Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Thanks jazzy. I’m really trying my best to bust out the current depression.


Thank you Cam I will. Something is definitely very wrong inside and nothing external has changed for me.


You’re working crazy hours @Just_Laura and still your post sounds positive after all. You’re a tough girl :blush: hope you have time to relax soon :+1:

@SoberWalker what a lovely picture this is. Glad the sun came out just for you.
Have a wonderful week full of positive changes.:wave:


Day 1224

Had a nice day at work today. Despite it being just before the winter vacation, the students still had some enthusiasm. My son came home from school early with sore throat and mild fever. We will all be getting it, it seems.


Day 434

I am sober
I am looking forward to Christmas getting here so we can be done with it
I miss y’all
Lots of love :two_hearts:




One week without binging! I even threw away food still on my plate twice instead of forcing myself to eat it like I normally do.


Checking in on day 2. Still feeling a bit anxious and restless but much better and with a lot more energy. Wishing everyone a good sober start into this last week before Christmas :christmas_tree:


Your profile text cracks me up :ok_hand::joy:
Congrets on the binge free week!


Day 15
Went to see my aunt in the elderly home yesterday. She has Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. She’s always sitting alone in the living room in her wheelchair, while the rest of the group is sitting together at the other table. When I ask why, the staff says she wants it herself, but I don’t know if that’s true. It breaks my heart to see her like that. Her face lights up when I enter the room, she must be so lonely! I feel so powerless…
My mom has also (early stage) dementia and is getting worse rapidly. Man, I f*cking hate that desease.

For me, I had a long early walk this morning and am procrestinating work at the moment by reading here. Can’t wait to be off work next week! :christmas_tree:

Last thing for me to say is that it warms my heart to see all the interaction and compliments to each other here on this thread. In my previous sobriety attempts I didn’t use the check-in. But I am glad I do now, the connection really helps! :two_hearts:


Laura do you work in hospitality by any chance? I can really feel that “my bosses don’t give a fuck about my time” vibe about you lol


Thanks @CATMANCAM! I appreciate you.

And hey all, checking in on day 1282 today. I hope everybody has a good one!


Congratulations on 15 days. This is massive. I’m so sorry about your parents…


Days 7&8 :star_struck::tada:
It’s sunny today :sun_with_face::yellow_heart:
The thing I am happy I did today was setting my goals :spiral_notepad::pencil2:
Hopefully by the end of the day I can achieve them all :hatched_chick::star2::heart:
Now time for coffee :coffee::hibiscus::rose:
Enjoy your time and always be grateful :yellow_heart::heart:


Thank you, Julia! :two_hearts:

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Day 34. Good morning sober fam, another morning waking up cheerful, and even stayed up and went to be a little later in the evening. Work was good yesterday, this morning I’m up and said my prayers and gratitude. Boy it was a wet ride into work lol, luckily I got some wet gear. But I only wore my pants bc I thought my snow jacket would be rain resistant, but it wasn’t lol. But I was smiling and giggling on the way into work and just enjoying the moment, every time a car passed I kept saying plz don’t splash me plz don’t splash me lol. I got to work and the assistant supervisor who does the other half the work said he was leaving this morning after he picked up trash, so that leaves me in charge of a lot of work to do. I wasn’t mad or looked at in a bad way, I was actually pleased it helps me stay busy longer and shows me that they obviously believe and trust in me to get the work done. I mean I’ve only been here about 10 days now? And they are already comfortable with me doing everything by myself. That makes me feel pretty proud and excited, it gives me something good to say about my self in my interview tomorrow at the hospital. I mean it’s just cleaning it’s not like you can fuck it up lol, but still proud none the less. Most my side effects from my medication has warn off and idk I’m on like day 5 or 6 and dare I say it might be working already ? Idk but I’ll take the good mood and spirits lol. Anyways much love everyone, I’m off work tomorrow and have my interview so I’m excited. Have a wonderful day


Congratulations bro!!! Hell yeah!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 1,284 clean and sober today. I had been eating better for a while now but had some junk food yesterday and man do I feel achey and yucky. I’m wondering if it’s the sugar that’s making me feel bad as I’ve heard that it’s sooooo bad for our bodies??? Crazy how sensitive my body is to things. I hope everyone has an awesome day today, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Sober pirate :blue_heart:


94 days😀
Headed to see my 10 month old nephew today. Can’t wait!