Checking in daily to maintain focus #61


Eww. It’s snowing. I thought I was feeling oddly cold. After moving nonstop for 3 days and then doing not much today, the pain is finally hitting me. Luckily it was perfect timing for my monthly chiropractor appt. I’m beat.

I cleaned up some this morning before I wanted to catch up on some :zzz: At 11:15 my daughters school text about delivering the Christmas gifts they got for her, so I planned to nap after (idk if I mentioned they called a month ago asking if I’d be interested in something like that. it timed perfectly when I was stressing about money so I said accepted). They said “I will be leaving shortly” at 11:50. The school is 5 minutes away. Again at 12:40 - “Okay! See you soon”… Now it’s 2:30 and I had to get in the shower so I’d be ready for my appt. Text her that I would be out by 2:45 and didn’t want to miss her. She knocked at 2:45. So…no nap :face_exhaling:

I am very grateful they have a program like that. I’ve never said yes before. They brought 10 prewrapped presents. I have no idea what they are :rofl::rofl::rofl: SURPRISE!

I’m ready to lie down. And then go right back to bed tomorrow morning if I need to. Gotta do laundry. Ew to that too :sleepy:


17 days in the bank.
Not a very productive day. Slept a bit after nightshift. Todays the start of my days off, plus I’ve got a bit of leave over xmas for a change.
Previously my first day off would have been back into the drink, but today has actually been the first day I haven’t had thoughts of getting some drinks.
Weird, I didn’t even realise that until I was writing this haha.
Today was a good day


Early morning 01:18am on day
223 no alcohol
154 no ciggs or vapes
6 no form of Marijuana (sleepless night but i made it so far)

I ran out of nic lozenges until the morning whrn i can go out
Thats been the source of all my sleepless cravings for everything

I might be getting them after thebsun comes up but we will see

Stay strong everyone


14 days AF
Checking in…
I am happy to be sober.

My sleeping and morning routine is bad last weeks. I have weird dreams.

Much love


Love this. I was just thinking about it yesterday. I am on day 16 again and felt a bit ashamed to come back here. But throughout the last four years I have quite some sober days under my belt and looking back I learned alot about myself.

You definately can be proud of yourself! :100:


I had a good nights sleep. No panic attacks. I feel so good. So refreshed.
Last day at school today before Christmas break. I love to work with the kids, but I also love to get a break :wink:

Thank you for this. Your words really resonated with me. Although the first days of recovery are very tough, at least I know why I am doing it. I don’t want the pain associated with using. After a while I tend to forget how bad it was and now using sounds attractive again. Live is difficult and I deserve something, right!?
But this thinking is obviously very short sighted. A live I don’t want to flee from? That is a grandiose perspective and the work of a lifetime.


Day 16
Woke up well rested. I never want to go to sleep at night, sometimes I feel like a freaking toddler. I just don’t understand why people like sleeping :woman_shrugging:t3: But with a little help from melatonine I forced myself to sleep early yesterday.
Off to my morning walk with dog (in the rain, yuk) and after that work.
Have a good day peeps :v:


We did good. I tried all my life to moderate or stick to rules or don’t drink in the week… It was never happening.

To say we have been this Sober collectively over the last few years really is very good :100::blush::100::blush: we are on the right path. Proud of you.


Day 178. Feeling full of flu or something. Both of us coughing all night. Not v festive feeling! Will slow down at work today. No cravings at the moment which is a blessing


You are doing so well, I am proud of you. Life is piling it on you at the moment and you are working really hard to protect your sobriety.


It’s good to have you back again Anne, you always warm my :heavy_heart_exclamation: Thank you so much.


As I read it well you are 1 month sober today isn’t it?
Well done!! Are you going to tread yourself?
I would!! :yum:


What a bummer Rosa and then I try to say it nicely :smiling_face:
I hope you feel well enough when you wake up to decorate a bit so you can enjoy a bit of the Christmas spirit.
Keep us posted, it’s good to vent and we like to hear it all. It’s not whining!
Sending some love back to you :heavy_heart_exclamation:


I feel the same way @Naomi Although I don’t post that much but reading through threads helps me a lot in different situations. Especially this thread warmes my heart exactly like you said.

It is great having you here Naomi.
Sorry to hear about the health problems running in your family. It’s hard and sad watching parents’ decline in health but the sober you will be able to be there for them and give a hand and support when needed.
I’m feeling you.

Be proud of yourself, you’re doing great.

Have a good addiction free day today :kissing_heart:


Thank you for these lovely words @SoberWalker
You made my day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Have a lovely day my dear :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Good job @JoeDogs :muscle:
6 days ! Keep on doing the good work.
Be proud of yourself :pray:


Checking in. Been Feeling a panic attack comming on all day. My sleep has been absolutely ridiculous since quitting weed. Right now at this moment, it doesnt seem worth it. However, i promised myself i would ride this out as long as i possibility can. I thought my sleep was getting better but today, its not so good. And im extra anxious when im overtired. :upside_down_face: still 100% sober though so atleast theres a positive.


Thank you Jenny. :heart: I’m super proud of you my friend :heartpulse:


400 days and checking in.

Pretty stressed about my ageing mum, my home life and my dog’s sore leg too. Just feeling tense, paranoid and not exactly rational.

But I just need to stay calm. This will pass. Christmas is all too much as well. Too much going on. My head is cluttered.

No drinking though. ODAAT. I’ll go for a long run tomorrow. Staying positive, I’ve pretty much got no arthritis at the moment. So that’s a big plus.


Yes brian, this too shall pass. :clap: congrats on 400!