Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

:sunny: Checking In :sunny:
Day 676
Afternoon TS fam! Hope you all are enjoying ur day! Just wanted to check in to hold myself accountable.
Today has been decent. Havent done a whole lot other than vacuum, sweep n mop, and organize a few things. My son is home and he is healthy :blue_heart: Thankful that we were able to manage thru the Christmas concert last night. It was really good! I was a bit anxious going into it tho but once we got there, it wasnt soo bad. Lots of people though. Ive been experiencing some knee pain for awhile now and today its especially bad. Not sure whats causing it or what to do to help it. If it continues i might have to see the Dr. Not much else to mention i guess. Grateful for another day clean and sober. Grateful for this forum aswell. Hope everyone has a great day! :butterfly:


@deelzebub YEAH 200 days Delia! This is awesome work. Grateful that you are in good spirits :heart:
@noshame sending you strength my friend – I know its hard to get that initial momentum going. We are here for you. Glad to see you getting right back on the sober track. :pray:
@lola how’s it going with the work Christmas event? We are right with you if you need us. :hugs:
@butterflymoonwoman glad that you had a fun time last night :heart: Sorry about the knee pain – that can’t be fun. Are you able to ice it (is it from a swollen joint?) wishing you a pain free afternoon.


It was nice with my sparkling water and cranberry mix :dancer:


Thanks Jasmine! To be honest i dont know what is causing the pain. Its either from me doing Bulgarian Split Squats awhile back (which was a new exercise for me and a hard one to do for me) or its because i have put on weight now and its hard on my knees. Either way im trying not to overdo it. After Christmas i am getting back to the gym. Hopefully with losing some weight, ill notice a difference in my knee pain :slight_smile:


Just be careful and be gentle – may want to get it checked out. I only say that as i thought my back pain started from sudden weight gain and only recently found out it was cause of degenerative discs in my spine. I wish i had known earlier so that i could have addressed it sooner.


Checking in, sober 31/32 days.

Hour of swimming earlier was amazing! Getting in some early :zzz: and to read my new book in bed. Bliss.





I’m happy to be here with you and all the others :heart:
I cleaned the apartment, did laundry and then napped (couldn’t keep my eyes open any more). One shower and a delicious meal later (Bolognese :drooling_face:) I’m relaxed and watch some Star Trek. I’ll hit the pillow soon. No fear of missing out today.
The only thing that worries me is that hopefully my laundry doesn’t fly away tonight bc of the strong wind outside :joy: I don’t want to collect my panties from the neighborhood tomorrow :joy:


Day 18
Went for a game of pool this afternoon, but the center was closed so my friend and I decided to have a drink in the nearest café. My friend is a ‘social’ heavy drinker (most of them are), but he understands and supports my sobriety.
I have no problem with other people drinking and appreciate it when they just order what they want and not questioning my choice to have tea.

It feels great to be home early and settle on the couch in stead of drinking and waking up with a hangover.
Tomorrow I have no appointments and can sleep in, looking forward to a lazy day (I do have some work and chores to do, but at my own pace :turtle:)

Have a good day/night!

I took this picture on the way home:


I’m so happy for you @Naomi. Rewiring our brain to know we don’t have to rely on our DOC to enjoy ourselves or others, or even cope with life situations is amazing!


Congratulations @JazzyS on your One Year of Sobriety! You got your life back!
Thanks for being a huge inspiration and tremendous support for so many. Appreciate your kindness and goodness and always wishing you sobriety and the best. Celebrate!


So to explain a couple days back, our foster program needed an emergency home for three babies. A one year old and two two year olds. All of which are on the spectrum and have many other mental and physical setbacks because of the home they came from.

My heart was in the right place of wanting to help but I wasn’t prepared enough, especially doing it on my own. I made it through the day but I was feeling burnout like I’ve never felt before and super quickly.

I immediately purchased everythingg I needed to have a more successful run at this knowing that it’s going to be at least a month steady with them.

