Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

And back to 30 days at the top of the day.

Let’s fucking go, team.


Hey all, checking in on day 1283. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 1,285 clean and sober today. Man I’m freaking tired lol. Lots of crazy dreams last night so I don’t feel rested really. I hope everyone has a kick ass day today, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Thank you dear Anne, I’m happy I can help my parents without worrying about/planning around hangovers.

I am glad to have you here too!! :two_hearts:


95 days alcohol free :muscle:


Checking in with 198 days AF.
I’m just back from the GP where she further increased my anti depressants. I’m now at the maximum dose so I hope that helps me through the festive period. She also gave me the paperwork I needed for my benefits claim so I was able to fill out the application when I got home. It was easier than I had anticipated.
Now I just need to do a little Christmas shopping and get something in for dinner.
Wishing everyone an addiction free day.


172 days of freedom.
I like number 172. But I won’t stop here, 173 is cool as well.
This coming Friday MIL with her partner are visiting us, they will stay for a week or 10 days, I don’t remember anymore. It’s a lot anyway :sweat_smile:
She is a good person but she has some things that driving me crazy. First of all, we can’t talk much cause I don’t speak Romanian. She understands English a bit but not talking much. And she is very talkative person so I know she would like to chat more and she doesn’t feel so great when we are alone. Luckily she will be with her bf and he speaks good English. And luckily her son will be here too so we won’t be alone a lot. For me it’s not a problem, I’m not very chatty :wink: What is worse, she is making tons of comments about our kids, checking what I give them to eat (for example how much sugar is in yoghurt etc), making assumptions (“you shouldn’t been giving them so much juice every day!” Wtf so much? Wtf every day? You are here one day and you know already what is going on every day here). Last year she was disappointed that Sacha can’t write down his name yet! He was 4, he has a time for fuck sake! Telling us they are to loud, making to much mess… They are not dressed warm enough .Or telling my kids they can’t eat on the sofa. Ok, I understand you don’t like it. In perfect world everybody eat only by the diner table, even if it’s just an apple or some snack. But for me it’s not a big deal and it’s my house so please don’t try to make revolution here. Am I overreacting? Probably I am a little. Last time when she was here I was so close from telling her to fuck off :pinching_hand:t2: She had one kid in her life, and her mother and aunt to help, I am alone here. And did she make such a great work raising him? Well, those of you who follow thread about addicted partners might know a bit :wink: So please don’t lecture me. You had your chance.
Sorry for the rant, as you can see I am a little bit stressed :joy::joy:
Last time when she was here I had alcohol hid in my bedroom and tanking during the days to calm my nerves, now I’m gonna have to handle it sober. Maybe it will be easier?
It’s so frustrating when she is here, I know she is complaining about kids, house etc cause I understand enough, and by her tone I hear is nothing good, but husband doesn’t want to translate it to me cause he doesn’t want to make situation weirder.
Ok,.enough for now.
I’m sober and I’m gonna start training my fake smile already, till Friday I will be pro smiler 24/7


Im proud of you man

Ive been going crazy without nic lozenges. Im at a londry mat thismorning be4 i go shopping. I just need to hold on a bit longer


Congrats on your 172 Mischa.
Here’s a fun Al-Anon list of responses.

These responses could be handy for anyone during tense holiday family fun. And I always try and remember not to “pick up the rope,” for a tug a war.


I got the car today so i plan in getting some stuff done too. We got this :muscle:


Beautiful photo.


1 Like

Just dont pick up
Ill do the same
Its worth it i feel

I feel more clear headed sober


Thanks for your check in, its a good reminder to me of why I continue to not pick up. I remember those panic attacks well once I am reminded. They have gone away now, so let me offer you some hope. The sleep is great, the anxiety is gone, my relationships are solid, I have found love in everything I see and touch. And I did it by surrenedering everyday, hitting meetings, coming here, not picking up drugs, booze and reaching out. One day at a time.

:sparkles: :white_heart: :sparkles:


Day 99 n still sober


@JazzyS Thanks Jazzy. Hey, I made it through and didn’t use. Didn’t even hit the weed pen I stupidly have kept this whole time even though I haven’t hit it in months. I know I should throw it away but it seems like such a waste of $40 hahaha.

Anyway day 106! I made it through yesterday which was tough. I was upset and dwelling in it, and angry at God and wasn’t praying about it, but after a few hours I finally did, and wouldn’t you know, it all went away instantly. Then last night I had an insane dream that was all a very clear metaphor for the life I used to be in, the insanity and being trapped around very very bad people and in horrible situations, being totally insane and lost and living in sin, and it actually woke me up at 1:30am and it took like 30min to calm my heartbeat and breathing afterwards. But I think it was a warning from God never to go back to that way of living and reminding me of all the danger and pain and insanity that I was letting myself forget.

Anyway I’m grateful, and happy to still be clean and sober.


Thank you, friend. I’m doing a bit more each day and was up with the sunrise today which felt good. Cough is not as bad, throat isn’t as sore and I feel a bit better in my attitude this morning. Thank you @Tragicfarinelli for commiserating with me yesterday and I hope you’re having a better day. I’m going to try my damndest to stay more positive and if that means just resting that is okay. I think that’s what is going to help and not lamenting what I can’t do right now. Watching some funny clips online and laughing out loud is good medicine!


Day 9 :sparkling_heart::coffee:
Just checking in :rabbit2::blue_heart:
Hope you are all well and sober :heart::rose:


Gahhh :disappointed: I have no words apart from GOOD LUCK to you girl. That would make me coucou.


Day 44 checking in. Surrounded the last two days by family drinking wine and gin, while i happily drank elderflower cordial! Wishing you all a perfectly good sober day.


Checking in on day 160.