Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. What have you tried to self soothe? Guided meditations on breathing? Hot or cold shower? Stepping outside for fresh air? It happens to me sometimes and I have to force myself to stop myself from going into the fetal position and staying stuck. Try anything to get yourself unstuck. Sending hugs your way.


@LOLLY121 Welcome to the community and a great job with your start to the sobriety journey. We are here for you if you need some support. Hope to see you around.

@violagirl WAY to go! Congrats on your 1st sober NYE :tada:

@karenkw Sending you hugs my friend — also bringing in the New Year solo – I think I will stick it out to midnight as I have an hour to go and am wide awake. Hope you get a restful nights sleep and that 2024 will be an amazing year for you. Oh man - I’m so sorry love – just read your update. How are you doing now? Great tips from Rosa – hope you were able to try something to help you. Here if you need to talk. :people_hugging:


Im so sorry you are feeling low @KarenKW. Might be the affects of the holidays. They are hard! Im not sure what time zone you are in but see you posted 2hrs ago. Im also just hanging out with my cats tonight. If you want someone to talk to you can always DM me, or a lot of other people in this site who care about you. :heart:


Checking in with 642 days :fireworks:
Happy New Years friends!
I’ve started the year with some solid intentions, I’m ready to refocus on my health. Last year I needed to use some medication to dig myself out of a pretty bad depressive episode and over December I slowly tapered off. It was so helpful to have that tool to get myself healthy again. But the side effects of the medication became a bit too difficult to manage.
I wasn’t depressed anymore, I didn’t care about all of the things that used to bother me, but I also stopped caring about my motivation and drive for my health as much.
I have set myself up for a successful week of food, for returning to work.
All the best for a sober 2024 everyone :sparkling_heart:


Happy new year to everyone and thank you for saving my life. To all the new year hopefuls with a headfull of good intentions you’ll never wish yourself sober. Hard work and the strength to ask for help everytime you need it will get you to the end of the day without fail.


This is such an important message. It isn’t easy but it is so worth the effort. I think the important thing is for each person to find where to put that effort into, exactly. It isn’t the same for everyone. But getting and being sober does take effort, takes work. Doesn’t have to happen alone.


I just got off work at 11 pm here and walked home. The walk takes 15 minutes and I pass two bars.
Here is an exhaustive list of all the things I miss about drinking.

Nothing. Nada. Not the screaming, the forced cackling, the unsafe driving, the money spent, the vomit or the fake friends. None of it.

Husband is out so that gives me a bit of anxiety but I am home, I am safe, I am sober and I intend to stay all three. I will ring in 2024 with a glass of OJ. Scurvy free in 2024 will be my motto mateys. Arrrrr.
If OJ isn’t for scurvy don’t burst my bubble. :wink::pirate_flag:
Stay safe all and if you need to talk I am here all night.


Hello and welcome, it’s just one day at a time. Reach out = reach your dreams. :wink:


OJ for the win, scurvy free aye matey! Citrus is in fact the preventive nutrient. I had a glass myself tonight! Happy new year amiga!


I wasn’t sure if it was just lemons and limes. Happy New Year Rosa!!


I’m sorry you had a lousy NYE. It sounds like you were ready to say goodbye to 2023. Sometimes you just gotta let it all out. I hope you were able to calm down and get to sleep. It’ll be a new day and new year when you wake up. From myself and my 2 cats, who I also rang in the new year alone with, Happy New Year :smile_cat: You’re doing great :heart:


30 days in the bank

Officially ticked over 30 days. Long time since I’ve made it to 30 days.
Great start to the year. Went on a bush walk with the family and some friends. Original plan was a beach day but was a bit windy.

Grateful to start the year sober and out in nature


Congratulations on your 30 days going into the new year! Great job Marty!


Checking in New Year’s Eve.
Went out. Had fun. Stayed sober.
It’s such an amazing feeling not wondering if you had too much to drink. 0 % Alcohol

Congratulations to all of you in this fight for a better life.

From Arizona.


Happy New Year :partying_face: X



It was a long day of work, but worth it in the end. At the end of our shift the chef let us all order whatever we wanted off our nye special menu, since they’re tossing all the food in the building for the month closed (they’re finally tackling the rat situation :crossed_fingers:). I got seabass milanese topped with a sunny side up egg and prosciutto wrapped asparagus :drooling_face: and you know I added a lobster tail! It was a good last night. I got home at 11:45 and put on the NYC ball drop while settling in for the night. I kissed my cats at midnight and that’s that. I’ve been winding down for a while now.

I don’t usually make any resolutions, besides fitness ones. I just want to keep getting closer to my best self. Grow more and more towards the person I strive to be. I definitely would like to declutter my entire house and keep it that way like I have in the past. And also get seriously serious about my money. Tuesday I plan to pre pay a bunch of bills so I won’t worry so much about making it thru January. Baby steps.

I hope to start this year off right, and I wish all of you the same :heart::heart::heart: Happy New Year :confetti_ball:


That’s a great achievement especially this time of year. Well done :+1:


I work nights and it was great this morning watching all the day staff turning up looking worse for wear knowing they’re going to feel even more like shit as the day goes on.
Don’t miss those days at all.


Happy New Year everyone.
Just tucking into bed. Hosted the annual family NYE party at my house. I did all the cleaning, and I’m going to bed with a tidy house, sober.
No doubt my daughter will be up in a few hours and I’ll start January exhausted, but at least there will be no hangover, trip home, or mess to clean up. :+1:t2: :muscle:t2:


Checking in on day 278 clean and sober!!!


HaPpY nEw YeAr EvErYoNe!!!


May 2024 be good to us all. Keep your heads up and continue fighting the good fight! No matter what, you’re worth it!!!
