Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Checking in today. I’ve been busy with lots going on lately and It’s been several days since I was last on here. I’ll post a more extensive post later when I have more time.

I need to slow down and stay mindful…! :man_in_lotus_position:


It could be the time of year affecting your mood. The winter solstice is in 2 days. The shortest day of the year. The least amount of sunlight. SAD is beginning to kicking in for some. Last winter I started taking vitamin D and really noticed a difference. I just started again when I realized it was time. Might help :blush:



Almost weekend for me! After that I have to work the weekend proper, then I’m off the two days that Christmas lasts here. I really don’t care much. Christmas day I’ll have dinner with my sis and her two sons which is nice enough. And just enough too. Christmas dinners in the past always felt like something very obligatory and made with my dysfunctional family. I don’t miss it.

I feel for all my fellows and friends here who are having a hard time with the so called festive season. Please remember it will pass and we’re in this together. Tomorrow it’s the solstice and in the northern hemisphere we’ll be returning to lighter and brighter days slowly but surely. One day at a time as in all.

And please don’t forget it’s all lies that our own addict’s voices are whispering in our ears. That using or drinking will make it easier and will make us forget, or deal, or enjoy. It would only make it so much worse. Never again. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Much love to you all.



Didn’t sleep that well. I should’ve moved around more today instead of trying to rest. Like Denise Austin says “you rest, you rust” I feel rusty. But I did do the laundry and half the dishes before my hands started to hurt. I can’t wait to give my hands a break from constant washing and no lotion while I’m at work. They look 20 years older in the winter.

I keep putting off finishing up my Christmas shopping and wrapping things. I wanted to get ahead this year but procrastination is winning. It’ll get done…when it has to :roll_eyes:

I just remembered I went shopping today and there’s good snacks! Gonna have a little something before bed :smirk: Oh, and figure out where to move the elf. I keep forgetting until it’s time to go to bed. I have to keep the magic alive! I think she knows it’s me but it’s fun. Have a great day/night :heart:

  • 15 days away from alcohol
  • 21 years away from partydrugs
  • 19 years away from weed (despite a trial 3 - years ago of cbd dominant stuff)
  • 15 years away from nicotine

I struggled a lot yesterday. But my head kissed the pillow sober anyway! Now I am happy.

Few days ago I thought about a few other addictions I survived and am constantly absence from.

Happy sober day :heart:


18 days in the bank.
Went to the gym this morning. Then spent the day with the kids before heading back to the gym for my daughter’s training.
Avoided getting drinks in a couple situations that i had developed a habit of picking up.
Again less thoughts of drinking today than in the previous weeks, maybe only a couple of instances where it crossed my mind and i was able to instantly dimiss them.
Seeing out another sober evening

Stay the course everyone.


Last few days before Christmas. Presents are all done. Cooking is delegated :wink:. This whole anticipation makes me nervous.
My cravings are slowly subsiding. I don’t think about food all the time. It’s not even that life in itself is so much better. But I am better. Less insanity, less confusion.
I feel very sorry for myself today. Maybe this will subside.
Looking forward to a nice walk.


What is an option to consider is buying a daylight lamp @Amy30, @Dilettante and @Just_Laura .
You use it in the morning to get started with daylight to stop the melatonine production en get more active. It helps with winter depression.


Wow I’m so sorry, you must have been really stressed out! Glad you made it through sober :pray:
Hope today will be a tad better. Maybe talk to the Mrs once you feel calm and neutral enough?
Your name fits you really well btw! :lotus:


*Day 1918 :walking_woman:
For the first time in my entire live I quit a walk and asked for someone to pick me up.
I consider that as a good thing, because I asked for help :blush:
It was pouring rain yesterday but I still followed my plan to walk the 7 km (4,3 miles) to a friend in the hospital. Went away in rainclothes but arrived cold and wet in the hospital.
At my way home it sucks big time (so much rain) so at 2 km from home (1,3 miles) I decided it was enough.

Today? Work and going to decline that job offer.
A bit anxious about that conversation :blush:
But tonight it’s all behind me…
Have a good day all! :raising_hand_woman:


Thanks Naomi.

I’m doing much better now but tomorrow is also a new day filled with the same stresses. Hoping for a better day and going to try to plan better.





I am really sorry, burnout is really difficult and horrible to feel like you can’t just be. I hope today is a better day :pray:


Morning all, checking in on Day 97.

I am a lot less tired and a lot more positive today. I am determined to have a good last couple of days at work and then protect my days before Christmas, so that I can be fully present and make the time in enjoyable. It is strange as the kids get older, the magic isn’t quite there, but equally I love the age they are and people they are becoming.

Thank you @Mno as your words really resonated. @Amy30 so much of what you said made sense to me too, I am totally with you.

Wishing everyone peace over this solstice and festive time.


So sorry to hear you’re struggling @DanaM56
Hope you can work on those triggers and fight them back.
And massive congratulations on your 6 months milestone Dana!!! That’s a big deal :kissing_heart:

Keep on fighting the good fight and have a nice sober Wednesday :pray:


Day 179. Full of cold and coughs. Woke up at 7.55 for an 8am start. So looking forward to finishing this Thursday for five days. Full of lemsip now :slight_smile:


Checking in. I gambled $5 yesterday. Stupid move. I was out looking for a new car and stopped to get something to drink and threw $5 into a slot. Doesnt seem like much but the urge to withdrawl $100 and keep playing was real.

Back to day 0 with gambling but still clean from alcohol, weed and acting out. Maybe il try counting the days again until i reach 100 or something. Have a good day


@Mischa84 your mother-in-law sounds like a right nightmare. Sending you virtual strenght to deal with the next few days ahead. I do think the language barrier is a blessing in disguise here, tho. Trust me, her not being able to berate you with all the words she wants is incredibly frustrating for her.

When my family says anything remotely offensive to and about my husband I just smile and refuse to translate just to watch them squirm while trying to figure out how to say it in English. If brings me a small portion of petty joy.

@SoberWalker SAD lights are a great idea, but I couldn’t find them anywhere around here. Not even online. But then again, I tend to wake up at 11ish and by that time there’s plenty of daylight out. :joy_cat:

@Just_Laura thank you for the idea! I’ll grab some vitamin D supplements today and hopefully it will help a little.

@Dilettante your idea of socializing (at home, without any people) is… pretty much how I do it too. :joy_cat:

Day 340. (Last night I posted after midnight, so now its the day of 340)

I gotta do Xmas shopping today. I’m trying to think of a way to get everyone a little something without spending too much. Maybe a fridge magnet with my dog’s face on it? :grin:

Nah, that’s too tacky. Ok… I’ll figure something out.


Day 5 I’d definitely harder. I think it’s because I’m feeling so good. Friday was the last time I drank and 9 days before that was the last time I drank before that but. When I drink I can’t sleep,so I tend to take a few days to catch up with my sleep, but when I do that’s when the cravings start. Determined not to drink today,I’ll check in later to let you guys know how I’ve done.


You can do it!!!