Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Great news!


Yay for pushing outside your comfort zone and to reaffirming your boundary and what you want!


@daleb Congrats on your 2+ weeks of sobriety :tada: Tada: :clap: keep up with the amazing work :muscle:
@cloyboy89 How are you doing Colin?
@shadowcopy Congrats on coming here Joel when the urge struck. I too find that this place is magical for me when I am struggling. The urges do get easier to beat the more of them that you shoot down. 25 days is frickin awesome – keep fighting that demon. We got your back here :muscle:
@nick_1985 WOW 2008 days is amazing work – Thanks for checking in with us – great work on your sobriety.
@danam56 so good to see you checking in Dana and with 200 days!! Sorry that you are not feeling well. Sending you healing vibes – hope you feel better real soon :pray:

This is amazing and yes – our tools and knowledge of how to live a sober life just add up and help up keep going. Keep all your past experiences with you to help you put your best foot forward. I do hope you also have some in real life support as we can not fight this demon alone. Alone, we can very easily talk ourselves into believing that we can have that “one” drink or that we don’t have a problem. Here for you friend. A very Happy early Birthday to you – wishing you a wonderful year ahead :people_hugging: :birthday: :tada:
@scorpn So grateful to see you checking in with us. So sorry for all the hoopla you are being put through – I do hope that it all sorts itself out in your favor very quickly. A hell of a job on your sober time my friend. :hugs:
@mischa84 Girl you are not a failure!! I am sorry that your driving system is so backed up – 2-3 month for another test is insane. Keep working on your driving skills and you will be a kickass driver in no time.
@forrestkump Congrats on your 200 days of sobriety! I am sorry that you are feeling overwhelmed – anything you want to talk about? I do hope your daily grind gets easier. :pray:
@tragicfarinelli Nicely done – 1 week milestone is awesome!!

Celebrating all of my sober peeps celebrating a milestone today!!


@Mira_D Mira unfortunately I have no advice, I wish I could took that pain away from you somehow. I just want to send you huge virtual hug and tell you that you are in my thoughts. You are true hero!


Grateful to have had quality time with my Daughter and her BF.
Grateful for yummy charcuterie we shared.
Grateful for whoever decided that adults deserve lunchables too lol.
Grateful for choosing to stay and just be (instead of running around place to place and person to person while in the city) and prioritize self care.
Grateful for online meetings.
Grateful to have been able to encourage action on my partners before mentioned goal and to go with him in person to support my partner (though still estranged) do his first ever 2024 polar bear swim.
Grateful to have seen the furbabies.
It was especially hard to see John Wayne, my kitten whom I have been away from almost 13 days now and who kept jumping onto and into the couple bags of clothes and personal items I was getting ready to take.
Grateful I will get to see them again today when I go to prep and winterize my rv as we are suddenly expecting snow and really cold freezing temperatures. Feeling nervous about any talks we may have about past present or future in regards to unknowns as well as possible triggers/emotional stress and my past self always choosing to numb.
Grateful my partner has shared about his concerns around additiction and has asked to go to an in person meeting with me as support and a possible path for himself tomorrow.
Grateful to have had a day back at work.
Grateful to have space to be and sit and rest my aggrivated back injury this morning.
Grateful for you all! I gain so much from you!

Here is John Wayne. Lots of decisions to be made about so many things including if I some day soon bring him away with me to where I am staying not knowing if Ill go back or if so when or how long I can stay here or if cats are allowed wherever I may go and I feel like taking him away will affect and interupt some incredible bonding that has just started to happen between him and our two large dogs. Have a great day! :hugs:


Cute kitten :blush:


Thank you! He is as cute as he is crazy! :joy:


Lol I can image… Sans cat nip to boot.


