Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Today is my birthday. I am 46 years old. I am one year, three moths and twelve days sober.

This is my second birthday sober, and I am very happy. Of course, I have a lot of regrets. I regret the almost 15 years I passed drinking. Specially the last five ones drinking in a binge manner. I ask forgiven to all people I have hurt, plenty of people.

But I am what I am, I cannot change. I have discovered the meetings, the AA groups and I only fight for today.

Today I have been sober. That is what matters.

Thank you community, best wishes.


3 days back, I had one slip Friday but I’ve only slipped up once in 12 days, determined to get there.


Happy birthday, and happy second sober birthday :blush:


Tomorrow marks one month 100% sober whattt!!! The vivid dreams I’ve been having every night are INSANE! woke up from one this morning then had an even more intense one after falling back asleep :sweat_smile:


I’ll be sure to congratulate you on a month tomorrow, but for now congratulations on making it to where you are today!

I’m having a battle and a half lately, a few ups but these lows just keep knocking my legs out from under me.

I am immediately second guessing my ability today after getting off that phone call I just had, I can feel my chest get right with anxiety instantly.

These next 3 weeks are going to be a real challenge for me. I’ve also recognized my checking in and/or posting here has slowed as well.


Happy Birthday!!


Checking in sober.



28/29 days

Picking up my mood like a found coin. Truth: I spent most my life thinking about drinking around thinking about drinking whilst thinking.

Gratitude : I’ve accomplished about 550 to 600 days sober all in all over the last two years, with one continuous 400 day streak. That counts for a whole lot of me making a lotta effort,I should be proud of myself. I’m breaking cycles of alcoholism and abuse.

I do need to be less hard on myself!


I think you’re doing great!!
And I’m proud of you. And wicked glad you’re here.


6-day check-in!! :smiley:


2 weeks no gambling :slightly_smiling_face:


Happy birthday @EFountains :birthday::partying_face:

Checking in on day 146.
I’ve had a good day working with my students, even though I had to drive through some very misty weather to get to one of them who lives up in the hills.
I’m grateful every Monday that I’ve had a sober weekend, the start of each working week used to be awful but Mondays are much less manic now.


Trucking ahead to 3 days sober and 9 days since I decided to change my life. Feeling very tired as the insomnia has kept me awake again tonight, but my appetite is slowly returning and I went for a short walk.

Slightly apprehensive about Christmas and how others may view my sobriety, but I’m trying to take things one day at a time.


Checking in
Day 673
Feels really good to have caught up on this thread. Congratulations to those taking milestones today and for those coming back or are new to the forum!

Today was a pretty chill day. Not much was done. My son enjoyed the Christmas concert today at school and has another one to watch tmrw. I decided to take the opportunity today to wrap some gifts and do some cleaning. Had a small nap in the afternoon. Thats really about it. Basic day but a good day bcuz i am clean and sober. Have a great day/evening everyone :butterfly:


Day 920 checking in.


You’re very welcome, glad it helped you somehow. :slightly_smiling_face:


@noshame Way to go with your 5 months of no vapes / ciggs! Love your numbers – keep going strong :muscle:
@alden Glad you are here with us Alden. You are among friends here :hugs:
@rob11 Way to go Rob - 3 years is impressive! Keep going strong
@efountains Happy 46th Birthday!!! Way to go with a 2nd sober celebration! Hope you had a wonderful day celebrating yourself today.
@anon68572606 I am so sorry that you are struggling friend. I do hope that you are able to discuss your stresses with someone irl and get some support in navigating through the next few weeks. I do find that posting here does help when I feel anxious so hopefully it will help you too :hugs:

That sure does count for something and I too am very proud of your efforts. We are here for you friend. Hoping that coin will lighten and lift your mood :people_hugging:
@lorelai Great AF days Lorelai – congrats on your 500 days of no self harm. Big hugs to you for your self love and self care. Keep pushing forward!
@dolse71 2 weeks is amazing Paul – way to go with your gambling free streek
@lile01 Congrats on getting your sobriety back on track – 3 days is amazing! We are here for you if the holiday season gets to be a bit overwhelming. This is your journey so you get to decide who does and who doesn’t know about your sobriety. I know for some it is easier to say that they are a DD or on antibiotics or something at the beginning of their sobriety. Me personally, I quit in December too and it was hard with holidays and new years. I made sure to always have a mocktail in hand so I would not be tempted to drink and if someone did ask I just said I wasn’t feeling well. Most did not question it as I did have something in hand. Wishing you luck with your journey – we got your back here.

Checking in on Monday evening
362 days free of alcohol and weed
777 days free of cigarettes
Had an eventful day. Grateful to be sober and able to be there for my family when they need support. Not much else to report - going to try and get some sleep. - sweet dreams my sober friends.
Wishing everyone a addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:



I was in bed by 9 last night. Had lots of wild dreams. Woke up loads too. Still feeling OK now. I’m sober and clean and getting ready for another work day. One day at a time as with all, for us all. We’re in this together.

I’d prefer to be back at the ocean in the sunshine but my job isn’t that bad either. And it’s raining. Recovery is building ourselves a life we don’t want or need to flee from. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Keep going. Love from the Noordzee last Sunday.


Thank you @happyfeet!! Yes, Cori is a character all right. Lately she’s been chewing through all my charger cables, ugh! :smile_cat:


Eight days in and branching out now. Rather than just focusing on not binging on fast food which was my biggest culprit, I’m now eliminating what I call my “snack binges.” I havent done those either during this time, but its been a damn near thing. What I do is put a bunch of food in like a 7-11 delivery cart like a whole bag of chips, a box of little debbies, four candy bars. Then I’d eat them all that night. I filled my cart tonight but didnt order anything.

To be clear I dont believe there’s such a thing as “bad food.” Food is neutral. But there is food thats bad for me specifically, and boy are these it.