Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

No slow start, I’m already stressed again :sob:


Sorry to hear that. Wishing you deep breaths and buckets full of patience instead then.


6 days now, feeling good apart from the desire to eat everything in sight. Need to be mindful to keep the binge eat monster at bay.


Day 6

I woke up with what feels like a monumental hang over and my first thought as I opened my eyes was that it served me right for drinking so much. It’s a punishment for the crime. It took a minute to remember that I don’t drink so its tiredness, detox, coming down with something or whatever but it is not a hangover.

Here’s to another sober 24. Great day to everyone.


Good luck at your first day at the new job Karen!
It will be an exiting day but I hope in a good way!


Daily reminder for anyone as silly as me that 1 drink is never just 1 drink.
Went to the NYE party (mistake number 1…) surrounded by heavy drinkers (mistake number 2…) and then allowed myself “1 drink” as it was complementary (mistake number 3!)

Many embarrassing moments, tears and a blackout later, as well as almost losing my phone, I’m doing my walk of shame back to sobriety.
I’m just glad I haven’t gone back into withdrawal.

What a moron I am, even after everyone advised me against going to the party.

So, here we are again, day 1 and a bit. Because “just 1 drink” really doesn’t work!!


((( @Sabrina80 ))) I am just glad that you are well enough to go to work after seven weeks of sickness… the rest will work itself out… Be well and stay well, big hugs.


It really does not work and now you have further verification. Glad you are here and back on your day 1!



Day 5 at home, I’m slowly getting better. It’s good I decided not to go to work today, even though I feel a bit of guilt as today would have been my first day at the job as an experience worker instead of a nurse. So it feels a little bit like a cop out. While I know staying home is the sensible thing to do as I’m not healthy yet. It’s life right.

Otherwise not too much to mention. I’ll go out to get some groceries, close by and bundled up well. I’ll try and do some naps. I’ll try and even read a bit. And embrace the void. Stay sober and clean, just for today. As I expect from you all. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love from Wibautstraat.


Day 14… Still really sad about the fact that I lost my 80 or 90 days or so, days go by so slow and I was so proud of my number, now only 2 weeks and it hurts. I’m still very happy and grateful to be sober though, so don’t take me wrong! I don’t give up. Stay strong everyone. Have a spectacular day :heart:


Day 353.

New year, same me but with mild updates. I’m winning at life today. Finally restarted my workout journey with Freeletics and it was challenging. But I did it. Ideally I’m gonna get into a workout routine and stick to it long term. But… ya know, just like with quitting drinking it’s a one day a time thing.

Also… one of the clients that took the Scrooge path and abandoned me right before Xmas has returned. It takes away some of the pressure for January.

All in all, today I’m ok.


Day 1,299 clean and sober today. Didn’t sleep well at all last night. I had a very stressful day yesterday at work with a coworker and I think it affected my sleep due to stress and anxiety. I will be talking to him today about it and if it’s not resolved I will let my supervisor know. I hope everyone has an awesome day today, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hey all, checking in on day 1297. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 212 AF.
I’m not feeling very well mentally today. The lack of my usual routine is having a negative impact on all of us. The kids don’t go back to school until the 9th of January. I just can’t seem to get out of bed. I have one task today which is to take down the Christmas tree. The city collects them for recycling tomorrow. I’m on the highest dose of my antidepressants now so I had hoped to be feeling better.
Wishing everyone an addiction free day.


Checking in day 32. Have a great day everyone!


Congratulations on your 4 years sober Eric :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
Thank you for showing us the way and being such an inspiration. @dazercat



Day 192. Back at work, actually I don’t think I had much time off over Christmas? Just the bank holidays? Anyway… Sober. Looking forward to a sober future… And soon it’s 7 months and I will stay focused


Day 77. Back to work woot. Have an awesome sober day my friends!


Was surprised to hear my husband has today off, as given by his employer! So he can take me to the dentist this morning :sweat_smile: Getting a couple fillings done, one more appointment on Thursday and then discussing an implant. I will be very happy to be up to snuff with dental work in 2024!

I really enjoyed being present and available on TS for NYE and on New Year’s Day. It’s always great to see the support that we all provide each other and give to newcomers, also. I love being a part of this community. :heartpulse:


Day 109 alcohol free!
Lots of putzy stuff to do today, before returning to work tomorrow :smile:
I am doing a vape free January…so far, so good.