Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Hugs and pets for Luna Menno.
Eat some food, baby girl ā€¦ youā€™re loved sweet girl :people_hugging::black_cat::people_hugging:

@Sabrina80 hi good to see you post. I was going to put up a ā€œ missing ā€œ on you.


@ForrestKump sending strength šŸ©µ congrats on 6+ months :tada:
@Dilettante glad your first day went well :blush:
@SNS7 welcome back :blush: congrats on 3 days :tada:
@Jules000 congrats on your week :tada:
@Pica good to read from you :blush: congrats on 2 years :tada: :trophy: :star2: :star2:
@Mno I hope Luna feels better soon :people_hugging:šŸ©µ

1227 days no alcohol.
692 days no cocaine.
207 days no vape.

Checking in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

Didnā€™t get back to sleep on Tuesday morning after Iā€™d caught up here, but did mamage a short nap in the afteroon, then had some broken sleep during the night, an improvement. Tuesday night I fell asleep early, and woke up at 3:30am, I couldnā€™t get back to sleep even though my eyes were still heavy, I didnā€™t do much at aÄŗl yesterday, I just felt very fatigued all day.

I managed to do some more wrapping when I couldnā€™t get back to sleep during the early hours of Tuesday, so Iā€™m two thirds of the way through it now. Planning to finish it today (Thursday) hopefully.

Had a haircut Tuesday, the experience was awful regarding what the owner was talking about with his customer while I was waiting (transphobic bs). Then the conversation was also highly inapropriate between the barbers while I was having my haircut by a different barber (Jimmy Saville ā€œjokesā€), I also donā€™t like my haircut this time, so I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be going back there.

I have been having a lot of flashbacks and some nightmares, so Iā€™ve been having to ground myself and talk to myself out loud to make the panic go away. My cats seem to know, and seeing and stroking them really helps to calm me.



629 days sober. I hope everyone is on track with their goals :pray:


Congratulations :confetti_ball: :clap: :bouquet: :partying_face:



Happy to be sober.
Trying to finish my script and tests for december until Friday, to have a week off :evergreen_tree:


*Day 1920 :walking_woman:
Whatā€™s the story about a conversation with a joboffer I was nervous about? It didnā€™t happen, the area manager called in sick.
So to be continuedā€¦
Started the day with my new daylight lamp in the hope it helps with my winter depression.
Tomorrow I meet my coach for the first time. We have a walk and talk in a forrest an half an houre biking away. The weatherforecast says: rain, lotā€™s of it! :face_vomiting:

Plan for today: be in the now, instead of yesterday ore tomorrow.
And working ofcourse! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Have a good day all :raising_hand_woman:


@Dolse71 I hope there is nothing to worry about? Hope you are ok?


Day 180. I think itā€™s man fluā€¦ Actually my wife has pneumonia and I know itā€™s not as bad as that but I feel pretty pants. But I will be OK I reckon by the weekend.


Checking in sober. Itā€™s been a busy few days. Yesterday was my last day at my job so Iā€™ve been training my replacement and wrapping up projects. Iā€™m off work til I start my new job January 2nd. I fly up to my momā€™s tomorrow for Christmas. Today will be busy with laundry, packing, cleaning, etc. It all hasnā€™t sunk in yet. Taking everything O(F)DAAT.


97 daysā€¦racking them up. :muscle:
Found out yesterday that I do owe some money to insurance company and will go on a payment plan for it. I no longer kicking myself for making a mistake, but instead trying to just let it go.


@pica Thank you for checking in and sharing your amazing news with us. 2 years sober is amazing. Keep going strong :muscle:
@sabrina80 sorry that your sleep is still all over the place. Hope the staying away and resetting your internal clock helps. Happy Badge Anniversary ā€“ 1 year with TS :heart: Love having you here on my journey with me.
@catmancam oh that sounds like a awful experience Cam. Totally unprofessional of them. Grateful that hair grows back quickly. I am sorry about your flashbacks and nightmares. Those cats are lifesavers. We are here if you need some support friend. You are not alone. I do hope the panic goes away for you soon. :people_hugging:
@timetochange oh man the flue sucks and pneumonia is dreadful. Wishing you both a quick and healthy recovery.
@soberwalker I am excited for your walk with your coach tomorrow ā€“ I do hope the rain does not get in the way of this.

Checking in on Thursday morningā€¦
Slept great when i finally got to bed. Unfortunately the alarm went off way too quickly afterwards. :laughing: It will be a long day today. I do hope i am ready for it. Just have to take baby steps and remember that i can set my own pace. Excited for my treatment tonight - i do feel better afterwards. Today in a few hours i will hit my 1 year milestone. Very excited about this - hasnā€™t fully sunk in LOL. I am proud of how far iā€™ve come and excited for celebrating so many more milestones ahead.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Iā€™m sorry youā€™re struggling with the same type of crud I am. It had not occurred to me about the wildfire smoke! We got it bad several times this year. Iā€™m glad you mentioned it. Hope we all get over this soon.


Good to see you and major congrats on your 2 years!


Thank youā€¦


Hey all, checking in on day 1285. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in on day 162. Happy winter solstice, all.


Just checking in. Have a wonderful day everyone!


Day 200 AF.
Iā€™m in good spirits today. After getting the kids up for school I got myself ready for my hairdressing appointment. On the way back I picked up the last of the gifts that I needed to get so thatā€™s one aspect of Christmas sorted. Iā€™ve just taken the bus down to the big supermarket to stock up on AF drinks and the chicken that Iā€™ll be roasting on Christmas Day. And I got two big bags of nuts :chestnut:
One thing Iā€™m noticing is the smell of booze on the odd person here and there. Last night the woman next to me at the concert smelled of red wine. Quite a strong smell, and to think I always used to smell like that.
Anyway, wishing everyone an addiction free day.


I hate that smell now itā€™s so gross! Especially at the theatre or cinemaā€¦ Why would you drink?


0ā€¦ no cbd thc or hemp

Just checking in
I got to try something different

It was mostly cbd but still woke up exhausted