I’m worried though because for this month I cannot work and that is going to impact me and my family significantly.

Everything to make things easier arrived between yesterday and today and is now all setup and ready to go. I’m hoping that this eases things a little.

We were very honest with their social worker today and let her know that extra supports are needed asap because if I am left without them, I am not able to provide for the children the way they deserve and if it goes longer it would most certainly effect my mental health.

I’m hoping those concerns are listened to as I want the best outcome for everyone. These kids deserve the best care available to them.

Autism and down syndrome are a whole new world to me, with possible ADHD and FAS added on, I don’t think I could have ever been prepared for three all at once and so young.


Wow, that is a lot to take on all at once; I cant imagine. My daughter is Autistic and one little one on the spectrum was a handful already. Is this a short term thing until they can find other fosters?
I also hope that you get all of the supports you have requested. Sending love and strength. :heart:


You have quite a bit on ur plate all at once. I really feel for u right now. I work with adults who have autism amongst other disabilities and mental health concerns, and i couldnt imagine providing support for 3 little ones with different disabilities all at the same time. Ur doing a wonderful thing though. I really, really hope that extra support is given immediately to help. How long are u expecting them to stay with u for?


Day 100.
Thankful to be a part of this community thankful to be clean and sober and healing from the inside out.:purple_heart::pray:t5:


@Its_me_Stella @Butterflymoonwoman currently it’s a temporary placement for one month and their hopes are extended family steps up but it is very unlikely in this case and is very likely to go longer. They are 3 of 9 siblings and the care for 4 of their older siblings just came to end for us at the 6 month point as they did find extended family for them, but the extended family that stepped up for these little ones just came to an abrupt end.

Who knows though…


Congratulations on triple digits!!! Yay!


Wow… i hope they step up sooner than later. Im sure it will be hard but please try to take good care of urself with self care etc. I worry about burnout in ur situation :frowning:


@sabrina80 thanks love. Your post had me cracking up – I do hope all your laundry is still on the line tomorrow :wink:
@naomi what a lovely evening spent with friends. We totally can have a good time without all the “extra” Grateful that you can have a relaxed lazy day tomorrow and won’t have to worry about any hangovers :wink: nice picture :heart:
@alisa you are amazing – thanks friend. Grateful to have my life back. Love the chip too :hugs:
@anon68572606 my goodness that is a handful you have taken on. Grateful that you got the items your needed to make this stay easier. I do hope that you are also able to get the assistance and support you requested for everyone’s sake. Hang in there friend – sending you so much strength, comfort and love to get through this. :hugs:
@lotusflower YES love – 100 days is amazing friend… way to go triple digits.
@jasty2 Also a member of the triple digits today :tada: WAY to go

Checking in on Thursday night
365 days of alcohol and weed free
780 days free of cigarettes
WOW – that’s all I got to say. It’s been a interesting day. I am so grateful to have awoken to my 1 year of complete sobriety. I was needed this week at work and today was a damn busy day. I was hoping for it to be laid back and to be able to set my own pace (lol – best laid plans — right). My symptoms were crazy today and the pain was next level. Glad that i was able to power through.

Grateful that I had my treatment today so that I could make an appointment for my mom. They are so busy that it is hard to get a hold of them on the phone… it was a good thing I did it in person as they are booked for 3 months so I was able to have her share my doctor’s appointment at the end of January and put her on an priority wait list. Got some not so great news this morning about my moms health. I am feeling better about the diagnosis and our capable medical team here as I’ve had longer to process the information…
I had strong urges this evening to just shut down and hide from reality. I am grateful that I was able to read some posts here and take a breather until the shit passed. I was so excited that I did not have any of the milestone urges that I think I may have been over confident and let my damn guard down. So glad to be sober and clear headed to deal with life. To not over react and be able to calmly assess the situation.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening. Sending you all so much love :heart :heart:


I will be certain that not only am I taking care of myself but that I’m honest and open with their foster care team so that the kids best interest are always first.