Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Day 4/5

Batch cooked for the next days lunches and have a lasagne ready to layer up for tonight. Kittens are crazy and have now taken them selves off to our bed to have big boy naps like older cats, it’s cute, they are growing exponentially! Bear can get up the Kallax already and onto the dining table :astonished: I’m sure they are both mega brains in a ten inch body. Pocket panthers.

Had a nice easy day, we are watching Queen pins now, very entertaining! Looking forward to getting into the pool tomorrow after work, not looking forward to work so much at all. I feel quite burned out still.

Have a good day all.


7 straight new years without the need for a drink or drug. Hosted a big family party. My sobriety has given me the opportunity for these moments in life.


Thank you @Dazercat (Curb is one of my favorite programs) and @Dolse71 coming here and getting support and knowing this community is here has helped a lot.


Hello everyone & happy new year :slight_smile:

I am feeling all kinds of feels this holiday season, and its hard/good, that bitter sweet? Its so hard to explain to people how I am when ghey ask how im doing? How were your holidays? What are your plans for the New Year? Its like theres a disconnect between the reality of others and me, and it shouldnt really take hearing others hardships to know that other people have their own shit. But sometimes, it dawns on me. We all do have a story, feeling a bit like my sisters experience takes the fuckin cake at times but…not all the time.

I am thinking a lot about her and its going to be 2 yrs on the 3rd. Upcoming trial, and its just never going to be over it seems. 1st degree is apparently very hard to convicr where we live, 2nd is what to hope for and manslaughter is what they will go for. My brain swims around it feeling like I just cannot hinge myself to any outcome…but could you do the same? Im not that mindful lol.


Day 191 second check in and been reading alot of posts

Watching Harry Potter. Blessed to be sober. Looking forward to each and every sober day ahead of me…


A big welcome to our new & returning friends :wave: :people_hugging:
I’m checking in now but have been lurking on the forum most of the day :eyes:
A very chilled day for me. Riverside walk then dinner at the in-laws.
Back to the office tomorrow. Feeling equally relieved and anxious about the ‘normal’ routine.
Have a good evening all X


**Happy New Year ** :tada::confetti_ball::tada:

Checking in on day 154 edit: 156 :wink:

Looking forward to this new year 2024 hope it bring joy and peace and an addiction free life for all of you.
Let’s stay sober.
Let’s stay here.
Let’s stay connected.

Sending love and strength :pray::kissing_heart:


@mrfantastik WOOT WOOT Marty! Get to properly celebrate your incredible milestone- well done on 30 days of sobriety :muscle: Keep this amazing momentum going for 2024 :heart:

How frickin awesome is this! Going out on NYE and having a fun sober time! Way to go Eric. … Happy New Year :tada:

WOW Rob – this is a wonderful resolution for 2024! Congrats on your 1st day of no smoking!
@dmcg1987 Congrats on your 50 days of sobriety David!
@wahtisnormal Way to pull out your tool box and utilize them tools in your time of need. Super proud friend. Way to go on surviving your first NYE. One week tomorrow – Yippee :muscle:
@karenkw So grateful that you were able to get through the evening and are feeling better. Great resolution for 2024 friend – Being gentle with yourself will be incredible – you deserve some self love and care :heart: Hope that coffee hit the spot this morning.

Love this! What a wonderful revelation! What a wonderful way to celebrate NYE.
@catmama23 So good to hear from you friend – lovely way to start the new year with 6 days under your belt. :hugs: Grateful for meditational healing! so good to see you posting DJ - Happy New Year and a huge congrats to your 10 months of sobriety :muscle: :tada:
@iamthechange You are most welcome my friend – I do know how hard it is at the beginning. Each day sober is a day one. We have a wonderful support team here on TS… keep sticking with us – really makes the sober journey so much easier :hugs:


Day 13, living day by day. Bless everyone and stay safe.


Checking in, 2574 days. I hope everyone had a sober and fun(ctional) New Year’s Eve last night!!

I am spending the first day of the year going through old boxes of stuff to make room for the new. It’s just a little overwhelming! It makes me feel nostalgic to see the stuff from my past. Trying to stay focused on the present while I dig through my past.

Edit to show photo if closet that now has empty space in it.


@ana.eli welcome to the community and a great start to your New Year with day 1 of your sober journey. Sending you strength to keep pushing forward with dealing with the urges one moment at a a time. We got your back here so do lean on us if you need support. :hugs:
@happy_trails great to see you checking back in – Wonderful job on day 1 – keep it going strong :muscle:
@mira_d Big hugs to you my friend. Yes, everyone has hardships and a life story that they are trying to navigate. You have been through so much and this past year alone (that is the one I’ve sorta been with you on – virtually) has been a doozy. Such an emotional rollercoaster and having to relive the trauma over and over as you try to prepare for the trial. I send you comfort and strength dear Mira. I am hoping that you are able to put closure to this trauma and work out the best outcome for your nephew in 2024. Much love to you :heart:
@leroy absolutely amazing – tomorrow will be your 2 week celebration :tada: Great to see you doing so well!

Checking in with my sober peeps - Happy New Year you amazing souls!
Had a wonderful solo evening — first time bringing in a chilled out new year. Grateful to have done my 2nd New Year celebration completely sober.
Had a lovely cup of coffee this morning so this year is starting out on a fantastic note.
wishing you all a addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Between the 23rd and today I would have spent mabye €300 to €400 on drink… But I didn’t drink… I’m heading back to work tomorrow fresh as a daisy and after the initial catch up on my mailbox and messages I’m booking flights for my family to London which will be about €300 to €400.

Let that sink in.


Happy new year to everybody! 5 Years of getting better at getting better. At the beginning it was quite rough, but it is worth the effort. No hangovers anymore. New Year is now always a bright start into the year. If i can do it, you can do it. Take it one day at a time.


Happy New Year :partying_face::partying_face: Day 239…


Congrats on your 5 years of sobriety - how exciting to starting another year sober on New Year’s day!


Hello everybody, Happy New Year!

I haven’t posted in ages but miss this great community.

It’s my 7 year soberversary today.
I have been essentially alcohol free for 7 years now and love keeping it that way!

Wishing everyone a clear headed, healthy 2024!


Congratulations on five years !! Wow :star_struck: :clap: X


Congratulations on your 7 year anniversary!! Inspirational :heart_eyes: X


Thank you!


WOW - congrats on 7 years! that is so damn awesome. Great to seeing you checking in with such amazing sober time.
