days :tada:
@Scorpn good to read from you :blush:🩵
@nas belated congrats on your week+ :tada:
@Naomi I’m sorry about your Aunt’s and parents’ health :people_hugging: I’m glad you’ve joined in with checking-in too :blush: 🩵
@Nony belated congrats on your week+ :tada:
@Alden welcome :blush: belated congrats on 106+ days :tada: you’re not alone here :people_hugging: , sending strength 🩵 and good luck with your move!
@Noshame belated congrats on 5+ months no vape/cigs :tada: and also your week no cannabis :tada:
@Rob11 belated congrats on 3 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2:


@EFountains belated happy birthday :birthday: :balloon::gift::partying_face:
@lorelai belated congrats on 500+ day no SH :tada:
@Dolse71 belated congrats on 2+ weeks no gambling :tada: just read your today post, I hope you’re okay now 🩵
@Just_Laura I love the gift program your daughter’s school has :gift: :mx_claus:t2: I hope you do start to feel better soon :crossed_fingers:t2::people_hugging:🩵
@Juli1 belated congrats on 2+ weeks :tada:
@Timetochange feel better soon 🩵
@Brian1965uk sorry about your worries :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵 but belated congrats on 400+ days :tada:
@Tragicfarinelli belated congrats on 30+ days :tada:
@Mischa84 wow, I can totally see why having your MIL over is so stressful! Sending you strength and patience 🩵
@Jmg congrats on 2 weeks :tada:


@Lainenicole96 congrats on 30 days :tada:
@Amy30 solidarity! sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@DresdenLaPage congrats on 2 months and your own bed :sleeping_bed: :tada:
@DanaM56 congrats on 6 months :tada:
@Rockstar24777 sorry about the nightmare, that sounds so upsetting :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵 woah, that sure is trippy about what happened at work! How mad is that :scream: glad the resident made it.
@Barber508 congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@SobrietyForMe congrats on 90 days :tada:
@Silent-Soul welcome :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@residentevil sending strength 🩵 we have to feel it to heal it :people_hugging:
@Deadman congrats on 1900 days :tada:


Haven’t been on here in a while but checking in at 2 years sober today :heart: couldn’t have made it through the first year without you all. Love coming on here and seeing familiar names. :revolving_hearts:


Congratulations @Pica
Two years is fantastic!! Big congrats! Enjoy your sober self and celebrate!


19 days in the bank.
Gym in the morning. Then a bush walk with the kids (their suggestion) and the dogs.
Also got a few errands done.
Productive day.


It’s good to see you DungeonMaster. Sorry for the circumstances you’re in.

The only control we have over our addictions is total abstinence. That way we never have to think what just happened because it didn’t.
And we need our sober communities. Choose yours but use it or them and use them consistently and often. This is a team sport and until I learned that nothing came of anything. We’re in this together. Take care friend :people_hugging:


Second night of good sleep in a row. I’ll tentatively call it a budding trend :wink:
It’s going to be a busy day today. I hope to get all the groceries for the next week done today and avoid the total mayhem of Last moment Christmas shopping.
A friend will be over and we’ll sing some songs. Maybe a walk :thinking: