Checking in Day 9. Doing okay but I had dreams last night of me drinking and partying like I used too and kinda made me feel like I miss it. I know nothing ever good always comes from it for me but just thought I’d share. So might go on another walk or go to gym today to clear my head from that mentality.
Have a good day everyone!
I will definitely do something fab when I hit a year sober next summer
Welcome, Joel! You’ve gotten through those first super hard days, well done. Just stay sober today, that’s your #1 job. Keep it up! Glad you checked in.
Checking in sober, working about four desks after the redundancies like a biiyaatttchhhh. Trying to remain calm in the storm.
Thank you
I do think being less active here hasn’t helped how I’m feeling/thinking.
Reading your message earlier reminded me of the unity here, that I am apart of and so grateful for. And that I need to keep active as isolation is a road to destruction for me. Thinking I am okay now, not participating… I see this pattern when others go through it and I should know better. But when you start to tell yourself your okay you kind of think you don’t need help.
I know I do. But my head’s stuck in that viscous thinking.
It will pass.
Thank again
Thank you for your message
I ate alot in my early sobriety. It was what I would look forward to in the evening. I put weight on but I was sober and slowly starting picking up healthy life style changes.
It’s okay to have food .
Your right about reaching out. This community really is the reason I had found the strength in myself to get and stay sober for so long. The encouragement and advice saved me.
Thanks again for your reply and I’m proud of you
392 days sober. Still focussed. Still not tempted.
You’re never alone. Xxx
Yes do it! We deserve it
Thank you Brian, it’s good to see you
Keep going mate. Check in for support. The first year I checked in most days. But I never take sobriety for granted.
Reach out if you’re ever fed up and need a reason to smile. xx
Well I got some good news. My background cleared with out absolutely any issues. Now I was super excited, I looked online and according to my Prometric account, my CNA license expired 5/31/22, and it says that there is a grace period where I should be able to recirtify without having to take the classes. Or if I do need to take the class, all I need to do is the written and technical exam. But for some reason meadowbrook is saying no I can’t, I even called the c VTech place and they said yes that’s how it works. But meadowbrook doesn’t seem to want to help me with it, the CNA education teacher told me when I was talking to her today, that they are having classes again right after this class is up but they won’t let me take it because I need to prove myself first and make sure I show up to work on time and prove I am a good worker, idk for some reason that didn’t sit right, they told me I’d have to wait about 5 months before I can take the classes. Personally I think that’s fucked up, they don’t make sure all the random people they hire to take the classes that they are worthy, but for some reason they are saying I need to prove myself I think it’s weird and definitely helped me make my decision on taking the job at the hospital
Checking In
Day 666
Its been a really good day so far. Mondays are always my fav day of the week. I went out early this morning and did some grocery shopping. Bought the rest of my baking supplies, some wrapping paper, and 2 weeks worth of groceries. Came home and tidied up the kitchen before beginning my Christmas baking. I turned on some Christmas tunes and made Hot Chocolate Marshmallow Fudge and some Peppermint Bark. Now just relaxing until my son gets home from school. Maybe ill do some self care while I have the time. Hope everyone is doing well today!
First day I havent had fast food delivered to binge on for lunch in as long as I can remember. Now to make it through dinner.
Checking in just 3 hours away from 30 days!!! I feel a little blah today but the 30 days is such a wonderful feeling. Life is life no matter what, but man it’s so much better sober. A huge thank you to each and every person here. This place has been the biggest inspiration and everyone here is awesome. It’s because of all of you wonderful souls I’ve made it to 30 days. Hope everyone is having a magical Monday.
I hate the drinking dreams. I always wake up in a panic like, Nooo I messed up damnit! Then realize it’s a dream and i didn’t ruin anything and I feel better.
Congrats on day 9. Almost to double digits!!
I’m right behind you
Made fudge today and baked the first load of Christmas cookies, while listening to the radio. Relaxed day, happy day, sober day.
Hope all of you have a good day sober, too
Welcome to the family
I’ve never believed in a higher power. I started the steps and didn’t really start believing in a higher power - I don’t know that there is one, I just believe there is simply because I stopped trying to control everything, allowed steps 2 and 3 to do their thing and now I thank god everyday