Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Aww man I hope it feels better soon. Neck and back pain is the worst, when it gets that bad. It affects everything and every movement. Try and rest it with some heat and Nsaids if you can.


Thanks Joeā€¦wonā€™t lie ā€¦itā€™s a bitch today. Normally I can take it but I think me being in a car for 40 min each way and then a 2 hour wait in a waiting room did me in today. I am grateful that I was able to take my brother to his oral surgery appointment. Now I am icing / heating and sleeping it off. Iā€™m sure it will feel better soonā€¦will take an Aleve before bedtimeā€¦thank you :pray:


Times are uncertain right now. There was an emergent situation that came up and has added way more stress to my day/life and has caused me to put my job in a backseat.

Iā€™m finding myself only 7.5 hours into this and Iā€™m already seeing my mental health suffer. Iā€™m angry, impatient, irritated, and avoidant to name just a few.

Iā€™m not sure I have a plan in place for this, this time.


Oh friend I am sorry. Are you able to call your therapist for a session or discuss this with your wife - possiblity work with them to set a solid plan in motion of how to handle what you are going through?


Iā€™ve contacted my wife who said ā€œI hope you have a plan in place to get through this safelyā€ and unfortunately my therapist is booked up until June. Iā€™ll have to hit some meetings if I can get a moment (also part of the stress is the constant need to be hands on with this).

Just going to do the best I can.


Wowā€¦June? That does not sound like a solid support system for you. Are you able to find a different therapist (sorry - Iā€™m sure at the moment that is the last thing you are thinking about doing or have energy to do).
I do hope you are able to make a meeting or two. If not in person at least online. Remember we are here for you as well.
Hoping that whatever you are dealing with will pass smoothly and you will remain safe in the process.

This is all any of us can do. Sending you comfort my friend :people_hugging:


Ugh haha shows where my brain isā€¦ I meant end of January.


Oh my dear @Mischa84 that sounds like a lot of stress coming up at yours. I would go mad. But you seem well prepared and maybe she has calmed down this year.
Iā€™m sure you will rock it :+1:


Day 340.

I tend to wanna isolate when what I really need is to remain connected somehow to something to someone. Dunnoā€¦ Maybe Iā€™m still depressed. Or maybe Iā€™m lacking something. Maybe itā€™s the whole Christmas thing. Maybe itā€™s the work thingā€¦ or lack of. Maybe itā€™s the sugar overindulgenceā€¦

Maybe Iā€™m just a sad sack and Iā€™ll always be a sad sack because sadness has been ingrained in me for decades and one year of sobriety isnā€™t gonna magically erase all that pain and trauma. Maybe itā€™s the looming one year thing fucking with my head.

Either way, Iā€™m here. Checking in. Sober.

I love you guys. Iā€™m sorry for being a sad sack of annoyance. Or something.


From a fellow sad sack just to say Iā€™m here with you. I understand totally the feeling of wanting to isolate and wondering why I canā€™t get out of a funk now Iā€™m sober. This made me smile when I saw it, I felt too seen!

Sending hugs :people_hugging:



Thank you! This actually made me laugh by myself on my sad sack sofa. Sad sacks unite. :heart:


Youā€™re by far not a sad sack and you are certainly not annoying @Amy30
You are fighting so hard and following your posts you had to deal with so much during the last month and you fought through all that and here you are 340 sober. Thatā€™s marvellous.
I know that feeling of just want to hide from the world very well too. Maybe you are just too exhausted und need to rest, but donā€™t isolate yourself.
Hope you find out what you need to work on your trauma and depressed feelings.

Sending love and strength Amy. Iā€™m proud of you :pray:


Not checked in for a while. So here goes day 226.


Sad sacks unite :fist: (but from a distance, without having to leave the house and actually deal with other people, obviously :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


Thank you for saying that, Anne. It means the world :heart:


Checking in Day 60)

2 months sober again! Pretty cool that :slight_smile:

So Iā€™m finally back in my own home after a looooong arsed week away working and I can feel the sobriety and calm setting in already. I definitely needed to come home for a bit. Iā€™m grateful to have been up there for a few days mind you. Gonna enjoy sleeping in my own bed tonight!


Day 185 Alcohol free

Iā€™m so triggered today. I just celebrated 6 months sober. I donā€™t feel like I will drink. A lot of trauma coming up around the holidays that I didnā€™t anticipate.
Just trying to make it through without relapsing. I think I will go to bed. Sleep well everyone.


Checking in
Day 674
Another clean and sober day in the books. Feeling pretty good overall. Had a busy morning but then was able to have a nap in the afternoon before picking up my son from the school bus. Tomorrow my son is staying home from school for an appt. Then him and I will head over to his Grade 2 Christmas concert in the evening. He has been viewing other grades concerts all this week and really enjoying them, so im excited to view his tmrw.

I finally finished all the wrapping. Glad thats done! All i have to do now for Christmas is make Nanaimo bars on friday. My husbands mom (who actually passed away Christmas morning many years ago) used to make them every Christmas. So this is a way we can keep her memory alive.

Hope everyone enjoys their day/evening! :butterfly:


My legs and arms are itching, tingling, jumping and shaking all at the same time. The urge and craving is very strong rn. Iā€™m literally fighting sleep just to see what happens. Iā€™m handling so much right now I need to be kind to myself more than I am. I need to allow myself to experience my emotions instead of cutting them away. Ive been intensely emotional lately. I cried hard after watching my sister crutch around the house. She was fineā€¦ Smiling, laughing. But for some reason it hurt me to see her walking. I want to know why my emotions are so or of control so that maybe I can fix the problem. I


Just going to be brutally honest and not give two shits.

I took on something more than I could handle yesterday night. Today was a full first day of it.

It killed me mentally and physically. Like complete burnout. Fucking pissed off but laying in bed in my pajamas at 7 pm crying like a baby who hasnā€™t been fed yet. Iā€™m not sure what the hell is going on but I made good decisions and Iā€™m proud of making them.

Instead of going out and driving in an aggravated, impatient, ignorant manner, I chose to turn around and come home after only getting a block away. Instead of holding in my feelings that I felt my wife was unsupportive and was also annoyed by me and how I was behaving because I was so burnt out, instead of recognizing that she showed me out the door to be rid of me. I know itā€™s not her responsibility to console me, but I would have appreciated a check in and discussion about what was going on rather than being seen as a nuisance and chasing me away.

As I collect myself and try to understand what is going on for me, I can sit here and share that I am sober and will remain sober.

I am grateful for meditation and mindfulness.