Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

@noshame that’s super exciting – great that you are already ready. :hugs:
@tragicfarinelli Oh man that work situation sounds frustrating. Glad you are creating your boundaries and not taking on more tasks as the company downsizes. I have made that mistake and found myself burnt out. Do hope that you did get to that swim today.
@riley_1 welcome to the community and a great job on your 2+ days! Keep checking in with us – I find this place helps me stay accountable :hugs:
@megameg great job on your 2+ days of sobriety! I know the first bit of my sobriety I was super tired and had not energy. Someone explained that my body needed the energy to help me detox. Hopefully you will be able to rest now and be bursting with energy soon enough.
@violagirl and @lastry Congrats on your 1 week milestone H and Fiona! :tada: :clap: :muscle:
@zse A huge congrats on your 1st month milestone :muscle: – keep this momentum going.
@rockstar24777 Way to go Robbie – that is an amazing number… keep stacking up the days :muscle: :clap:
@trixie1 love the counter today – sending many supportive vibes to your hubby for the month!!
@mindofsobermike Hell yeah Mike – 50 days and going strong! Love that you are working on your mental happiness. Being sober means getting our lives back and living them in whatever healthy way brings us joy.

for all the great milestones being celebrated today – you guys are amazing






@scorpn love seeing you checking in Renee – 450 days is amazing! :muscle: :tada:
@wakikki Wishing you luck with the EMDR treatment. Hoping for great results with this treatment :people_hugging:

Love this Sabrina and so right – your beautiful personality on the inside makes you beautiful on the outside! Grateful that you are getting some help at work!
@rosacando That is wonderful news about the migraines. Really hoping that you can live a migraine free life :hugs:

Checking in on hump day…
Glad i got to sleep in a bit this morning… messed up my routine but i’m ok not being so rigid about it (as long as it does not become a habit). Got some errands run and a shower in. Need to get some work done but first some nourishment.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


@JazzyS no swim, worked til 7pm again. Thanks for the well wishes


Day 31
Another sober day, ginger tea ftw! :tea:

Today I had diner with an ex collegue, she advised me to apply for a job at the company she works for. It’s a more demanding job but way better paid then my current one. It would be a great opportunity to learn new skills and a boost for my work experience. I agreed to do a presentation at her company as they are planning to start a department in my line of work.
I have been approached by headhunters a couple of times, but never acted on it. I always stayed at my easy, parttime job. But maybe it’s good to get out of my comfort zone and start working on new skills.


Day 14 i am feeling a little anxiety and discomfort the cravings are crazy but i am grateful to say i am sober


Congrats on 14 days of freedom! Keep up the hard work. One day at a time!


Thanks and yes one day at a time


@CATMANCAM thank you :wave:


Drink no ma doc but had some earlier literally had 1 and in bed

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Don’t want anymore

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Day 3

Got up today & walked for 5 miles before work whilst listening to this audiobook. Listening to just one chapter about the science behind breathing makes me never want to use again! Came home feeling positive and applied for a new job within my work, never felt confident enough to apply for better jobs before because I knew my addiction would cause problems. I’ve been unhappy in my current position for the past few years which has probably added to my anxiety and excuses to use.
Overall, a very productive day. I can’t remember the last time I felt so positive about life :blush:

Hope every one had a great day, we got this :muscle:t3:


Thank you bro!!


Thank you @CATMANCAM!


Thank you @JazzyS!


Checking in sober.

Work people are all really kind and helpful. It’s just so exhausting being around people all day. Got home and collapsed on the couch. Feel suddenly depressed and crying but I think it’s exhaustion and overwhelm. And that makes me want a drink. Second guessing myself about this job and the fact it requires a lot of peopling.



Almost forgot to check in today. Had a very nice sober day. I’m visiting an area known for wine tasting. Happy to say I was not tempted. I did sit in my car, rolled down the window and listened to some live music coming from one of the places as I happened to be in the area. This is only day 3 for me since I relapsed after almost 14 months sober but it does seem a bit easier this time. I want to tell anyone who was sober but slipped and is waiting to try again that it does seem to get easier. Wishing all a sober good night.


Checking in on day 25.

I was really tempted to throw my hands up today. Home stuff.

Powered thru and jumped on here for a check in instead.

If you’re anything like me and you get that urge to say eff it… know that it passes. That urge will probably come back, but it will pass as well. Keep your chin up and chest out. It ain’t worth it.


Checking in on day 936. Still a bit under the weather. Hope everyone is having a nice week.


Congratulations! Keep up the good work.