Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Welcome to the triple digits! That’s wonderful news.


I have to believe I’m getting better. I have to believe I will be well again. I was pretty despondent last evening and upset my husband with my negativity, which sucks because I was doing so well earlier in the day. I need to try and keep my spirits up because we are both tired of this nonsense. He brought our little mini Christmas tree in (read solstice! That’s what we celebrate) and I think I can set it up and cheer up a bit. I need to take a shower and shop for some stocking stuffers as we don’t do big gifts anymore and our guidelines for stockings are “treats, trinkets, treasures and fun trash” I’m missing a couple “T’s”, maybe tools, but it’s fun. I said today I didn’t think we needed to do stockings this year and I could see the disappointment on his face. So we will do it. My dog Lupe gets stocking stuffers too so we better keep that tradition. First, my daily walk with Lupe and that always perks me up. Sending sober love and strength out to you all. We’ll get through this, I just know it. :heartpulse:


I’m back to 1 day sober after a few relapses from alcohol. I’m serious about getting sober this time. I’m very motivated to tackle this beast.


Thank you @JennyH :pray:


Welcome to the TS community!

Making yourself a priority is such a significant choice! Congratulations on doing the!


Congrats on day 1. :clap:


Well done!! :clap:t3::clap:t3:


Thank you…


Day 199 AF.
I’ve unexpectedly got a ticket to the concert my daughter is singing in this evening. It all stemmed from me being willing to invite one of the other parents up to the flat during the concert and it turned out she had a spare ticket! I’m just waiting for the concert to start now.


I know right!!??? It’s fucking nuts!!! Yeah it’s a trip that so many of us are having terrible dreams, I wonder what’s up with that. I’m sorry you’re having them too!


Day 64. Went to the mall to get a gift today. Its a weekday so shouldn’t be busy because everyone is at work. BS! A 2 hour wait just to get into the store I need. Dont people have jobs!?! Haha. Tomorrow I will be there when they open and hopefully there will not be a wait.

Have an awesome day my friends!


Day 107. Super tired today, but I got a lot to do because I’m moving out of state tomorrow. Trying to figure out some last minute stuff that came up which is stressful, and I’ve got a lot of anxiety about how things are going to be in the new place. Oh well. Let go and let God I guess. Wish me luck with the move. :heart:


@lainenicole96 Grate work on your 30 + days of sobriety! You are rocking this journey. :muscle:
@jennyh Sending you strength to get through the fatigue crash. I so feel you about finding that balance. I too am having a tough time getting this balance. Glad you will have some time off coming up – do hope you are able to get some rest. No need to ever apologize my friend. Grateful that you are feeling better today.
@dilettante Hope you are having a blast today with your new job.
@dresdenlapage Congrats on your 2 months milestone.
@danam56 ah love this time of year is rough – I am sorry that you are feeling triggered. Remember that we are here for you – you are not alone my friend. You have kicked ass for 6 + months and I know you can keep pushing through. Sending you much strength and comfort :hugs: Sorry I missed your 6 months of sobriety WOOT WOOT! :tada: :clap:
@jules000 I am so sorry that you are dealing with so much love – I do know how difficult it can be and how your body tests your limits. Please reach out for help here on with a recovery group if you feel like you are going to give into the urge for SH. Big hugs my friend – you are not alone in this.
@juli1 WOWZERS those are some amazing timers love! So sorry that you struggled yesterday – grateful that you were able to fall asleep sober :hugs: Hoping that today is much easier for you.
@soberwalker So grateful to hear that you recognized that it was enough for you and asked for help. That is a huge step Claudia! I do hope your conversation went well today. :hugs:
@steve92 Congrats on not giving into the urge to withdraw more $ and way to go on betting back on the timer. Great seeing you on the 100 day challenge. Keep strong Steve :muscle:
@garry Smart move on leaving the wallet at home. I too would make it harder for myself to gain access and keep myself busy till the cravings went away. This site was a blessing for providing support and distractions. We are here for you if you need some support tomorrow. Make sure to grab a non alcoholic drink at the party and keep in hand – I find that if I have something in hand then I am less tempted to replace with alcohol and also others will not ask you if you need one.


Thank you, Rosa. I’m trying to take it easy for a few days, mentally prepare for the festivities.

I hope you feel better soon, it sounds like you’re going through a lot with the Covid. Constantly feeling ill can be so incredibly frustrating. :heart:


Day 17
Today I got a Christmas food/snack box, but… it’s primarily filled with booze.
The wine and liquor bottles will be gifted to friends, but I am working on some of the snacks though✌️


Day 30/31 and feeling a little better in myself.

Went to the gym and did my run then a 45 minute swim afterwards. It was lovely and quiet only 3 of us in the whole pool. Beautiful. Lots of time to give myself therapy in the pool and thrash out my thoughts.

Am practising gratitude and also taking Xmas easy. We have no food orders due, but instead have ordered in some frozen dim sum and dips for our weekend treat, and I have also put in a fresh fish order for a little bit of nice smoked salmon and smoked haddock for a kedgeree. My neighbours offered me two kilos of sushi grade kingfish yesterday so I’m going to ceviche a load of it for Christmas. So lucky. Blessed :pray:

I love living simply, I hate the expectation of THE BIG MEAL and THE PRESENTS. Instead we take a walk in Xmas day with a flask of coffee and a danish.

If you can, keep it simple.


@rockstar24777 I am so very sorry for that awful dream you had last night. I am grateful that you did share it – hopefully it lost some of its hold over you. How are you doing today? I can imagine that you may be feeling unsettled after such a dream. Do you have someone irl to talk with? We are here for you Robbie :people_hugging: whoa that is trippy about your resident – grateful that he is ok.
@barber508 Way to go with your triple digits! You are doing great – Keep this momentum going! :muscle:
@noshame 1 week is awesome! So grateful that you were able to overcome your cravings in a positive way. Keep pushing forward cause it does get easier and you are worth it.
@sobrietyforme 90 days (3 months) is fantastic. You are crushing this sobriety journey.
@lotusflower seeing you at 99 days – that triple digit milestone will be spectacular! Grateful that you pushed those thoughts of escaping away. You are amazing my friend. I know that when I start going down the road of negativity – I surround myself with comedy, lively music and post a lot of fun positive affirmations around the house. It does lift my mood and give me the boost of confidence I need.
@silent-soul Welcome to the community and great work on starting your sober journey. This is a wonderful community to be a part of. You are among people who understand the struggle and are here to offer support.
@deelzebub how cool was that – glad you are able to enjoy your daughter’s concert – HAVE FUN!
@Tragicfarinelli Congrats on your 30 day milestone. So grateful that you are feeling better :hugs:

Checking in on Wednesday afternoon…
Grateful that i had the energy today to go into work and help out this morning. I am now home and ready for my nap… wanted to catch up here first. Feeling tired but great in the sense that i have not had any urges for any of my DOC’s this week. I hope i didn’t jinx it.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


One month 4 days today sober been really struggling the last 2 days had trauma counciling been having it last 3 week n its really making me want to drink after to get rid of the feelings. Its just hard


Day 15, 9 pm

This day was easier then the day yesterday.
Today I received a journal I ordered with questions for every day to reflect and practice gratitude. Positive psychology, scientifically proved. New beginnings.

I will do some rituals for the ending of the year. In german it is called “Rauhnächte” can’t find the right translation now. I will give a report :star:


Congratulations on triple digits @Barber508
Way to go!