Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

If you are on day 1, 1000 or 10,000 thank you.

I dont check in daily here, but pass by often and read.

This is the page & peeps that helped get me and keeps me sober.





Just passed 6 months. I feel a lot healthier lately but I feel like Iā€™m stressed out and anxious all the time. I donā€™t know if my brain is still recalibrating but Iā€™m tired of the mind struggles. Iā€™m doing relatively well I shouldnā€™t feel this way. Anyways, thanks for letting me share.


Checking in
Day 675
Been another busy morning. Got alot accomplished plus by sons medical appt. Im getting ready now for his Christmas concert. I actually feel pretty anxious about it. Im feeling quite overstimulated already and it hasnt even happened yet. Almost like im predicting it. Going places with a medical child involves a bit of planning. Its doable of course but like I said involves planning and preparation. Hoping all goes well this evening and we have fun (and stay healthy). Hope everyone is doing well today! I will catch up on the reading shortly :butterfly:


She cancelled the appointment because she was sick :blush:


Weird that i was juat thinking about setting a timer for 100 days and then randomly came across that thread. I love the idea. Thanks for your kind words :pray:


Day 179. Full of lemsip and now my nose wonā€™t stop runningā€¦ Great! Coughing and spluttering to 180 days when I wake up :slight_smile:


Grateful to you for being a constant here, and in my sober life my friend. Very much alive for me. Congrats on every sober day. :people_hugging:


Day 1097,

First time I went to an activity to learn some new people. I was nervous but it went fine. Played some pool with 8 people I never met. It is via an app, will be planning some more things in the near future, there are all kind of things, theater, bowling, walks, game nights etc. Planning it will give some things to look forward to. Out of the isolation step by step. There was a nice woman as well, thatā€™s my addict mind a bit. But there was some attraction :grimacing:.



Nice to check in and read you are making steps away from isolation and meeting new people @Rob11 I think I need to take inspiration from you. Maybe in the new year as Christmas etc will involve enough socialising for me.
Congratulations @Barber508 on 100 days :tada:
I hope your move out of state goes well tomorrow @Alden ,sending positive vibes your way :dizzy:

Checking in on day 148 tired but happy.
I did the usual ā€˜too nervous to sleepā€™ thing last night before my first day at my new job but, despite me being knackered, it went really well. They seem a nice (small) team of people and I think I will pick up the new systems and software quickly enough. Iā€™m going to struggle sitting at a desk 9-5, but the slower pace means I should still have some energy for life after work, which is what itā€™s all about :blush:


Thank you !!! :pray:


You should let your counselor know this as it is part of their duty to make sure there is enough time for you to come down from this high state of emotions to regulate yourself before leaving their office.

Letting them know this will allow them to adjust how theyā€™re treating you.

Remember youā€™re their boss. They are there to work for you and your needs.


Hey everyone. I donā€™t typically check in on this thread, and I probably wonā€™t in the future either, but I figured Iā€™d drop a line. Life has been very busy for me. Iā€™m not exactly sober (as in not sober). I go a month or two between relapses, maybe three if Iā€™m doing well. Itā€™s difficult. Sometimes I can go from feeling 100% sober to relapse in the course of an hour. Then Iā€™m left thinking what in the world just happened.

Iā€™m trying to use my lifelines that Iā€™ve established in the past. One of those will be trying to post on here more regularly. Iā€™ve always enjoyed doing the research to find topics for the Mind Blowing Random Thoughts thread (you can look it up on your own, not going through the effort to link it). Iā€™ll try to keep that up, since Iā€™ve heard from people that itā€™s been helpful to new users. At least on weekdays, when Iā€™m at work. Weekends are too busy.

Anyway, I havenā€™t forgotten about all of you. Youā€™re an amazing community and I really appreciate many of you (too many to list, present and moved on).


Hey guys checking in on day 99. So you know what that means? It means tomorrow this fuckin counter wil never be at double digits again. I really canā€™t say enough about the IOP program I went to, and the people there that helped me. Totally changed my outlook on alcohol, and sobriety, and living sober and avoiding relapse. Itā€™s still just about today though and dealing with tomorrow when it gets here. Have a great day guys


Day 3, just checking in and saying hi :wave:


Day 7!!! 1 week!!!

Today has been hard. My twin sister is breaking off her engagement to her fiance and it breaks my heart to watch her heart break. I love her so much, I hate seeing her this way. Sheā€™s hurting and I feel like I canā€™t help and I hate that.

Update: sheā€™s home. Not really responsive to any of us. Itā€™s hard to watch her this way. I feel the need to take care of her. Guys Iā€™m falling apart. Iā€™ve cried a bunch since she got home. Sheā€™s really acting weird and Iā€™m afraid for her.


Loads of days sober check inā€¦ Went to work the other day and ended the night in hospital having a brain scan which was a bit unexpected. I seem to have so many things a matter with me health wise at the moment but imagine if I was still drinking and taking drugs. 1, would my body take it. 2, would the staff at the hospital be so happy to help someone who is clearly killing himself anyway. 3, would I even ask for help bc having another drink usually cures everything anyway.
Blessed to be focused.
One day at a time.


Aww man thatā€™s rough. I hope you feel better soon


Congrats on a month SAF :+1:


Checking in on day 922. Dr bumped up the sertraline dose letā€™s see how that goes. Darkness of winter comes and goes. Itā€™s best to take each moment sober.