@mindofsobermike Man I’m glad you are ok – I dread black ice. Been flat on my ass many a times cause of it. Its okay to vent and I am grateful that you are letting it all out of your system – hope you feel better. Recognizing addictive patterns is key to knowing when to buckle down with recovery tools. :people_hugging:
@catmama23 Lavender supplements – making you burp lavender – girl you had me cracking up! Hope they do help you relax. I am taking garlic and I would much rather be burping lavender :rofl:
@juli1 Hells yeah girl -way to go on your 1 week milestone Jules! Grateful that you did reach out in real life. So happy for your journey :heart:
@deelzebub Way to go Delia with your 7 months of sobriety! Love seeing the days stacking up and your mood getting lighter :hugs: Keep going strong :muscle:
@jules000 so grateful that the operation was successful. Give yourself time to heal. I do know how insane fatigue can be – sending you strength.
@mira_d Much love to you dear friend. I am so sorry that you are feeling such strong cravings after a long period. I know I still feel triggered from time to time and find myself in that deep urge state (even after 1 year +) – I do know that I don’t want to go back to day 1 (can’t believe I made it this far and don’t think I could do it again). You are going through a LOT emotionally and physically and I know you will not be able to start the healing process till you are able to put all of this behind you. Having to relive everything as the trial approaches has got to be exhausting. Sending you so much love and strength – hope you are able to find a way to keep yourself occupied (mentally and physically) so that the urges don’t have a chance. We are here for you love – you are not alone :people_hugging:
@naomi So lovely to meet you friend. Grateful to see you doing so well on your sobriety journey. Grateful that you did have old posts to view and see how far you have come. That addict mind is a sneaky SOB – trying to convince us of that “one “ drink or that we can be like others and moderate. Not gonna happen – we are no longer going to willingly put poison in our bodies in the name of fun. Sobriety is shining on your!
@Sunshineontheinside John Wayne is absolutely adorable :heart:
You rockstars! Congrats on your success :muscle:



Day 357 sober. As expected, holidays with family was tough, at times. But got through it, and sober. Haven’t been checking in or reading much - looking forward to catching up a bit on here tonight. Christmas vacation with kiddos home, makes for a loud and very busy house. :blush:

Coming up on one full year sober very soon. First time in …close to 20 years. On milestones previously, I always celebrated with treating myself in some way. Usually food, shopping… I don’t think I’m going to do that this time. I am really working on limiting unnecessary spending and the real reward is the year in itself, despite the challenges.

We went to church Christmas Eve, which was really helpful. Going back this weekend.

Hope everyone having a good week and 2024, so far.:heart:


Hi guys sorry a did that last night a lot better today we are going have other baby


No need to apologize - grateful you are doing better today!
A huge congrats on your news! :tada:

Av never been fond of it we don’t agree a regret having it it took mins of other things not going down that route tho cheers hope u are good

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Good morning, checking in. I am feeling more free already and I like it. Let’s be good to ourselves.


@DanaM56 & @ForrestKump congratulations on your 200 day milestones :heart_eyes::ok_hand:
@1in8billion great to see you here. Happy Birthday for tomorrow :heart:
@Tragicfarinelli & @Juli1 A week in the bag, nicely done :ok_hand:
@Deelzebub Congratulations on 7 months milestone :star_struck:
@Naomi good to see you :heart:


Hot bath, book & bed :bathtub::books::sleeping::heart:





@Daleb congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@nick_1985 congrats on 5.5 years :tada:
@DanaM56 congrats on 200 days :tada: feel better soon 🩵
@1in8billion welcome back :blush::people_hugging: and happy birthday :birthday: :balloon::gift::partying_face:🩵
@Scorpn you are remarkable, sending strength and energy 🩵 :battery:
@MrFantastik enjoy your holiday :beach_umbrella:
@Mno I really hope Luna is okay :people_hugging:🩵
@ForrestKump congrats on 200 days :tada:
@Tragicfarinelli congrats on your week :tada:
@Juli1 congrats on your week :tada:


@Deelzebub congrats on 7 months :tada:
@Mira_D I would suggest going back to basics, do whatever it takes to stay sober, try what you did when you first got sober, what worked for you then, and know that the cravings will pass. I am sending strength and love :people_hugging:🩵

1242 days no alcohol.
707 days no cocaine.
222 days no vape.

Went into town. Posted my friend’s card and present for his birthday on Sunday. Then went to my appointment.

Came home, hadn’t missed the mail company, so waited in for them, received the poetry books.

Did my morning routine this afternoon because I didn’t wake up with enough time to do it before I went out.

Then I did my lake walk after the school rush was over, just as it was getting dark. I’m scared of the dark so I took my new torch, but I didn’t even need to turn it on. I could see fine outside, but not in my flat, deceptive.

Tomorrow morning I have my testosterone shot and blood tests, so that’s a good start to the day, then I’m going to attempt to start some de-cluttering.



Day 1111,

Have a nice day all, for me it’s goodnight :zzz::sleeping::crescent_moon: