Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Thanks so much Mike. It means a lot. :pray:t2::heart:


I’m checking in on day 175.


Checking in on day
238 no alcohol
169 no vapes or ciggs
8.92 no form of marijuana

Feeling good about everything
Shopping soon
Work in the morning :slight_smile:


Day 1110,

Had a meeting with my re-integration coach. Discussing possible directions for the future. Never really thought about what I want, it triggers all kind of feelings anger, fear, insecurity etc… Thoughts about me dropping out on my first study Petrol and Gastechnology, quitting my promising career in the Financial sector, dropping my PHD research….basically dropping everything in life and f*ck everything up. Don’t need to decide yet, just lying the puzzle pieces. Trying to let them be and trust the right thing will cross my path. No quick fixes present. The thought is there, but not today.


Day 459

I called my Dr if it’s okay to increase my Escitaloprame dosage up to 10mg. Start that tomorrow morning :smiling_face::+1:
We have 2 new coworkers :tada::confetti_ball::partying_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Now we’re only searching one more then we’re complete and enough staff :+1:
Feels like a dream!
I have to celebrate that when I’m home with something delicious, don’t know yet what’s it going to be.
In the past I would have gone drunk to celebrate and it’s such a great feeling that I’m free from that. No urge to use :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: That, my friends, is true freedom :heart:

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


I had exact this thought today after work! I got dressed and checked myself in the mirror, I was upset that my belt was so tight.
A second later I brushed that bad image I had about me off and thought that looks aren’t the most important thing.
Others like us because of our personalities, not because of muscles or a flat stomach.


Sober streak of 15 days!


Checking in after a much needed trim at a hair appointment, it feels much better. My visit to the dentist was quick and painless, though my jaw is a bit sore from holding my mouth open for an hour. One last filling to be done tomorrow and we’ll see if I can get an implant to wrap things up for now! Getting my teeth fixed has been a huge deal for me and a big next step in my recovery. Taking care of things I neglected for so long…it’s a relief. I also realized (actually it was my husband who brought it up) that I have not had any migraines since I got those two root canals done! I don’t doubt the connection, and if so, wow! It would be a life changer to have relief from migraines. I’m starting to get a little nervous about my chat with our realtor on Friday about a possible part time job. It’s been so long since I have worked. I just need to calm the eff down :rofl: I think I will spend a little time journaling about it specifically today to get my thoughts and misgivings out, to get on a more positive frame of mind in preparation. And I need to remember that this is just a chat, and I can always decide it’s not for me. As usual I put a lot of pressure on myself needlessly at times. I’m grateful to be experiencing some new things in my recovery and growing as a person.

Sending some love out your way, friends. Every day is a new day and a new opportunity.


3rd full day, no cravings at all. I think it will be the weekend that will be hard, maybe not this weekend because of Christmas but when things get to normality by next weekend, that’s when it might become harder.


Thank you very much @ana.Eli!

  1. I started the year packed with work and I am excited for that to slow down next week. In the meantime I have coffee and goals so lets goooooo!

Day 78. Woot. Hope everyone has an awesome day!


Wow, amazing numbers, thank you for all you do Eric, you are a true inspiration :heart:


You :boom:Are :boom:A :boom: Rock :boom: Star :star2:
Great numbers you got there Rob


Checking in.


Just in time Wakikki
Sobriety. The gift that keeps on giving. Like jelly of the month :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
And thank you @Starlight14 happy to be on this journey with y’all


Congratulations to the sober twins on your 1 week sober :boom:
@Lastry and @Violagirl


Checking in :wave:


@SoarOnward congrats on your week :tada:
@Naomi congrats on your month :tada:
@Riley_1 welcome :blush: congrats on 2 days :tada:
@MegaMeg welcome back :blush: congrats on 2 days :tada:
@KarenKW I’m so glad your first day went well :blush:
@acromouse sorry for your loss :mending_heart::people_hugging:
@Violagirl congrats on your week :tada:
@Lastry congrats on your week :tada: that is a great plan :+1:t2:
@Zse congrats on your month :tada:
@Rockstar24777 congrats on 1300 days :tada:


@Mindofsobermike congrats on 50 days :tada:
@Scorpn congrats on 450 days :tada:
@Sabrina80 I’m so happy you have new coworkers, and will soon have a full team :partying_face: I hope the med increase helps too :crossed_fingers:t2::people_hugging:🩵
@RosaCanDo I’m glad the dental work was mostly painless and is soon to be over, for now :partying_face: I hope the chat goes well on Friday too :crossed_fingers:t2: sending love back 🩵

1241 days no alcohol.
706 days no cocaine.
221 days no vape.

I fell asleep around 7:30pm last night, and woke up at midnight wide awake, I didnt get back to sleep until around 4:30am, then managed to sleep until 7:30am. So a better amount of sleep overall, but roon for improvement. I am going to try taking my evening medication slightly later so I fall asleep later, and hopefully wake up later as a result.

Today I walked to the shopping centre to withdraw the cash for the groomers on Friday. I also replaced my facewash because I ran out this morning. I then managed to go back out again this afternoon, for my lake walk. I feel good about that, but wow where did my fitness go!? I’ll get it back, if I continue, ODAAT.

Tomorrow morning I am going out to an appointment in the city centre, I’m going to head there early to go to the post office to send my friend his birthday card and present. Then I’m hoping I make it home in time to receive my delivery of 4 poetry books (they came as a set). I was gifted one of the poet’s other books for Xmas and enjoyed it over 2 days, so I’m looking forward to reading these ones too. :blush:
