Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

I don’t usually post in the daily thread as I can’t keep up but today seemed like a good day to remind myself how much has changed.
Life still happens but today I won’t drink :heart:


Congrats on 1700 days that’s amazing!


Congrats on your almost 4 years! That’s so incredible. Merry Christmas, happy holidays to you too!!!


Just checking in. Day 163.


Hello :crescent_moon:
Day 1 again… I was lazy and I couldn’t go on with the walking habit the last 2 days …but today I decided that I wouldn’t give up the positive things I want to have … so I walked 8k steps up till now :rabbit2::star2::yellow_heart:
Anyways… have a warm day or night :coffee::open_book::heart:


Day 797 AF

What’s up, sober fam.

Catching up on the threads. Been busy with the holidays and all. Drove up to my staff meeting and gift exchange last Thursday. Didn’t do much Friday, I had a disturbing drinking dream that night. Took me a minute to shake it off. Did some Xmas shopping Saturday. Watched holiday movies with the kiddos Sunday. Nothing much this week. Working, going for walks, watched the Elf movie for the first time. It’s a half day today, off by noon, and then the 4 day holiday weekend.

I hope everyone’s doing well. Take care.



226 no alcohol
157 no ciggs or vapes
1 no form of pot (cbd thc hemp)

Lets keep going up
We got this


Thank you Alden.
Glad you found us.


Day 187. I’m going to force myself to get out of the house today. I need to stop dwelling on negative things. As soon as the holidays are over I am going to find a therapist. I can’t do it on my own anymore.

I hope you guys have a good day today.


Hi @Naomi truthfully the whole story wasn’t provided when they came asking. They put alot of pressure stating that they needed a provider immediately due to their current situation. It was a similar situation when we cared for their older 4 siblings. They were far from the description they provided when they asked us to care for them. We pushed through doing everything we could and made a tremendous impact for them in every way. They gained over 20 lbs in a month here.

It’s also tough to say no.


20 days in the bank.
Last night my 20 days sober ticked over. I didn’t post as i was out fishing with some mates. Would have usually been a situation that I would have drank. Waking up sober and have a couple fish in the fridge.
Have a xmas party for one of my wifes friends. They’re not big drinkers. But there will be drinks.
I will not drink today, and I’ll be checking in later in the evening when my 21 days ticks over.

Have a great day everyone


I can relate to this. So many restarts. The mental gymnastics that my brain would perform to justify getting back on the drink. Days I would decide todays the day day I stop only to be drinking by lunchtime.
The fact we keep trying and have the desire to quit shows we are strong.
Focus on the good of those 17 days. We were at similar time sober and in this time life has gotten a lot better.
One day or day one
Keep pushing foward. You’ve got this.


Checking in on day 269

Clean and sober!!!




Day 181 second check in. Just missing my kids. June 2020 I was in the peak district having a final row with my ex wife at the time and I just knew it was either stay for good or leave and that leaving was likely to cause alot of pain too.

(see other post my wife is having an affair)

It was like a crappy moment in a film where u have to choose to just stay or go knowing it will utterly change your trajectory. I don’t regret it. It has tho saddened me how life throws such hard cross roads at times.


@Fireweed and @BJM congratulations on 1,900 and 1,700 days :slightly_smiling_face:. Keep on paving the way for rookies like myself :wink:


Day 19
I like the everyday check-in, because it makes me reflect on the day. But today there was nothing much to reflect on :slight_smile:
Made some beef stew for Sunday. Tomorrow I make another (different) one because, why not.

Have a good one folks!


Really struggled today, had a lot of cravings. Have battled with myself for most of the damned day as an internal monologue. Just tried my best to hold it all in and get over it. We just watched Saltburn (very good movie, but we guessed what was happening quite soon) and had a Turkish takeaway (Ezme salad, grilled kofte, tabbouleh, hummus, salad, breads) and two pints of water. Will go to bed soon, lol it’s just after nine pm!

It’s so hard, had a stressful day. Our food order for our Christmas meal didn’t arrive today and as it’s perishable it is ruined now and won’t come. Was a bit frustrating to be honest as they said I refused the delivery, but the picture was at the wrong address :sob: . I also worked today so when I finished it was a bit triggering. That would be when the party used to start in full swing…

I’ve made it through the first day of :christmas_tree: as far as I’m concerned, sober. I’m worried though guys as I fell quite weak. :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:




That made my mouth water. It’s been sooo long since I’ve had homemade stew!


