Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

*Day 1920 :walking_woman:
Whatā€™s the story about a conversation with a joboffer I was nervous about? It didnā€™t happen, the area manager called in sick.
So to be continuedā€¦
Started the day with my new daylight lamp in the hope it helps with my winter depression.
Tomorrow I meet my coach for the first time. We have a walk and talk in a forrest an half an houre biking away. The weatherforecast says: rain, lotā€™s of it! :face_vomiting:

Plan for today: be in the now, instead of yesterday ore tomorrow.
And working ofcourse! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Have a good day all :raising_hand_woman:


@Dolse71 I hope there is nothing to worry about? Hope you are ok?


Day 180. I think itā€™s man fluā€¦ Actually my wife has pneumonia and I know itā€™s not as bad as that but I feel pretty pants. But I will be OK I reckon by the weekend.


Checking in sober. Itā€™s been a busy few days. Yesterday was my last day at my job so Iā€™ve been training my replacement and wrapping up projects. Iā€™m off work til I start my new job January 2nd. I fly up to my momā€™s tomorrow for Christmas. Today will be busy with laundry, packing, cleaning, etc. It all hasnā€™t sunk in yet. Taking everything O(F)DAAT.


97 daysā€¦racking them up. :muscle:
Found out yesterday that I do owe some money to insurance company and will go on a payment plan for it. I no longer kicking myself for making a mistake, but instead trying to just let it go.


@pica Thank you for checking in and sharing your amazing news with us. 2 years sober is amazing. Keep going strong :muscle:
@sabrina80 sorry that your sleep is still all over the place. Hope the staying away and resetting your internal clock helps. Happy Badge Anniversary ā€“ 1 year with TS :heart: Love having you here on my journey with me.
@catmancam oh that sounds like a awful experience Cam. Totally unprofessional of them. Grateful that hair grows back quickly. I am sorry about your flashbacks and nightmares. Those cats are lifesavers. We are here if you need some support friend. You are not alone. I do hope the panic goes away for you soon. :people_hugging:
@timetochange oh man the flue sucks and pneumonia is dreadful. Wishing you both a quick and healthy recovery.
@soberwalker I am excited for your walk with your coach tomorrow ā€“ I do hope the rain does not get in the way of this.

Checking in on Thursday morningā€¦
Slept great when i finally got to bed. Unfortunately the alarm went off way too quickly afterwards. :laughing: It will be a long day today. I do hope i am ready for it. Just have to take baby steps and remember that i can set my own pace. Excited for my treatment tonight - i do feel better afterwards. Today in a few hours i will hit my 1 year milestone. Very excited about this - hasnā€™t fully sunk in LOL. I am proud of how far iā€™ve come and excited for celebrating so many more milestones ahead.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Iā€™m sorry youā€™re struggling with the same type of crud I am. It had not occurred to me about the wildfire smoke! We got it bad several times this year. Iā€™m glad you mentioned it. Hope we all get over this soon.


Good to see you and major congrats on your 2 years!


Thank youā€¦


Hey all, checking in on day 1285. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in on day 162. Happy winter solstice, all.


Just checking in. Have a wonderful day everyone!


Day 200 AF.
Iā€™m in good spirits today. After getting the kids up for school I got myself ready for my hairdressing appointment. On the way back I picked up the last of the gifts that I needed to get so thatā€™s one aspect of Christmas sorted. Iā€™ve just taken the bus down to the big supermarket to stock up on AF drinks and the chicken that Iā€™ll be roasting on Christmas Day. And I got two big bags of nuts :chestnut:
One thing Iā€™m noticing is the smell of booze on the odd person here and there. Last night the woman next to me at the concert smelled of red wine. Quite a strong smell, and to think I always used to smell like that.
Anyway, wishing everyone an addiction free day.


I hate that smell now itā€™s so gross! Especially at the theatre or cinemaā€¦ Why would you drink?


0ā€¦ no cbd thc or hemp

Just checking in
I got to try something different

It was mostly cbd but still woke up exhausted


Day 1,287 clean and sober. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 2357 chrismas thing at work. Makes me nervous :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Checking in for day 150.


Awe I LOVE IT!! What a beautiful butterfly picture! Thanks for thinking of me Bill :grinning:


You can do it Lola, maybe itā€™s even fun :blush:
And if not leave anyhow?