Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Awww I’m happy to have found this community and am happy to report that I am almost at day tow. It really helps to stay focused checking in here once in a while :revolving_hearts:


Thank you! :blush:


Checking in on day 160.
So good to see @Hotic and @LeilaBird checking in with some seriously amazing sober time :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: If that’s not motivation to keep going in this new year, I don’t know what is.
I’ve had a lovely first day of 2024. I decided to cut my hair this morning and now have a shaggy bob (new year, new me :joy:) I may even brave a selfie on here at some point in this new year of ours. I’ve started sewing a new dog coat and listened to good tunes while I worked. I joined a virtual RR meeting and saw a dear friend of mine from TS for the first time :heart:Then I went for a rainy dog walk this evening. I had a head torch on and the rain looked like silver glitter falling down in front of me, it was beautiful and I couldn’t stop smiling :smiling_face:
Hoping everyone here has a positive start to 2024, one day at a time.


First full day, probably the easiest, you feel hungover and tired so drink is the last thing on your mind, I think it’s usually day 4 and 5 is harder.


happy to hear it too – day 2 and keep adding up the days… you are doing great :muscle:


Great work on day 1 - we are here to lend support during the hard days. For me, this place and keeping myself busy helped get through the rough patches.


Checking in sober.

It’s been a slightly better day. Getting myself set to start my new job tomorrow. Now settling in to watch some college football. I’m still feeling depressed but I think some of that is pms.



Checking in sober on day 29 :v:


Thanks again @JazzyS . You’re a gem in this community


Been a while but know wats needed glad to see so many familiar names really is good here am back with the wife kids are all good got my lisence back so definitely a positive for me happy new year and all the best folks


I remember you @LeilaBird ! It’s good to see you here again. Congrats on your 7 year Soberversity!!! :tada:


Day 76. I am REALLY looking forward to going back to a normal schedule tomorrow. All this time off lets my mind wonder and that can be bad.

Jan 1st. Lets make it a great year.


What a perfect way to begin 2024


Thank you for your support!


Thank you! It’s nice to hear from you again too. I see you also have 7 years and counting. :grinning: :star2:


Almost through day 7

Proud of myself for getting a lot done today



Something that stuck out to me from @Dilettante last post (glad you had a wonderful new year’s day girl! :heart:) is that I somehow never heard of RR before. Refuge Recovery, yes, but not Rational Recovery (and I’m not sure which you were mentioning Kiki, but thank you for sharing so that I ended up here) Reading about this was interesting. It reminds me a lot of my own recovery, even tho I wasn’t doing it intentionally. As much as I do love AA and the tremendous help it is to me, I lost a bit of faith in it during quarantine 2020. In the beginning I struggled finding a higher power but someone suggested using AA as a whole. Made sense to me. It is far bigger than I. So I began my stepwork and then :boom: covid. I felt confident in my 5 months sobriety going in but still reached out to everyone I knew from the program to check how they were doing. The only one who responded was my sponsor. I missed my daily meetings and felt like I needed them, even tho I was sober 2 months before ever stepping foot in a meeting (with the help of everyone here of course :wink: :heart:) 10 days into quarantine, without my meetings (and a plethora of other quarantine induced issues), I relapsed. I know that was my decision alone, and that this has always been on me, alone. If I can’t do it by myself then this will never work. So I finally, after many failed attempts, put my foot down to that voice in my head, all by myself, and it’s been almost completely silent ever since.

Everyone’s different, you know? Not every approach works for everyone. And not everyone can rely soley on one approach. I’m grateful to have learned so many different methods in pursuing sobriety. You never know when something might change and challenge one of them.

Well, I hope my super chill, first day of 2024 is a precursor to the rest of it :crossed_fingers: I think it’ll be a good year. One down, 365 to go :rofl:


Day 458

First day of work today after being sick for almost 7 weeks.
I’m honest, I feel the strong urge to turn around and go right back home again. Time to, again, be more consistent in finding a new job. I didn’t do anything for that in weeks.
I feel stuck and isolated.
Today nobody except me and a new coworker will be in the office. All I can do is letting her watch me work and maybe give her small tasks.
I have no clue what has changed in the last weeks, I got no E-Mails with any kind of update, nothing. So the day will be a big surprise I guess.

On the bright side: no boss or pregnant coworker who is stressing me today. Only 1 more month and she’ll be at home to prepare for her baby. Thanks God! I think she’s a huge reason for me feeling like I feel there. She always causes drama, stress and is watching everything we do all the time.

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :kissing_heart::muscle:


31 days in the bank.

Back at work for night shift after some time off with covid. Feels good to be back, was on leave then got sick so its been a couple weeks.
Its only for 2 shifts though as I’m back on some leave I saved up to go on a family holiday haha.

Heres hoping for a quiet night


@MrFantastik Wishing you a quiet and peaceful time at work.
@Sabrina80 Maybe a slow start is a good thing after being away from work.
@Chosen2001 Congrats on 7 months!
@Frank68 I get you. Yesterday I thought to myself, it’s time to get back into some routine, before I start drifting.
@KarenKW Wishing you a good start in your new job today.

41 no binge, no sugar
7 HPFs
6 dairy
Yesterday was a close one. A table full of cakes, cookies and sweets directly in front of me all afternoon. I fought. I clung to my coffee pot. I’m so very grateful I did not pickup the first bite.

It’s time to get back to work today, and I’m very much looking forward to thinking, coding, and watching my work grow :technologist:t2:
My child is down with the flu :sneezing_face: and will need some care. I pray for patience.
Grocery shopping :shopping_cart: is on the todo list as well, a good place to practice patience, slowing down and deep breathing :face_exhaling:.
I finished my current Yoga programme yesterday, and today I am starting a new month long one. I’m very excited :blush: :person_in_lotus_position:t2: