Checking in daily to maintain focus #61




Glad my words are saying something to you. Of course not my own wisdom, but itā€™s better well stolen than badly thought up right :sunglasses: (to use the Dutch phrase ā€˜beter goed gestolen dan slecht bedachtā€™)


Day 35. Had a good morning. Woke up, said my prayers And gratitudes. Went to my interview, made sure I was nice and early. They came out and got me, the guy did a quick walk around with me and showed me the icu and explained a few things to me about how things go. Which wasnā€™t new to me I understood everything, they he brought me back to the girls office and she did the interview, she asked me some questions and I did the best I could. I wasnā€™t to sure how she was feeling, she seemed nice. But when the guy was walking me out of the building, he patted me on the back and said that was a beautiful interview, he said heā€™s watched her do a lot of interviews and he could tell she was thoroughly impressed with me and he said I most definitely got the job. So that really made my day better, I will say that yup they are super strict there, which I understand itā€™s a hospital, you have to wear a uniform, they do thorough room checks and times and this and that. Which still isnā€™t a big deal lol. But where Iā€™m at now itā€™s super chill, nobody checks on me and I get 45 min lunch breaks and itā€™s just really nice. But for the extra money and better benefits Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be fine with the hospital. Now im home and not sure what to do, probably a little laundry idk much love Iā€™m gonna enjoy my day off


@Just_Laura what a lovely program. Sorry you were not able to get that nap. Hopefully today will be low key for you.
@Juli1 congrats on your 2 weeks of sobriety Jules! Ughā€¦those dreams can FROā€¦hope you get a more balanced sleep routine down soon
@Naomi grateful that you did get come back here and are doing so well. :people_hugging:
@Timetochange sorry you are under the weather. Hope it runs itā€™s course quickly. Sending you healing vibes

Keep pushing forwardā€¦the sleep does take time but it will regulate. Have you tried melatonin or a warm drink before bed to help with the sleep? These have worked wonders for me.
@Brian1965uk 400 days is amazing Brian. Keep stacking up the days :muscle: sending you comfort for all that you are dealing with. Grateful that you are staying sober
@Tragicfarinelli congrats on your 1 monthā€¦:muscle::muscle::people_hugging:
@Mischa84 ah love Iā€™m sorryā€¦that sounds frustrating as all hell and I donā€™t think you are over reacting. We are here for you so escape with us when it becomes overwhelming
@Noshame hope you were able to get you some lozenges. Super proud of you for not caving! Keep going strong :muscle:


Good for you, Mike! It does sound like a step up in responsibility for you and a career move that could work out for you long term. Happy for you!


Congratulations on one more day won Alden. I do know how our addict mind convinces us of not throwing away our DOC as if that money is worth saving in the long term. It took me forever to dump the liquor. A few times I gave it away so that it wasnā€™t a complete waste but that made me feel bad in a different way. Keep pushing forward Aldenā€¦it does get easier.
@lorelai love personal recordsā€¦now the sky is the limit. You are doing amazingly well. I am good loveā€¦thanks for asking. Grateful to be free of all my addictions and feeling blessed.
@Mindofsobermike congrats on your interview going so well. Love that you have options now to choose from.

Checking in on Tuesday morning
Will be working today (attempting to anyways). My entire back and neck are screaming at me. I do hope I can keep pushing forward.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free dayā€¦ sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


My drugs of choice are heroin, fentanyl, and meth, but yeah I know weed isnā€™t a positive thing for me but Iā€™m just hesitant to throw it away in case I end up wanting it it the future if I have a bad day or something, cuz I know itā€™d be much better than to use my DOC, and like I said, the waste of $40.

That said, thank you @JazzyS and Iā€™m sorry youā€™re in pain, I hope it gets better soon :blush:


Day 14 :smiling_face: not much to really update. Itā€™s been raining so mostly staying indoors. Have a wonderful day everyone.


You too Jmg! :blush: Congrats on 14 days


Afternoon of day
223 no alcohol!!
154 no ciggs or vapes!!
6 no form of marijuana!! (cbd, thc, hemp)

Im very grumpy
That i can change
I have that freedom

I also have the freedom of choosing to stay sober
I could walk to the alcohol store
I could go in the cabnit for pot
I could sneak my vaporizer
But i choose not to
I like that freedom :slight_smile:

Lunch and a nap


Congratulations on your 2 weeks :muscle::tada::tada:


Day 59 :four_leaf_clover:

Have a nice week everyone :heart::raised_hands:


Yes!!! One month today!!:heart_eyes: thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Iā€™m just enjoying some self care today and enjoying me time, feeling good :blush: I had another migraine yesterday that was terrible but I remembered someone saying they get a headache without caffeine and what do you know I had some today when I felt a headache coming on and it helped!! I also scheduled an appt to get my daith pierced which was recommended by my sons hair stylist & Iā€™ve read can help bc of the pressure point right there! Now that I feel better today im able to get things done around my house too :raised_hands:t2: hope you all have a great day šŸ©·


And I hope that you are of yourself too :slightly_smiling_face:


Congratulations on a month!

Woo Hoo! :tada:


Itā€™s been pouring here too. Yuck.

Congratulations on 2 weeks! Truly amazing!


Hey time twinnie, well done. Letā€™s rock the next month.


Hi all, checking in with 96 days. Yet another chronic fatigue crash, I really havenā€™t got the balance right with work and home. The kids are taking a lot of my emotional energy too. I only have 2 more days at work though.

I am sad to say, for the first year ever, I am not looking forward to Christmas. I am so tired right now I am craving space and time alone. That wonā€™t really happen. I am really starting to question why Christmas revolves around everyone elseā€™s expectations. You get told for so long that it is supposed to be about family and the way things are done that it takes years to question it. Like my Christmas isnā€™t my own. Until my kids become older and I can guilt them into doing what I want, and the cycle continues! I am thinking of suggesting one year my parents, one year in laws, one year off. But then I realise our parents are getting older and the guilt sets inā€¦

Wow, that went on a bit! Apologies.

I hope everyone has a good day.


Day 178. Second check in. Got my hair cut for Christmasā€¦ Two more days at work then off for five days :slight_smile: Iā€™m not missing alcohol. Iā€™m also not kidding myself that I can relapse at some stage. Every day is a new fresh challenge. Mainly watching Christmas movies in the evening and relaxing at home. Have a fab evening folks


Checking in after a busy day. I start my new job tomorrow, so I have spent today doing odd jobs and housework, in between tutoring sessions, to stop myself over thinking and becoming overly anxious. Fingers crossed I manage to sleep tonight :crossed_fingers:
I hope everyone is having a good day/night.