Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Day 7

My favourite thing so far is the feeling of self respect returning. Attended an excellent online meeting last night about “My life has become unmanagable” so I plan to spend the day reflecting and writing down all the ways in which my life had become unmanagable so that I can revisit that when my guard is down.

Happy sober 24 everyone.


Day 3!

Can something be so rough and draining yet rewarding and motivating at the same time ? I guess yes!

I want to focus on gratitude today . Maybe later I’ll make a list of things that make my life beautiful :heart:

To everyone who’s struggling today - this too shall pass and you are not alone :pleading_face::revolving_hearts:


Love the reflection! I have been finding it really useful to put all those thoughts and feelings into words .

And congratulations on a whole week! You can really be proud of yourself :bouquet:


*Day 1933 :walking_woman:
Went to bed early last night but still do not feel rested. I think I’m not totally better yet, but on my way. Have to work today though :thinking:

But it’s just a day and at 17.30 it’s done, so I survive :wink:
And I will do so sober ofcourse. Just another day.


Day 193. Working 8_5 today. Off on Friday tho.

Feeling good. I feel alot of what I needed to resolve I have. I also do not have any current urges to drink as ffs been there, done that, went wrong… And I think my better qualities come out without alcohol… My thinking is alot clearer. Weather here tho is still really stormy. Spending much of the day planning the year ahead for work
… As well as my personal finances which whilst sounding a bit dull it will ease my mind considerably


Good to see you active here and congratulations with the :three: days! :confetti_ball:


How nice! I reckon you might actually enjoy the peace later, it’s quite overwhelming starting in three office again, but good to feel connection.


Checking in Day 75)

Hello everyone :slight_smile:
Well, that was a fun 3 weeks. Especially once we got to what I call the “festive perineum” and it didn’t quiet down!

I was working in a Pub in Northamptonshire. It’s a place I’ve been before to do relief work and will probably do it on an ongoing basis. I had some cravings, I won’t lie, but generally speaking it was fine :slight_smile: I don’t think it was a bad thing to let Christmas and NYE completely pass me by this year as the temptation was pretty strong. Perhaps next year will be the year I finally celebrate a Christmas with family and friends lol

Hope you are all doing well, all the best
Hugs not drugs


Day #31
I’m happy, Happy because this is a really huge period for me to not drink anything for a whole month.
31 days Sober … :star_struck:


Checking in day 33. I hope everyone has an amazing day! :purple_heart::v:t3:


Day 1,300 clean and sober today yay!!! It’s my Friday today and I’m training a new guy which is awesome because we need the help. I hope everyone has an amazing day today and know that I’m proud of everyone here, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


110 days and I’m back to work after holiday break. I’m semi retired and work three days a week. :slightly_smiling_face:
My husband is doing Dry January!


This is the best thing I’ve read today X


Hey all, checking in on day 1298. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 50. Good morning sober fam, ugh had yesterday off and I literally slept all day. I fell asleep money around 10 pm and I slept all day Tuesday I woke up a couple times to eat and then fell back asleep. And managed to sleep all the way untill this morning for work. Definitely was mad at myself for that. Maybe I needed it but still I didnt want to sleep all day. Well I’m up and at work, still haven’t heard anything from the hospital which is getting a little discouraging. Haven’t thought much about any resolution for the new year, I’m not worried about working out and getting all crazy in shape. Idk to me yes being sober is about being healthy and all that. But caring about lifting every day just isn’t life, caring about what I look like isn’t life and isnt being healthy. As long as I’m happy and making a positive effort then I’m happy. I get up everyday and make it to work I’m healthy and happy. Saving some money for an apartment is being healthy the rest will fall into place some point. I was getting food stamps and I don’t think I am anymore which stinks a little bit. My mind since taking this medicine has been repeating a lot of things over and over. Kind of like if I see a pretty girl I’ll repeat that she was pretty over and over, mostly here at work. I’m not sure if it’s objectifying woman or not. Part of me has even said I’m not sure if I want to work at the hospital bc the girls here at the nursing home are pretty and I might have a chance with them. So like I’m looking for a relationship which is stupid. So yeah I notice little stuff like that and need to fix it. Idk anyways I hope everyone has a good day much love


Day 450



Checking in. Just had my appoinment with my psychologist. In a discussion meeting with my case, the most experienced wanted to try EMDR. My psychologist had hoped to land some explaintions by now, but because of different things its been a while since last appoinment, and with the question about MDMR she want to wait with diagnoses til this is tried.

Hope a good day for you all :sparkles:


Congratulations Eric on 4 years my friend. Your a amazing person and so proud of you @Dazercat


Wow congratulations!!! Day counts like this really motivate me:)


@Dazercat Have I missed your 4 years?? Hughe congratulations to you! You are such an inspiration ! :tada::tada::balloon::balloon: