Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

@vikingsfan So looking forward to celebrating your 1 year with you soon Tea. Maybe you could do an in home spa day of self care or go for a lovely walk reflecting on your achievement. Its huge!!!
@rob11 1111 what an awesome number Rob quadruple 1’s! Keep being your awesome self :muscle:
@butterflymoonwoman Was so excited to read how well you are doing with the start to 2024. So thrilled for your recovery and how you are making new habits and sticking to your new routines. Won’t lie – my heart sank when I read about you deleting your account. I can understand that by getting a solid footing with your recovery you won’t need to rely on all your support tools as much. For my own selfish reasons – it would suck to not see you as often but that would be understandable and you need to do what works best for you. By deleting your account, like you said, you lose all the conversations and you have given so very much to the community. Would be a shame to lose all of that. Big hugs to you Dana :people_hugging: Maybe tale a break and see how that goes at first?
@trixie1 Love the triple 1’s! Congrats on your 4 days vape free too :muscle:
@mrfantastik Great work on not entertaining those thoughts. I do hope you enjoy your holiday – remember we are right here if you need some support.
@acromouse So sorry friend – hormonal bull shit can FRO – it is super frustrating and can drive anyone insane. I do hope the hormonal ride is over for you soon. Damn – sorry that fall hurt your shoulders. I know it sucks with your therapeutic activity has to take a pause. Are you able to try meditation or long walks (if the weather isn’t too bad)? Something to keep you going while you heal? Sending you comfort and quick healing vibes.

Checking in on an early Friday morning – oh shit – HAPPY FRIDAY my sober peeps!
379 alcohol and weed free
794 days cigarette free
I did not get every thing i wanted to accomplish done today and i feel comfortable with that. Took time to do some self care instead - the work will get done.
I have been having a rough few days emotionally which was causing me to feel disconnected with myself and that only leads to bad decisions and negative thinking. I am grateful to have pulled myself out of that hole and grateful for my friends on TS! Thank you for being so amazing. You guys don’t know the magic you hold directly and indirectly.
My treatment did go well enough today. I know the pain will level itself out eventually. I am super hopeful that this is my answer - may take some time but I am on the path of healing.
Well - past 1 and i am wide awake – will try to find a way to fall asleep so that i can have a productive Friday.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m here, I’m clear and I’m present. I’m nailing down some travel goals for this year and next. I’m focusing on giving my family experiences that I wouldn’t be able to give them if I was still drinking.
The money saved is a big driver but also I know I can go on certain trips without having to worry about how where and when I will have access to alcohol.
New year goals and all that malarkey!


*Day 1934 :walking_woman:
Feeling a bit better day by day but the progress is slow. Hubby got the flu too.
Had a relaps dream last night :thinking: In my dream I drank loads and passed out. It was a long time ago for my last relapse dream. They always are a bit upsetting in a way and a relieve at the same time because it’s not real.
Woke up with a massive headache, that was real.
Today? Work and maybe a walk before is if the rain isn’t pooring.

See you later TS friends and let’s make the best of our day! :raising_hand_woman:


Morning Jasmine. Sorry to hear you’ve been having some challenging days. But glad that you’re feeling better and that the treatment has gone well. Get some sleep (rest) lovely :people_hugging: Lots of love :heart: X


This! :arrow_up:
Healing is pain too Jasmine. I like to see it as a lotus growing in the mud: he needs the mud to become a beautiful flower.
I hope you feel better soon! My first therapy appointment is next wednesday. I think that will stirr up my feelings as well :face_with_peeking_eye:

Ps when I read what I have written it sounds like I know it all. I’m sorry because that is not my intention. But I lack words to say it more soft because English is not my first language.


Thank you friend :pray:


Thank you Claudia. You are so right. Healing is painful.

We will be here for you if you need a virtual hug or a shoulder next week :people_hugging:

Your words were perfectly said and felt and I did not get that vibe. Thank you friend.

Sorry about your dream and waking up with a headache. Hope that doesn’t last long


Day 17, I litteraly just woke up and chose to immediately read some threads on here because I just woke up from one of my most scariest nightmares ever. I litteraly felt someone cutting my neck off while saying you’re not one of us. I usually never have nightmares. I’m so not ready to close my eyes again, or maybe I sound like a pussy right now, or maybe I just am. I’m just not familiar with these type of living and realistic dreams especially if they’re that negative and kind of even racist. Thanks that I can be here in this amazing community though, will read some more stuff after writing this and see if I can somehow make someone elses day some better.


I’m glad you’re here. :heart:


Day 9

Grateful for everyone who posts while I am asleep and gives me so much good content to read and absorb when I wake up and start my day. :people_hugging:


I so agree to this! Also my standard morning procedure. Keep hanging on day by day you’ve got this and you’re not alone!!!


Early morning of day
240 no alcohol
171 no ciggs or vapes
10.51 no form of marijuana (cbd, thc, hemp)

Its 2:46am in the morning. Cant really sleep. I thought about a cup of coffee and just getting up but but i have work at 10am and thought that could make for a tough day. I decided ill just laynin bed, read around here and if i fall asleep, cool, if not atleast ill be resting until i have to get up.

Wifes doing good
Baby is due in a month, got everything we need
Works going amazing, easy stuff, have a budget made yet its rocky. (Of course i wish i had more money but ill be ok)

Thats all for now


You are doing so well Leroy. Keep going!


Day 8.

I handed in my notice yesterday to my employer… Have to work one month now and figure out what I wanna do. Who I wanna be. I just know I didn’t wanna be a downtrodden, bullied, manipulated second citizen surrounded by unhelpful management.

Feels good but also a bit like, am I bonkers?


Day 195. Rubbish nights sleep again but I am off today :slight_smile: only plan is to see wonka this afternoon. Weather has picked up. Cold but not so stormy, may go for a walk along the promenade. I am pleased to start this year with nearly seven months under my belt and everyone around me understading I don’t drink any more…that has made it alot easier and no one questions it…

Nice to face the weekend without thinking when can I open some wine. Have a fab day folks



So after 110 days got first strong temptation. I am going to my doctor because of hand rehabs and see this empty bottle of Krupnik lying on the corner of building. This one empty bottle gaved me a lot of memories…

I remembered my Godfather (Rest In Peace) and my Godmother (Rest In Peace) she passed away few years later after her husband. I remembered my Godfathers stories on the holydays table. He liked to tell the story on how he fell in love with his wife from a first sign. Their eyes met each other on a bus station. She needed to pick next bus and dropped her scarf so he could pick it and follow her. He liked to tell a story how he went back from army with two bottles of Krupnik in his backpack looking for his future wife as he was not sure if she was still waiting for him.
It was good times… People were different back then. Times were different… There was a lot of good times when drinking too, but I am pretty sure my last years of drinking was just a try to recreate those times and those memories. It was just not there anymore.

I remember Godfather after I was stabbed in my shoulder and almost died. I started to avoid drinking after that event. There was few times we all celebrated together again and we have a tradition here to fill each others glass of drink and say “Na Zdarovie” - “I Sveikata” - “To Health” - and mens from the times of the war usually get disappointed if you say no. I remember it was really hard for me to say “No” to my Godfather. I respect him a lot. He was a true man. Also was a good swimmer and saved many lifes. He had strong health. Never went to doctors whole his life. He only went to doctors once he knew something is really wrong with his health. It was stage 3 or 4 cancer. Last time we drinked together - he said all the soldiers he served together died from cancer as they served somewhere at nuclear rocket silos. Said it is probably his time has come too. So I remember there was few times I said “No” to drink and he smiled and said something: “Well, I really respect that and I understand it. That is what real man should do - have his position”. - something like that. It was more of his eyes that said much more.

It was good point from him, as now I go through that empty bottle of Krupnik, remembering good times, and instead of feeling dissapointed of my choices, I feel proud I am in a good way and direction!

I realisie the power of commercial of global companies and their impact on our perception. Every small details matter. Every word, every smile and eye contact counts!

We have much more power in changing other peoples lives than we imagine that. If you are not trying to be sober for yourself, try or Others! Power is in being together - not separation. If it is hard to come to a group or meeting or Temple (it does not matter, what matters is being concious about other people, not selfishness) or Here at TS Family - if you feel lazy for yourself, think of others :blue_heart:


Ahwww! :muscle:t2::hugs:


Thanks @JazzyS
Good to hear you’ve come through a tough spell, and also some positive steps health wise.


After finally getting out of bed, doing my morning routine - movement, meditation - and getting some breakfast and coffee, I’m out of the ‘depths of wallowing and self pity’.

I read @JazzyS’s encouraging words. Many thanks! Even one sypathetic word is worth so much. I also read about your own troubles and pain. I am truly sorry for the pain you have to go through.
I read @SoberWalker’s thoughts on healing and pain, and then it dawned on me: Yeah, I’m in pain. We all are. No matter where and who, we all suffer some times. Everybody slips and falls and hurts. And if I want to heal, I have to accept the suffering, and go through the pain as part of healing.

My body will hurt for a while and remind me that it is healing. My mind and my soul will too. They will tell me over and over when they need healing and compassion.

Using will not help me. I will not heal through using. I will only heal with compassion and care.

Thank you all for being here, sharing and helping.


Day 21 for me. Feel great apart from waking up this morning with what feels like a stinking hangover. Off for a hike in the peaks so I’m sure that’ll clear my head.
Happy Friday everyone