Checking in daily to maintain focus #61 congrats on 10 months :tada:
@ana.Eli welcome :blush: sending strength 🩵
@Happy_Trails welcome back :blush::people_hugging:
@Hotic congrats on 5 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:
@LeilaBird congrats on 7 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:
@Chosen2001 congrats on 7 months :tada:
@Lile01 welcome back :blush: now you know :people_hugging:
@leroy congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Dazercat congrats on 4 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2:
@Cloyboy89 welcome back :blush::people_hugging: congrats on 3 weeks :tada:


@icebear feel better soon 🩵
@anon68572606 sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@wahtisnormal congrats on your week :tada:
@Noshame congrats on your week+ no pot :tada:

1240 days no alcohol.
705 days no cocaine.
220 days no vape.

Happy New Year everyone :partying_face:

I did get out for the walk I hoped for on NYE daytime, for the first time in weeks, maybe months. It felt good, the sun was shining, and I think that’s what helped me get out, because it’s been dark and raining ever since I got back and I haven’t made it out again, apart from going into the city for therapy this morning.

The walk triggered my Asthma, for the first time in about 8 years, I needed an inhaler, I didn’t have one, it didn’t settle down…long story short, I saw an out-of-hours GP at the hospital, and had an inhaler in my hand 2hrs later after getting taxis to 4 different locations, finding a pharmacy that was open after 4pm on NYE.

I haven’t managed to sort the mess in the lounge, or hoover, but I will get to that on Friday while Wolfie is at the groomers.

My sleep has been all over the place. I had to be awake fairly early today to get up and have a bath and get to therapy on time. So I’m hoping to stay awake until a reasonable time to go to sleep, and hopefully things will be reset.

Wishing you all a wonderful sober 2024. :blush:



Thanks Anne
Dang, you make me want to up my gif game :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I am very impressed with your gif skills.
I love :heart: it.


Thank you :pray:


Thank you for your support 1 week sober

I hope your inhailer helps younout with your asthma

Happy new year too :slight_smile:

Amazing work on your numbers


Thank you.


Thank you my friend! It’s good to “see” you again. Awesome job on your numbers! :purple_heart:


Today i got up made breakfest for all my familly, did laundry, started a puzzle with my boyfriend and daughter, gave my son his bath, workout, took a shower…made diner…i feel soooo good today!! I felt kinda sick for the last week. Since i am sober my digestive system is having a hard time. And since i quit smoking and stimulants in the last 8 months I took on lots of weight…my energy level is a real roller coaster…anyways all this to say, today is a good day! I have been meditading lately, and trying to just keep it cool…keeping a good vibe…it helps
Just for today :heart:
Sending all of you lots of love


Day 7.

First day back at work and whilst i was pretty anxious, i am glad to be back into routine. These boards are really helping me, thank you everyone :heart:


Ay, you did it!! Congratulations and please keep leading the way. Thank you for being you :tada::heart:


@Chosen2001 way to go Chris…7 months is amazing work :muscle::muscle:
@wahtisnormal nicely done Zoe with your 1 week milestone :muscle: keep it going!
@lastry grateful that it was not a hangover - hope you are feeling better now and are not coming down with anything.
@lile01 such an important reminder - that one sip / drink is a slippery slope. So proud of you for getting right back on track with your sobriety. Great job with day 1.
@leroy Congrats on your 2 weeks Woot Woot! :tada: Each day sober is a win - you did get 80/90 days my friend so we know you have it in you to do that stint and you know you have not lost that time. You wil kick ass with this addiction and surpass your past record. Rooting for you here :clap:
@deelzebub How are you feeling now Delia? I know a lack of routine can play tricks with my mental health. I am hoping that you are able to set up a day off routine? I find that has helped me the most in making sure to start my self care first thing and have a list throughout the day to complete. Sending you comfort :hugs: Great to hear that your mood is lifting. Hope it keeps getting better love.
@ana.eli way to go on facing fears and staying strong through it… congrats on day 2! :tada:
@cloyboy89 congrats on your 3 weeks! Great work going ODAAT :muscle:
@icebear so sorry that you are not feeling good - hope that you get better soon :pray: Really hoping its not Covid. :crossed_fingers:
@catmama23 Congrats on the 1 week milestone. I love your post - so grateful for you honest journey and so proud of you taking time for yourself (no more neglect) :hugs:


Congratulations Eric :clap::clap::clap:


I’m in with the cool kids - yes lets make it the hip thing!
@CATMANCAM AH man that must have been a bit scary and frustrating - so grateful that you did find a pharmacy that was open. :pray: Feeling better myself - thanks for asking. Happy New Year friend
@sara.eve So glad to hear that today is a good day love. Keep putting in the effort to keep all your timers going. Hoping you will start to feel all the benefits of sobriety real soon :hugs:
@SoarOnward Congrats on 1 week milestone Gary :tada: :clap:

Checking in on Tuesday
Been a busy day - spent time with my mum - took her to her treatment and then ran errands. Grateful to have come home to make a simple meal. Feeling exhausted to the core and super cold. Going to try to warm and maybe take a nap.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you so much love :heart: :heart:


Woooooow, congrats on the 4 years Eric, that’s fabulous! :fireworks::heart_eyes::tada:

Haven’t had the time to read here these last two days, but there will probably be more TS family members with amazing milestones. I am so happy for you all, congrats!! :two_hearts::tada:


Congratulations my friend :partying_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Hope you’ve had a wonderful day X


First day back to work was fine :smiling_face:
Gym was very busy :flushed:
Ready for bed :sleeping:


I found out i like bubbly drinks
Like gingerale or seltzer water
Especially cold

It just coforts me lol random but maybe helpful to someone


I just woke up from a nap
I didnt sleep though
Just kinds closed my eyes and rested with the wife
I did it for about an hour and feel great

Maybe you can wake up to coffee or bubly gingerale :slight_smile:

Or when you wake up from a nap you can take your time getting up
No need to rush
Sometimes laying in bed after waking up can be relaxing

Take care jazz


Thanks friend…I am thinking of doing just that…lying in bed with eyes closed… just getting warm and rested :people_hugging:

Glad you are exploring drinks …seltzer water and gingerale are awesome…I am off of them for now but looking forward to enjoying them in my near future.

I do love that gingerale comes in flavors now. My favorite brand (cause it’s not sweet) is Canada dry

You must be getting excited…due date is about a month away. Congratulations on your timers!


Yesss lol lil baby will be here soon. One month or so

We have everything ready